Any actual 120mm rads out there?


Nov 30, 2005
I was wondering if there are any true 120mm rads in existance. All the so-called "120mm" rads I've seen are bigger than 120mm. The water I/O make most "120mm" rads about 130~140mm. Anybody know about a rad that's actually 120mm? Thanks in advance!
They would if you're extremely limited. I'm trying not to mod my X-QPack.

...So, any other opinions?
You dont need to mod it. Go to home depot, go to the screw section- with all those green/orange bags of screws for 98 cents. You will see in a green bag something called a 'T-Stopper' or a T-something, it comes with a screw.

All you have to do is mount then in between the radiator and the case, and voila, it will mount. Its the same system that uses to mount their rad, if you look at their pics you can see the metal sleeve in there.
I wanted to mount everything inside the case. Mounting a rad outside is a recipie for disaster, imho.
Well your opinion isnt very good. Its the only way to do it short of modding. You can try to mount a dual 80mm radiator to the front of the case with heavy duty double sided tape, but without 'modding' the case to make mounting holes i think thats just as much of a disaster.
I'm looking at a bay-mounted kit as of the moment. Drilling into the front metal doesn't scare me since it wouldn't hurt the case's structural integrity that much. Cutting the bars right behind the 120mm fan would though.

Ah, but we digress. This is not the QPack thread, this is the 120mm rad thread. I just wanted to know if there are any true 120mm rads out there.
M4rk said:
I'm looking at a bay-mounted kit as of the moment. Drilling into the front metal doesn't scare me since it wouldn't hurt the case's structural integrity that much. Cutting the bars right behind the 120mm fan would though.

Ah, but we digress. This is not the QPack thread, this is the 120mm rad thread. I just wanted to know if there are any true 120mm rads out there.

When they say 120mm they mean that it uses a 120mm radiator. That means that the finned surface area is 120mm square. Thus you need to have the actual size be larger than that to accomodate the plenum and fittings.
True 120mm rads, not advertised. True 120mm rads would be 120mm in height and width. Advertised 120mm rads are slightly larger in one of those dimensions. You choose.

Anyhow, I'm trying to find a rad with 120mm measurements. Does anybody know of one?
M4rk said:
True 120mm rads, not advertised. True 120mm rads would be 120mm in height and width. Advertised 120mm rads are slightly larger in one of those dimensions. You choose.

Anyhow, I'm trying to find a rad with 120mm measurements. Does anybody know of one?

I fit my """"120mm"""" radiator inside my antec, and in a spot that was designed for only a 120mm fan...

did require drilling 2 holes tho...
M4rk said:
True 120mm rads, not advertised. True 120mm rads would be 120mm in height and width. Advertised 120mm rads are slightly larger in one of those dimensions. You choose.

Anyhow, I'm trying to find a rad with 120mm measurements. Does anybody know of one?

You dont get it. I am telling you that radiators are not advertised by their complete dimensions. They are advertised by their fin area. That is because that is what size fan they are appropriate for, and that is the actual cooling area. You keep asking for "True" 120mm rads, I am telling you that every 120mm rad is a true 120mm rad. You just dont seem to understand the way that they are measured.