Antec 550 question


Feb 6, 2011
Installing a Antec BP550 Plus to a mediocer machine.

I dont see a plug for "power fan" anywhere.

is that normal?

(kinda new at this)
What do you mean by power fan? Do you mean a case fan? If so, then basically all modern power supplies do not have that 3-pin connector. You have to get 3-pin to molex adapters, which most fans come with.
THX for the reply,
Im a noob builder so maybee a dumb question.

On the MB there is a fan plug called "power fan"
I assumed the power supply had to plug into that,
But there is no plug on the power supply for that.

Hope I am explaining this right.

otherwise i dont know what the 'power fan" connector on the MB is for
the psu doesnt plug into that! the fan does for power/speed
ok, but what fan?
I know there is a fan inside the PSU
CPU fan is in the cpu connector
and there are a few chasis fans connected to molex
Plug something into that header and you're guaranteed to either destroy your motherboard or PSU, or both. That 3 or 4-pin header is for chassis fans. The motherboard manufacturer probably did a poor job of labeling. But again, the only things you should ever be connecting from the power supply to the motherboard is the ATX 24-pin connector and the CPU 8-pin connector. Maybe a molex/SATA/PCI-E if your motherboard is one of those top-end multi-GPU boards.

The PSU fan is completely internal and controlled by the internal temperature of the PSU. The motherboard cannot detect the internal temperature of the PSU.

You can plug in any of your chassis fan to that header. It doesn't really matter, but most boards include at least 1 or 2 by default, and top-end boards include more. These headers usually allow you to control the speed of the chassis fan, and at the bare minimum report to you the RPM of the fan.
chassis fans come with different connections and with or without speed sense capability. the small 3 pin is a standard chassis fan connection, four pin small is chassis fan with PWM speed sense, then some chassis fans come with full size four pin Molex connectors, the same one that powers things like older hard drives and CDROM drives...etc....

examples, none of which should have anything to do with your power supply in most cases