Audio problems, troubleshooting help requested


Limp Gawd
May 5, 2007
I'll try to keep this short.

I've been having some odd audio problems lately, mostly surrounding my microphone. I have a SoundBlaster X-Fi HD usb sound solution. I have found that the microphone will not function properly unless I unplug the usb cable, wait a few seconds, then replug it into the computer. This is usually after letting the computer sit dormant for an hour or so, but I have had to do it occasionally right after booting into Windows.

According to my sound panel in Control Panel, the microphone is attached correctly. The sound output is either absolutely nothing (with the mic picking up no sound whatsoever) or a screeching, screaming blast that sounds like a digital signal output. There seems to be no rhyme or reason about what the sound output is going to be, it's either one or the other. Unplugging and replugging the microphone makes no difference, it must be the usb cable to the box.

This has been duplicated with two headset/mic combos (CL fatality headset, JVC HARX700/Zalman mic) and with no CL drivers or an install of the drivers only. This has been duplicated with three usb cables. A clean install of Windows makes no difference.

I'd hate for it to be the X-Fi, but I'm afraid that's what it is. Sigh.
Addendum: I can't hear the screeching/screaming blast sound on my end unless I turn on "Listen to Mic" in the control panel. All audio sounds normal to me at all times. My guildmates are usually the ones to tell me when it's gone batshit with the blast (usually by kicking me from the channel, then messaging me about it. Can't say that I blame them.)