Apple Forces Recyclers to Shred All iPhones and MacBooks


Aug 20, 2006
It seems that Apple only talks the talk but never truly walks the walk when it comes to its position as an environmentally friendly company. Public records requests show that the company mandates the obliteration of their products (e.g., metal and glass powder) so they cannot be reused in any way, which some consider odd since there is still value left in worn, even broken parts. Since there is a mention of brand protection here, I wonder if part of this can be likened to clothing companies that shred all of their unsold clothing instead of donating them since they believe it would devalue their logo’s worth.

Apple's new moonshot plan is to make iPhones and computers entirely out of recycled materials by putting pressure on the recycling industry to innovate. But documents obtained by Motherboard using Freedom of Information requests show that Apple's current practices prevent recyclers from doing the most environmentally friendly thing they could do: Salvage phones and computers from the scrap heap. Apple rejects current industry best practices by forcing the recyclers it works with to shred iPhones and MacBooks so they cannot be repaired or reused—instead, they are turned into tiny shards of metal and glass.
From a security standpoint I could understand if they shredded hard drives but I can't think of a single good reason to shred entire systems.
From a security standpoint I could understand if they shredded hard drives but I can't think of a single good reason to shred entire systems.
You'd think that, but I remember a job placement in my teens where we demagnetized hard drives, wiped desktops for donations and smashed hundreds of year-old Blackberries with a sledgehammer in an office basement. You know, for security.
Once Apple sells it's products, the products belong to somebody else.

Why do they have the power to dictate what happens to somebody elses property?


A lot of states have e-waste laws on the books. It requires them to take back x amount of old waste to recycle. So if your mac dies and you go buy a new one you can turn in the old machine to be recycled. Hell you can turn in your old dell or hp to them to be recycled as you buy a new machine. The idea is to keep it would of landfills. This can actually be a big deal to business who will trash far more machines than a consumer. One of my clients had the EPA checking into something else and told them they couldn't trash the old machines. We ended up pulling the hard drives for destruction and filling a few pallets that the company then paid someone to take away to recycle.

Apple farms this out to third parties. Their contracts to them say to destroy everything. Thats how they dictate what happens. You also deal with stuff traded in that they don't want to fix.
You'd think that, but I remember a job placement in my teens where we demagnetized hard drives, wiped desktops for donations and smashed hundreds of year-old Blackberries with a sledgehammer in an office basement. You know, for security.

Blackberries are pretty hard to wipe (I've seen they like to retain some of their settings, especially related to corporate accounts), so smashing them is a good choice.
It's just so they can sell more shit. People like Louis Rossman who can actually repair broken boards make it so Apple can't charge more than the thing is worth to "fix" it so people just buy a new one. He buys all of these "broken" boards to repair and get parts from. Now Apple is going fuck you to repairers, to their customers, (because they're dumb fucks that will buy anything Apple anyway and suck it up), and fuck you to the environment. Keep those strip mines going lads, we gots shit to sell within the next couple of years before the Steve effect runs out and people realise we haven't innovated anything since he died.
A lot of states have e-waste laws on the books. It requires them to take back x amount of old waste to recycle. So if your mac dies and you go buy a new one you can turn in the old machine to be recycled. Hell you can turn in your old dell or hp to them to be recycled as you buy a new machine. The idea is to keep it would of landfills. This can actually be a big deal to business who will trash far more machines than a consumer. One of my clients had the EPA checking into something else and told them they couldn't trash the old machines. We ended up pulling the hard drives for destruction and filling a few pallets that the company then paid someone to take away to recycle.

Apple farms this out to third parties. Their contracts to them say to destroy everything. Thats how they dictate what happens. You also deal with stuff traded in that they don't want to fix.

No I understand that, but Apple insisting that recycled machines be shredded rather than repaired or stripped for parts is going way too far.
They are killing the used market and repair market, and that should not be legal for them to do that.

I heard that if you mix ground up iphones in solution it acts as a powerful aphrodisiac.

There you go, recycled!
Blackberries are pretty hard to wipe (I've seen they like to retain some of their settings, especially related to corporate accounts), so smashing them is a good choice.

Well, that's good to know; I had a hell of a good time doing it.
They run a weird ship.

The other day, a VIP asked me to get him a 1 tb ssd for his macbook pro, I told him that they dont sell those alone and to prove it, chatted with their support team.

Long story short, the guy's answer was, "plan better before buying, we dont sell parts."

The irony here is that their phones and tablets are IMHO, more desirable than androids, just because they receive updates for a longer period of time.

No, I dont have a personal iphone, have a Nexus 6 that google dropped support on a point release (7.1.1 was last) without a technical reason for 7.1.2 not to be release for it.
Apple only gives a shit about their next quarterly earnings report.

You mean like every other company in existence?

Apple are one of the best out there for using sustainable and recyclable materials FYI. The only thing that is really considered a waste product anymore with enviromental impact is the lithium batteries which are probably removed. Glass and aluminium are highly recyclable and make up the majority of Apples build materials
They run a weird ship.

The other day, a VIP asked me to get him a 1 tb ssd for his macbook pro, I told him that they dont sell those alone and to prove it, chatted with their support team.

Long story short, the guy's answer was, "plan better before buying, we dont sell parts."

The irony here is that their phones and tablets are IMHO, more desirable than androids, just because they receive updates for a longer period of time.

No, I dont have a personal iphone, have a Nexus 6 that google dropped support on a point release (7.1.1 was last) without a technical reason for 7.1.2 not to be release for it.

My nexus 5 still gets updates.
You mean like every other company in existence?

Apple are one of the best out there for using sustainable and recyclable materials FYI. The only thing that is really considered a waste product anymore with enviromental impact is the lithium batteries which are probably removed. Glass and aluminium are highly recyclable and make up the majority of Apples build materials

Just imagine how much they could save if one of those screens can be used to fix a broke one. So instead of"recycling" two screens they can end up only recycling one screen.
You mean like every other company in existence?

Apple are one of the best out there for using sustainable and recyclable materials FYI. The only thing that is really considered a waste product anymore with enviromental impact is the lithium batteries which are probably removed. Glass and aluminium are highly recyclable and make up the majority of Apples build materials

Repairs and reuse beats recycling. You are arguing that they have the best tasting turd in this comparison...
Security updates, no new OS or features within android 7.x releases.

They are still updates. They are also updates that dint show the phone down to a crawl like Apple does for their older devices.