Apple Sued Over Siri

I generally enjoy Apple products, but the Siri commercials are definitely disingenuous and inaccurate. Also, the Siri service is down half the time. Apparently they can't scale the service well, which is probably the reason for its omission in the new iPad.
I think the key issue here is that with stuff like Scrubbing Bubbles and whatever other goofy commercials there are, they ultimately show the item doing what it's supposed to do, in that case cleaning a surface. Which it does. In the Apple Siri commercials, they show people using the product "as intended" and the result shown is entirely different than what reality is. That is false advertising, IMO. If Dell showed a computer booting up in 3 seconds and playing BF3 at 100 FPS with like a GT 240, without any sort of disclaimer, wouldn't that be false advertising? Same situation here IMO.
I find it funny that in America, we can sue over the stupidest of things. I love how apple gets sued over things like attenaegate, battery issues, ipods going on fire and the list goes on...for consumer settlement claims. The consumers aren't the ones complainings, its the thinktank and pocket linings of the lawyers that go up in arms with pitchforks.
I love the people defending Apple. Talk about blind devotion.

More like the opposite. If this were ANY other company, most comments would read something like: "What a useless lawsuit", but because it's apple, people like you, blind to your own hatred of them, actually, truly think, that this is a legitimate lawsuit. Now THAT is the sad part.