Backup software with this capability


Limp Gawd
Jul 10, 2004
My system currently has 2 harddrives in it. 1 is a 74gb raptor and the other is a 320gb seagate. What I want to do is get a 400gb drive and put it in an external enclosure. The 400gb drive will contain 2 images that will be updated nightly. The first image will be of the 74gb drive and the second image will be of the 320gb drive.

My question: Is there backup software that can automate this process of creating the 2 images every night at a specific time? If so, will the image contain partitions that cannot be seen by windows? Specifically, the 74gb drive has Windows XP and Ubuntu installed on it. Will the imaging software be able to see the ubuntu partition and add it to the image?

I've used Acronis before but I'm not sure if it is capable of all this. Thanks.
Pretty sure both Acronis Trueimage and Norton Ghost can do this.
Thanks. From the descriptions it looked like this was possible I just wanted to make sure.