Assassin's Creed: Origins' New Combat System Detailed


Aug 20, 2006
IGN has provided a look at Assassin’s Creed: Origins’ brand-new combat system, which was supposedly inspired by Dark Souls and other similar third-person action titles: the game will feature a light and heavy attack, which players can use to create combos, while dodge, shield, and parry maneuvers can be utilized to defend against enemy attacks. These actions will ultimately build up an adrenaline meter that will allow for special, powerful attacks. Also detailed are the optional gladiator arenas, where players can challenge unique bosses.
I like what I see, but then I see numbers popping off of characters, and arbitrary stats on weapons. You're not an assassin, you're a loot-and-stab RPG character pretending to be an assassin.
Like Dark Souls, huh? Yeah... I'm not buying that (both literally and figuratively).
This looks awful. Completely awful. I can't wait to do 1337 damage to enemies, that'll immerse me real good.

I'm so glad the people who made Black Flag went out and made a pirate game. Every other AC from BF forward has been utter shit.
the hitbox based combat system is definitely a major step up...still looks like the same ole AC though in a new setting
Was initially unimpressed. After seeing this, I'm a little intrigued I guess.

As long as there aren't any micro transactions I'll give it a shot.
Am I weird for not liking any of the combat systems past AC2?
I just didn't enjoy fighting in AC3, and like Alia said I want to be an assassin not a number cruncher. Is this new system Ubisoft just being lazy and making everything an open-world number boosting game?
This looks awful. Completely awful. I can't wait to do 1337 damage to enemies, that'll immerse me real good.

I'm so glad the people who made Black Flag went out and made a pirate game. Every other AC from BF forward has been utter shit.

This is the Black Flag group. They were given the project because of the success of BF since AC needed a revitalization.

I like the idea of the new combat system versus the old animation driven one, but I question the neon swipes and the flying numbers. Hope that shit can be turned off.
I think I like this a lot. AC has too long relied on a combat system that bordered on quicktime events irregardless of what you actually saw onscreen. This opens up a lot more possibilities, but also a lot more room to be clumsy, too. The last two Witcher games essentially worked like this and they were universally seen as weakpoints for for the games. Yet you also have plenty of other games that do these things well, like Dark Souls and the various knock offs.
From the 30 minutes or so of gameplay I watched awhile back it looked fine. That said I am still way behind in AC games and probably won't be playing this one for 15 - 20 years. Still need to beat 3, and BF, then go buy the other games and let them sit in my library for 4 - 5 years each...
This looks exactly like DA:I combat wise, and that was utter garbage. The only bearable classes in it were the ranged ones.

And while we're at it, why not make enemies drop marbles when hit? I'm sure that would break immersion even more easily.