Any interest in an in-[H]ouse DoTA match?


[H] Ninja
Aug 6, 2004
Just installed it again in my new rig and got some fun playing it again..

Any others players would want to do an In-[H]ouse game sometime by chance??

And since it's in house, maybe it'll reduce chance of leavers :)

DoTA In House List:

Gaiden133 - US West - M-F Evenings & Night // Sat-Sun Anytime?
I'd be inrerested, however I havn't played DOTA in a couple of years. It has changed so much, i recently logged on to play a couple of rounds, and it was madness. It seemed to be the same basic principle, but all kinds of new armor and weapons and being called a noob because I didn't know one of the ultimate pairings. That was always the downfall of dota, leavers and people not wanting to help new players, hence manking them into leavers.
I'm more than willing to jump back in though, i used to be quite good back in the very early years.
I'm down, always playing on both US East and West as Devler, add me if you like
You need to pick a time (account for time zones), realm, game mode, and channel. Hopefully you (or someone else ) can host, preferably with LC or DC.

Anyways, i'd be down for it. No -em please.
I'd be down for Dota as well. I'll admit I'm not the greatest player but I still enjoy playing some rounds occasionally. Let us know when/where/etc....!
I'm down as well (I also play with another guy from [H] pretty often).

I'm on useast quite a bit as Truxxton.
Sorry, forgot to mention I'm located in Seattle so im usually on US-West.

So if you guys in the east don't mind joining a host in the west, the more the merrier!

I can host as well, so if everyone could post times that would work best for them, that would be even better! I'm usually free during the evenings & nights. Once I get the responses, ill edit them into the first post.
I'd be down, but everybody calls me a noob , swears at me and tells me to leave. :p
I'm free most nights except for tuesday night, eastern time, I'd prefer around 7:30 or any time later, and since you're in the west I'm sure that will work out. What would be nice is if we could set up one night a week where we can all meet up, same time every week.

I'd also like to say hopefully instead of calling out people and things that normally happen with new players we should make an effort to help each other, with weapon and armor choices etc... Some of us haven't played in a long time and don't need to deal with that, besies it's the only way to make others better.
Sigh, so lame. I'm tired of seeing 40 DoTA maps up when I login to play some custom map action. DoTA is such a trash map, it takes to long to get anything accomplished, and if you have one "newb" you pretty much lose. Half the maps that have DoTA up should stop hosting and play something like Enfos or a custom TD. If you play any other map let me know, I'll join - but I'm not playing DoTA.
I'm glad you felt to tell us how lame a map is. Talk about not adding to the conversation. Host other maps if you don't want to play dota. I have downloaded an AI map and have been practicing, it makes things go so much easier to test things out.
If you can get a good group of people to play then dota is awesome, it sounds like you never had that good experience.
I also like TD maps but it's not the same at all. Besides most tower maps are now set up for one strategy or another, once you learn what works there is no change until the next version comes out. Atleast with dota there is some randomness to it, especially with the random hero mode and some of the others.
I'm also tired of people getting all bent over "newbs". Everybody starts fresh, and everybody sucks at one time. Nobody logs into dota and owns everybody. why not try to help out the new people? Just ask the skill level of all players before the map starts.
if you guys actually get some good games goin, ill just in the next session.

I think this would be tough to pull off, you need an even amount of good players on both teams.
if you guys actually get some good games goin, ill just in the next session.

I think this would be tough to pull off, you need an even amount of good players on both teams.

after a game or two to see how everyone plays, it wouldn't be too hard to set up a decent game.
Fastest way to learn is just to endure all the "newb" comments and keep playing and asking questions. Honestly, it's just stuff you have to put up with, whether you are good or bad.

As far as how long a games take, most of mine are between 30 minutes and a hour which is perfect as far as I'm concerned. If anyone wants me to help them through some games I'd be glad to help, just send me a PM.
Fastest way to learn is just to endure all the "newb" comments and keep playing and asking questions. Honestly, it's just stuff you have to put up with, whether you are good or bad.

As far as how long a games take, most of mine are between 30 minutes and a hour which is perfect as far as I'm concerned. If anyone wants me to help them through some games I'd be glad to help, just send me a PM.

When my friend and I first started playing we got hammered on quite a bit by teammates in pub games. One thing that helped us learn a bit quicker is we actually read some of the strategy threads on the dota forums.

A lot of the time at the beginning of each game we'd all tab real quick and check items builds/skill builds on whatever hero we randomed.

But yeah, I'm always willing to try and help as well.
A new blizzard patch came out (no more CD needed), and IceFrog released 6.50.

I'm a bit disappointed there are no new items, and only 1 hero, (I personally don't care for the invoker, i think he's a gimmick), however the anti map hack feature is greatly appreciated.
I tried playing DXD....I got owned :eek: Gameplay is wayyy different than pubs. Also I am absolutely psyched about v6.50! Add me to your friends list, bnet name is tpf4ff I play on lordaeron, usually play 2v2 with me and 3 other friends, 3v3 sometimes, 4v4, rarely play 5v5 but we will.
I'm on West all the time. My name is the same as it is here.

If anyone sees me on I'm usually hosting 5v5 arem games and banning at least 10 people a day due to leavers :D
I'm on West all the time. My name is the same as it is here.

If anyone sees me on I'm usually hosting 5v5 arem games and banning at least 10 people a day due to leavers :D

I know what you mean, my personal banlist is 222 people.
Honestly I don't see banlist working all that great. It keeps out people that are too stupid to change their name. The not so stupid chronic leavers just leave and make a new account.
I use banlist and it certainly helps a little. Obviously it's not full proof. But it certainly helps.

Seems like most you guys are on West :(. I'm on east.
I played DoTA for a long time, and still do. But the problem is that for me it's only fun to play on a whole team of friends who are in ventrillo with you. Otherwise it's just a bunch of noobs/leavers/feeders/QQers
I play DoTA just about every night. My bnet name is teecee33. Look me up sometime and I will play.
I just started playing DoTA again this weekend after not having played for years. I'm glad they went back to a map similar to the original, but man there are a huge amount of new heroes, abilities, and items to learn. I did sign up for the dota allstars forums to start looking at advice there.
in defense of what some people call leavers, I have been banned because of a power issue, you know where the lights flicker, well my comp restarted, it was due to a car hitting a pole, I can't see the future. so oh well one server. I've also been banned as a leaver because as a former player, from 3 years or so ago I thought I could get back into playing. there are so many jerks (other words also apply) that just want you to be uber. I am rusty and with so many new heros and item combos I'm learning setups. I have been yelled at repeatedly until I just quit. Call me a leaver then I guess, but I play the game to relax, it's a game. If I choose the "wrong" hero and the "wrong" items at the start of the game after I let the other players on my team know my situation and ask for help, and I am constantly getting called out, and heaven forbid die once because I got gangbanged while trying to hold down a lane 20 minutes into a game....
anyways you get the picture. I say don't be so quick to ban. How about keep two lists, one where people who leave once are on and another to cross reference with the first to figure out if they are a repeat offender or not and ban those.
what do you mean by you got banned? If you just see people typing "banned", 99% of the time it is their own banlist, so if they don't host, it doesn't matter. If you're getting repeatedly kicked everytime you join, then you were banned by one of the very few people that work for banlist, meaning ur on the global banlist, where you'd have to go and appeal for an unban on banlist's website. The only other case is where someone actually paid money to banlist, submitted their ban w/ video/screenshots etc to get it approved, meaning they have no life.

But ya dota was never noob friendly, neither was warcraft 3 itself. When I started I had alot of friends that helped me, and I downloaded AI maps to practice on. But you can't really blame people, it's so hard to find a DoTA game now that has no noobs in it unless you play with friends, and 1 person can completely ruin a game that people are dedicating 30-90 minutes to.
in defense of what some people call leavers, I have been banned because of a power issue, you know where the lights flicker, well my comp restarted, it was due to a car hitting a pole, I can't see the future. so oh well one server. I've also been banned as a leaver because as a former player, from 3 years or so ago I thought I could get back into playing. there are so many jerks (other words also apply) that just want you to be uber. I am rusty and with so many new heros and item combos I'm learning setups. I have been yelled at repeatedly until I just quit. Call me a leaver then I guess, but I play the game to relax, it's a game. If I choose the "wrong" hero and the "wrong" items at the start of the game after I let the other players on my team know my situation and ask for help, and I am constantly getting called out, and heaven forbid die once because I got gangbanged while trying to hold down a lane 20 minutes into a game....
anyways you get the picture. I say don't be so quick to ban. How about keep two lists, one where people who leave once are on and another to cross reference with the first to figure out if they are a repeat offender or not and ban those.

I take it you're playing public games?

Search for your name and see how many lists you are on

If you were banned by an approved host, well then you might want to think about making a new account.

And like WhiteGuardian said, getting banned by non approved hosts doesn't matter. They don't share their banlists with anyone. Chances you play a game with that person is slim.

Also the banlist program is a bit of a joke. One of the admins got banned from Clan TDA for maphacking. I usually bring that incident up when some pompous host says their banlist is on.

To get better, you pretty much have to play a lot. I would try to stick to EM games, as those games are generally shorter so your poor play won't ruin long games. I would stick to -apem maps, and practice playing one hero till you're really good at playing it. Then practice on another hero. I would stay away from random modes (ar, rd, sd), as you might get a hero you completely suck with and ruin the game. Try mastering a quarter or a third of the heroes till you start playing all random games. By then you get a feel for how most heroes are used, as you've seen what they do, and what items to get, and you have a better idea on the strategies of the game.

If you need some tips, here are some hero guides.