AMD ATi Radeon HD 5870 X2 Spotted

Glad I bought a bigger case when I upgraded to i7 - shouldn't have any trouble fitting in a HAF 932 :)
jeebus! unpossible! this is why we need to switch to an external type with a type of "drobo" case for it for unequalled cooling and external power brick. you then plug it into the pc through a pci-e bracket on back of pc using a sata type cable to plug it onto your pcie slot. Atleast thats what i want :)
jeebus! unpossible! this is why we need to switch to an external type with a type of "drobo" case for it for unequalled cooling and external power brick. you then plug it into the pc through a pci-e bracket on back of pc using a sata type cable to plug it onto your pcie slot. Atleast thats what i want :)
Good luck getting full PCIe speeds over a few meters...
It would be helpful if it were shown side by side with a regular 5870 but it does look rather long. I think ATI has some work to do. Shorten that PCB to 11" and it might fit into more cases = more customers.
Would 5870X2 require dual PSUs to power? XD

Or, are there 2000W PSUs out there?

I'd be curious to see what kind of beast of a PSU would power both cards. o_o

Well, if 1 5870 uses ~220w under load, then 4 of them would be ~700w. Being long doesn't increase power usage ;)
Would 5870X2 require dual PSUs to power? XD

Or, are there 2000W PSUs out there?

I'd be curious to see what kind of beast of a PSU would power both cards. o_o

same one that powers CF 4870x2, the power requirements on the 5870 are barely higher then the 4870
Looking at that card makes me reeeeally glad my full tower could EAT most other full towers
Oh well, looks like it's time to upgrade the ol' tower, maybe a new MB, CPU, RAM, and what the heck could always use another 2TB drive while I'm at it. :)

Thank you ATI, been looking for the perfect excuse to give to the family for upgrading. ^_^
Sweet stuff. Maybe they also though that video card length equals v-penis.
Yes. It is probably going to be an engineering sample of some type. For all I know it's a non-working sample.

That is a working engineering sample; it's one manufactured by ATI directly - but probably carries Sapphire branding. There are of those that are using for quad-setup testing for 24 monitor functionality.

Word is that you'd need at LEAST a 1.5 KW PSU to run 4 of those.

Dont ask how i know this ::shifty eyes::
That is a working engineering sample; it's one manufactured by ATI directly - but probably carries Sapphire branding. There FOUR are of those that are using for quad-setup testing for 24 monitor functionality.

Word is that you'd need at LEAST a 1.5 KW PSU to run 4 of those.

Dont ask how i know this ::shifty eyes::

Since apparently I can't edit my own posts - correction above.
oh for cryin out - I suck tonight; anyway you get the point from my butched edit :| :| :|
*pats VanFanel89* :) Don't worry, I think we can puzzle it together now ^_^

Another vote for a pic of this card next to a 5870. And a Voodoo 5 6000 :D
This link says it is 12" long and has a not so good pic of the 5870x2 next to the 5870 SIX/Eyefinity version
Voodoo 5 6000 anyone?

Not that I don't think this card will make it to market, I'm sure it will. The picture reminded me instantly of the Voodoo 5 6000 card though.

LOL, that is the first thing that came to my mind as well... I can't believe ATi would try this.... remember all the flack that 3DFX got into?? :D
The bigger the videocard, the bigger the e-peen ? :p

i got space enough for a 18 inch videocard, keep em comming xD :p
that thing sure as hell isn't fitting into my case! my 4870 is big enough as is! and i'm even using an antec 900
Too bad so many motherboards are made with crap layouts. This thing will block anything in the front area.
do we know if this is a legit pic, or someone having fun with photoshop and writing fake stories?
So how long do you think we have til the video cards are bigger than the mobos?

Maybe we'll someday mount the mobo to the video card?? :p
I believe... that my HAF932 could mount 2 power supplies if I really needed to. Anybody ever try this??