Apple displays, is the 20" worth it?

Captain Kirk

Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2002
I'm currently looking at buying a new PC. Since I'm dropping funds, I'm thinking about replacing my aging old Viewsonic A70 17". The Apple 20" looks nice, and is within my price range ($699.99 after discount). However, when I looked at the resolutions, I noticed it couldn't do 1280x1024. This is a resolution I've ran on all my systems for awhile.

So my question is, will I notice the difference in the 1280x800, or will I be happy with the 1680x1050?
It'll be able to run 1280x1024, but it won't look as sharp as its native resolution of 1680x1050. This fact holds true for all LCD monitors.

They'll be black bars on the side if you run 4:3 ratio resolutions, since widescreen LCDs have 16:9(i think, if not 16:10) aspect ratio.

You'll be happier running under 1680x1050.
Apple 20'' isn't even close to worth it. Get the Dell 2005 if you want a 20 incher, much better price/performance. No question.
While I am a huge Apple head, and that's a decent price...I think I have to agree that the Dell is a better bang for the buck. But there are issues with the Dell regarding screen bleed, quality etc. I haven't heard much about the Apple...but it might be a case of 'you get what you pay for'?
I'd say get a widescreen. Apple monitors are nice but you can find just as good of a monitor for less.
Veritas616 said:
Apple 20'' isn't even close to worth it. Get the Dell 2005 if you want a 20 incher, much better price/performance. No question.
Bam. QFT. infact, the Dell and Apple 20" widescreen displays use teh SAME panel, mady by LG, and somehow the casing and different backlight makes the whole thing cost twice as much...hmm...

Interesting Read.
Asian Dub Foundation said:
though OP u would want the apple 20in over the dell if u want something that looks better

You would have to be out of your mind to spend twice as much for the same pannel...thats all ive got to say. Would you like this 3000+ for $100, or this 3000+ for $200? The difference? Oh, they come in a different boxes ;)

But seriously there are subtle differnces, but come on, $400 compared to $800? Get two fucking 2005FPW's lol...
Dude, I Saw your system post for what you are getting, neither a 20" ACD nor Dell 2005fpw is going to take advantage of what that thing will put out.

Are you still planning on Dual 7800GTX 512s? Buy a monitor that can actually take advantage of that down the road, buy a 2405fpw. 1920x1200 is a beautiful thing, and it is worth it alone for the desktop real-estate. Plus, you can pick one up for like $750 when the Dell deals come around.

I think you see more posts about Dell quality control because every time Dell puts out a new LCD eleventybillion hardforum members run out to buy it. Apple monitors tend to only cater to the Apple crowd, a much more niche market.

Plus, the Dell monitors look better (at least IMO... Apple needs to start offering more in black).
NulloModo said:
Dude, I Saw your system post for what you are getting, neither a 20" ACD nor Dell 2005fpw is going to take advantage of what that thing will put out.

Are you still planning on Dual 7800GTX 512s? Buy a monitor that can actually take advantage of that down the road, buy a 2405fpw. 1920x1200 is a beautiful thing, and it is worth it alone for the desktop real-estate. Plus, you can pick one up for like $750 when the Dell deals come around.

I think you see more posts about Dell quality control because every time Dell puts out a new LCD eleventybillion hardforum members run out to buy it. Apple monitors tend to only cater to the Apple crowd, a much more niche market.

Plus, the Dell monitors look better (at least IMO... Apple needs to start offering more in black).
I agree, with 2x7800GTX 512MB, you need some pixels to fill. If you are even loosely considering spending that much on the apple, look towards the 2405FPW.
I understand why people choose Dell over Apple's 20" display - PRICE!
Personally I don't trust Dell's quality over Apples.

However, you might want to consider these LCDs from MacWorld:

20" NEC MultiSync LCD2070NX
"...great for people who want a moderately priced 20" monitor that can display bright, accurate colors."

19" Sony SDM-HS95P
"This display lacks some features found on other displays (such as a USB hub, speakers, and the ability to pivot), but it's a bright and nicely designed LCD that performs well.
I agree w/some of the above posters. With those specs, get an LCD that will take advantage of your system. I have the Dell 2405, and it is orgasmic. There is no going back once you've had it :D
I almost bought a 20inch ACD, only to pickup a 2405FPW Instead.

The price for the 20inch is insane when you can spend a little more and get a much better LCD..

Unless you want it to match or something, but its the same panel the other guys use

my 2cents.
I've owned three 20" ACDs in the past year, and each of them had color issues (poor saturation on the left side, over-saturated on the right, dull in the middle), but no backlight issues or the such.

Although the price point is the biggest pitch for a Dell, many Macheads want to maintain the aesthetic of the aluminum enclosures.
Torquemada XP said:
I've owned three 20" ACDs in the past year, and each of them had color issues (poor saturation on the left side, over-saturated on the right, dull in the middle), but no backlight issues or the such.

Wow Torquemada, sorry to hear you had such bad luck with the ACD. I hear or more like read that early ACD's had pink cast issues but since then current displays have been really good.

Did Apple give you any problems with exchanging them?
people talking trash about dell 20"...hmm

I own the 20" Dell and I have had no problems - EXCELLENT quality monitor and I have not seen any flaws, I recommend it
I'm sure everyone will loathe me for this, but I have somewhat of a personal objection to Dell's products. I'm not entirely austere on this policy, but I like to try other products. Did anyone look at the Viewsonic I linked to above?
i was in the process of buying a Dell 2005FPW for the sake of price. But the Dell customer service rang me up later. WORST SERVICE EVER. never buying from them again. so i got the 20" Apple. havent looked back. but i guess its a users preference/experiences that leads u to what u buy :)