Any news of a 256MB 6800 (non GT or Ultra)


Supreme [H]ardness
May 30, 2001
Looking at the current crop of cards, I think there is a real market for a 256MB 6800, as 128MB looks to be a significant slowdown in Doom3. (and probably other future high texture games)

I do not think GDDR3 vs DDR1 is all that important, as all GDDR3 adds is the potential for faster RAM. (at the same frequency DDR1 is actually slightly faster than GDDR3, but GDDR3 scales to higher frequencies)

So if there was/is a 256MB 12 pipeline 6800 I think that would hit my price point, and be the card I would want.

Any one heard of one?

Currently, no manufactuer is making a 256 model of the 6800 to my knowledge. Probably due to the fact that nVidia stated that if you want 256ram in the first place, your looking at their higher end Ultra or GT models, the 6800 is a lower price point for a reason
No, i remember there was a ASUS 6800 review in the [H] news. It had 256mb of GDDR @ 1ghz and a 350 mhz core i think. It basically seems like a 6800 GT with 4 pipes disabled. Having said that, it costs $400 :rolleyes:
Wouldn't that raise the price enough to make it pointless to choose that over the GT?