ASUS MX239H vs BenQ XL2410T


Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2007
its IPS vs 120Hz. lately ive been doing alot of design work so I want an IPS. Thoughts of which panel I should buy?

I own the benq but colors are dull

Budget is $300
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its IPS vs 120Hz. lately ive been doing alot of design work so I want an IPS. Thoughts of which panel I should buy?
I own the benq but colors are dull
Budget is $300
Go TN for fast gaming...
If you get 24" sized 120 Hz, I advise you to stick to either the BENQ XL2411T or the ASUS VG248QE because they both supports LightBoost, a strobe backlight that eliminates motion blur (for 2D, not just useful for 3D). If staying with BENQ, get the XL2410T, get the 2411T. It can be imported fairly cheaply from and can be had for about $300 USD during one of their sales or you can buy a VG248QE which is available in your price range ... Unlike plain 120 Hz LCD's which only reduces motion blur by 50% (2x clearer motion than 60 Hz), the use of 120 Hz LightBoost LCD reduces motion blur by as much as 92% (CRT-quality; 12x clearer motion than 60 Hz). For gaming specifically, it is notable that a popular forum member here, Vega, prefers his LightBoost 3-monitor surround setup over his Catleap 2B 120 Hz IPS for gaming because the image sharpness is over 10x sharper during fast-motion (lack of common LCD motion blur). If you want sharpest quality during fast moving images (with pans as perfectly clear as stationary images), nothing on the market beats the motion-synchronized-strobe-backlight monitors (LightBoost). You do need a powerful GPU, as it works best at fps=Hz, and refresh rates LightBoost works at are very high (100Hz-120Hz) requiring 100+fps for best effect.

Go IPS for design work....
However, if you're doing lots more design work, you may wish to stick to IPS. Design work is usually static images (or video), and lots of user interfaces that you need a big Windows Desktop on. I steer you to try to save to ~$350-400 and purchase one of the Korean 60Hz 2560x1440p 27" IPS displays. They are great for PhotoShop and design work, but have too much motion blur for serious competition FPS gaming (Even the 120 Hz Catleap's still have too much motion blur). Go with what puts money on your table, however -- more money for upgrades and other things in life.
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I'd like to get the Korean monitor but afraid of it dying or having dead pixels. Also don't you have to buy a power converter since its Korean for it to work in North America?