“Avengers: Infinity War” Posts All-Time Record Opening of $250M


Aug 20, 2006
Avengers: Infinity War is now the record holder for biggest domestic opening, having earned $250M over the weekend. The previous record was held by Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which opened at $247.96M. Infinity War has also managed to set a new global record, with $630M at the international box office.

AMC reports that Avengers: Infinity War had the highest Friday and Saturday box office gross for a single title in AMC’s 98-year history. Three of the circuit’s locations around the country played the movie for 24 hours, without ever closing (AMC Lincoln Square and AMC Fresh Meadows in NYC; Navy Pier IMAX at AMC in Chicago).
Good night that was the best comic book movie. Ever!!!! I collected comics in the 70s and 80s and these Marvel directors had to also! Need to see this at least 3 more times!!!
One of the first comics I picked up was Silver surfer right before the Infinity War happened.

Wow, that's a huge ass opening. It's enough to pay for many a blockbusters whole cost.
it had to be big. All those "big names" in one film requires a return.

I saw it yesterday and it is worth it.
Saw the movie last night. By far the best Marvel movie IMO! Gotta give Josh Brolin props. He played Thanos well!
they already have a cam version of it on KODI... Movie is to damn long. after an hour and 1/2 got bored... the first Avenger's movie was better.
Wife and I went and saw it last night in 3d. Theater was packed, maybe only of the first 2 rows by the screen were empty. Overall we both really enjoyed it. 3d was awesome. Not much pop-out(the norm) but the depth and clarity were incredible. For us it was more of a full circle thing since the 1st Avengers 3d was the first movie we saw with the newer tech back in the day. It triggered me to go out and buy a lot of equipment the next day. We barely noticed it was nearly 3 hours since 10 minutes in and things started rolling. Sure there's a number of plot holes but definitely the most ambitious effort I've seen since Lord of the Rings in terms of number of characters.

Over all not a fan of this story-line. This was around the time marvel decided to regularly hold annual crossover stories of some epic thing or another and shortly after that the buyouts and reboots. It was also around the time I decided to quit buying/reading and sold my last collection. I actually feel this movie does a better job than those original comics. My only real complaint is that originally Thanos worshiped death and wanted to kill all, not half. This half thing is kind of half-baked but I do gotta give credit to Josh Brolin for his efforts on the character.
Was it a better story than Twilight?

edit: TBH, better story, meh. Just incredible eye candy and you know how they say that'll rot your brain. Just look at whats happened to me.
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Darn pirates. Just imagine how much they could have made!
Seriously, I think the wife & I might try to catch this next weekend. I have liked most of the Marvel movies over the last 10 years.
Not surprised, it was honestly a rather excellent movie. Miles better than ultron.
Sorry excellent and Hollywood blockbuster movies just don't go in the same sentence... I mean i love different types of fast food... I don't know if excellence would be a description they deserve though.
Sorry excellent and Hollywood blockbuster movies just don't go in the same sentence... I mean i love different types of fast food... I don't know if excellence would be a description they deserve though.

I call it, well done. Too bad the Silver Surfer couldn't be there.
Saw it on Friday, caught a 2D noon showing. Mostly meh, and for sure needed about 30 minutes edited out, but worth the $9 ticket in a fairly empty theater that hadn't gotten it's daily dose of sticky on yet.

Best part? Giant Dwarf Dinklage.
Two words. Reality Stone. And one more word: Marvel.
Yea but still, kids were leaving the theater crying cause their favorite character died. Doing this could have hurt Marvels future movies as well. But, this makes for a good drama, and more importantly a good movie. But yes the Reality Stone will bring everyone back which is a convenient plot device.
Someone beat me to it, imagine the take had it not been for pirates. ;-)

Good movies rake it in, crap is crap.
And it still has no hope of knocking Avatar off the all-time box office top. It would be sweet if it could, though, given Cameron's recent comments.
Yea but still, kids were leaving the theater crying cause their favorite character died. Doing this could have hurt Marvels future movies as well. But, this makes for a good drama, and more importantly a good movie. But yes the Reality Stone will bring everyone back which is a convenient plot device.

Kenobi. Solo. I could go on, but the list of dead "favorites" in Disney (and other) film series franchises is pretty long. Doesn't seem to hurt business, and of course being a Marvel property, dead doesn't mean dead. Ever.
I feel for those with fatigue with these movies. We usually only go to one a year, if that but did enjoy this one. None of the movies are deep, just fun for us. Same formula comics have been using for nearly a century. I've been thinking for awhile about the obvious successes with Marvel(and failures). Whether the 'critical/professional' reviews that shred them or the average joe's that go either way it remains obvious that someone is going to see them else these numbers wouldn't exist.

In the early 2000's we saw the resurgence of the trend of taking book series to movie franchises. Some we're immensely successful which caused movie exec's to scramble and flood the market. Many failed. Lesson learned was that a certain amount of quality in relation to the source material had to be maintained. It also helps when you don't completely butcher a large story into a single movie(Dark Tower), and pick something that's got 30-60 years of a fan base. Disney has mostly done that and stayed committed to it, although I totally admit they screwed up John Carter.

Movies like Blade Runner 2049 and many, many others can fail for a number of reasons that aren't always easily explained and I saw the original in the theater as a kid and can tell you it wasn't packed then either. Sometimes it's poor marketing. Sometimes they think they can bank on a cult audience but often those are niche demo-graphs. Sometimes just a poorly chosen release date. There can be a lot of reasons a movie can flop not relating to the movie itself. I know one thing for sure, I'm pretty fed up with directors like Cameron, Nolan, and Bay trying to act like they've somehow reinvented the wheel and their shite always comes off smelling like roses because it's 'artistic'. It's often said that doing something because you love doing it is its own reward. If that's the case then those that choose there art above all else shouldn't be so upset when they're part of the small crowd that also enjoys it. I very much remember the hell of the 80's to 2008 with comic t.v./movies. Me and my friends often dreamed of how it could be but wasn't. Now, I admit we're reaching the too much of a good thing but even this movie shows there's still a ways till the bubble bursts.

On a side note I did find it hilarious to read how Disney pulled Last Jedi from China. Not for anything political, but because Star Wars never took off there from day one and hasn't done so since. Another example of knowing the audience your trying to sell to.
This. Meanwhile actual good movies like Blade Runner 2049 fail at the box office.

Blade Runner 2049 was garbage on an epic scale.

Comic book movies are garbage, so many mouth breathers continue to pay for this crap month after month tho that they'll never stop pooping out these movies.

Footloose? Aliens? Might be better movies for your viewing pleasure...
Saw it last night. I am a believer in genre fatigue, but I admit I was surprised - there was some depth of thought to this movie, there was some real humor, there was a good tie-in between all the characters and the plot line, and surprisingly they had a crazy/not crazy bad guy. I loved the closing shot.

The only thing I didn't like was Peter Dinkler. I'm not sure why.