Apple: Only 9 Customers Have Complained About 'Bendgate'

^ LMAO, sorry man, not laughing at you, just the shitty product.
I can drop my standard cell phone from 30 feet and it will still work.

"Smart"phones, I love it. :rolleyes: :D

The main reason to have a smart phone is the time savings of being able to do various tasks on the road. Nothing wrong with a basic phone if the only needs you have are serviced by said device. My most recent smartphone is the first one I have dropped, while not from 30 feet it has handled a few 5 foot falls easily enough. I have also seen regular phone break from 5 foot drops so it is really luck. Yes the larger the screen the more likely for damage.

Personally I think the main mistake is trying to make the phone "the thinest phone in the world" @ release. All phones are thin enough lets just remove that checkbox requirement:) The problem was simply the phone was not tested in jean pockets as who wears skinny jeans and places a large phone in their pocket:)

Not that I have any apple phones, but design flaws are normal. My Samsung phones wifi is dramatically worse then most smartphones due to design issues. It happens. People just like it when Apple products are fond to have flaws because their brand loyal customers are so fun to tease:)
haha, grats on getting me to click the link on the repair kit. You got me good on that one. Probably would have been better if it was a Rick 'Roll'.
Based on Apple previously giving out cases for the antennagate issue they should give out purses to fix this bend issue. Problem solved.
With $170 billion in liquidity, I sure as hell would.
If I were in charge of Apple, I would say, "We have enough money, this isn't about that any more. Let's give our loyal customers something really special from now on, cost be damned. Also, give all of our Chinese/Asian workers raises and better living conditions, they've more than earned it."

But no, Apple is an evil, greedy, POS mega-corp which only has one stupid fucking goal: make more money. :rolleyes:

You have ZERO clue how a corporation works do you? They aren't charities.

They don't have Chinese/Asian workers. Those are a completely different company. A company in which Samsung uses in mass also but yet Apple is the only one you get butthurt over.
As much as I love to hate on Apple. This bend shit is stupid. All phones bend.
You have ZERO clue how a corporation works do you? They aren't charities.

They don't have Chinese/Asian workers. Those are a completely different company. A company in which Samsung uses in mass also but yet Apple is the only one you get butthurt over.

When they have $170+ billion in liquidity, that's not being a charity, that's giving back to their loyal customers and fan-base.
But no, they simply exist to make more money. :rolleyes:

Seriously, how much is enough?
They're going to continue to screw everyone over just to make more money?

As Kyle says, vote with your wallet, and I've definitely voted... no to Apple! :p
Only 9 customers have complained, the other 250k requested replacements politely.
None of my friends who have upgraded have bent theirs. I have seen some of the stupid things that people do to their phones. They don't treat them like a $500 investment, that is for sure!
When they have $170+ billion in liquidity, that's not being a charity, that's giving back to their loyal customers and fan-base.
But no, they simply exist to make more money. :rolleyes:

Seriously, how much is enough?
They're going to continue to screw everyone over just to make more money?

As Kyle says, vote with your wallet, and I've definitely voted... no to Apple! :p

Wait what? There is only one goal and its to make money, no for profit organization ever said to themselves "We have enough lets not make anymore." You think Samsung gives a shit about their customers or workers for that matter? They only care when its counter productive to their goal of making money. Samsung has more money than Apple you dont see them giving back to their customers, you dont see them making all metal and glass phones because why? Profit margins drop and they make less money, why do you think Samsung makes almost all of their top end phones 99% plastic? You dont see Samsung life insurance give everyone free life insurance because they made billions and its time to give back, no they actively try to screw their customers and not pay our life insurance, Samsung also actively hides it's wealth from the South Korean Government. They are not any better than Apple, by comparison they are far worse.

Companies exist to make money, so they can pay their executives, shareholders, and workers more not so they can give back to customers and lose money. I still cant tell if you are trolling, being sarcastic or you really believe this.
^ Exactly why they (CEOs, board of directors, primary stakeholders) are evil.
^ Exactly why they (CEOs, board of directors, primary stakeholders) are evil.

Just a quick question, you probably work for a for profit organization right? What if your company decided to not make profit anymore, and you wont get a raise for the rest of your time there would you be happy about that? No matter how well you do you wont make a dime more there. Im sure you wouldnt be happy. A organization does whats best for them as consumers you do whats best for you, if everyone does whats best for them everyone will be better off. Android and the OEMs arent there for you to be happy they are there to make money and boat loads of it.

No company can just stop making profit and still give their employees a raise, grow the company, increase benefits if they arent making more money. Hell every company has to make a profit just to negate inflation.
When they have $170+ billion in liquidity, that's not being a charity, that's giving back to their loyal customers and fan-base.
But no, they simply exist to make more money. :rolleyes:

Seriously, how much is enough?
They're going to continue to screw everyone over just to make more money?

As Kyle says, vote with your wallet, and I've definitely voted... no to Apple! :p

What phone do you use, then?
When they have $170+ billion in liquidity, that's not being a charity, that's giving back to their loyal customers and fan-base.
But no, they simply exist to make more money. :rolleyes:

Seriously, how much is enough?
They're going to continue to screw everyone over just to make more money?

As Kyle says, vote with your wallet, and I've definitely voted... no to Apple! :p
They, like every other company, do not exist to make money... They make money to exist