Antec Sig 850 wont run periphs, but does run....


Nov 13, 2002
So I get this new computer all together and go to turn it on and everything comes on for a second and you can hear something click inside the PSU and it all shuts off, just a split second of power. I tested it on another computer too with the same result.

Any idea? I assume im in for a RMA.

EDIT: I forgot to include that it DOES work when I jump it. Thats the part I found wierd.
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EDIT: I forgot to include that it DOES work when I jump it. Thats the part I found wierd.

As in jump the motherboard pins were you hook up your power switch? Or jump the PSU itself? Because I made a bonehead mistake one time and had my power switch hooked up incorrectly and this is what happened with me.
jump the PSU itself. My motherboard has a power button on it and even when using that it still just pops on for a split second, then something in the PSU clicks and it stops.

When I use the wire to jump it turns on, and runs everything hooked up to it (i.e. fans, hard drives, DVD-ROM, whatever. It just does this click thing when its actually hooked up to the motherboard and I use the motherboard button to turn it on.