Ajit Pai: States Can't Enact Net Neutrality Rules


Aug 20, 2006
Myriad states are working to establish their own net neutrality rules, but the FCC is declaring the endeavor futile: Chairman Ajit Pai has published a statement suggesting such legislation will merely harm “investment and innovation” in communications services, following a federal appeals court ruling Minnesota “cannot regulate VoIP phone services because it is internet-based, and the internet is an ‘information service.’” Pai points out this essentially makes it illegal for states to impose their own rules.

The FCC chairman said the appeals court ruling means states like California can't undo the FCC's action. "The Eighth Circuit’s decision is important for reaffirming that well-established principle: ‘State regulation of an information service conflicts with the federal policy of nonregulation’ and is therefore preempted," Pai said. "That is wholly consistent with the approach the FCC has taken under Democratic and Republican Administrations over the last two decades, including in last year’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order.”
Pai is an asshole (by that mug alone), but he's right.
It would be a shitshow of epic proportions were there to be different rules for different States.
Imagine having 50 different Pai-like assholes in 50 different States making their own rules for traffic.

EDIT: I wouldn't assume for one second that if given the power, that States would be all "let's keep thing open, equal, and fair guys!"
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Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution said:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So which amendment is it that says the government has absolute control over information? Or is it in the original text somewhere?
I want to keep Pai around, if for no other reason than entertainment, as he triggers assholes all over the internet.

It's almost the same appeal as watching Hell's Kitchen - you don't feel bad about Gordon Ramsey being a dick, because he is bitch slapping other asswipes into the ground.

I think Pai's mug is so large because he is drinking the tears of dumb and easily misled people pissed at his decisions, because some else told them to be pissed.
Everyone said that when Net Neutrality died the Internet as we knew it would die. Here we are almost thirty days later and has the Internet died? Nope. Can I still watch NetFlix? Yep. Amazon Prime Streaming? Crunchyroll? Yep and yep. So where's this Internet apocalypse? It never happened.

Hell... Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are talking about deploying Gigabit capable 5G fixed wireless Internet access that's going to be completely upending the entire ISP marketplace in ways that Net Neutrality couldn't even hope to do. I very much imagine we're going to have a hell of a lot more choice in the coming years because of 5G wireless. You will have not only your incumbent cable company for Internet but also AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile for fixed home wireless Internet. I don't know about you but that's what I call a MASSIVE win for EVERYONE.
Everyone said that when Net Neutrality died the Internet as we knew it would die. Here we are almost thirty days later and has the Internet died? Nope. Can I still watch NetFlix? Yep. Amazon Prime Streaming? Crunchyroll? Yep and yep. So where's this Internet apocalypse? It never happened.

Hell... Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are talking about deploying Gigabit capable 5G fixed wireless Internet access that's going to be completely upending the entire ISP marketplace in ways that Net Neutrality couldn't even hope to do. I very much imagine we're going to have a hell of a lot more choice in the coming years because of 5G wireless. You will have not only your incumbent cable company for Internet but also AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile for fixed home wireless Internet. I don't know about you but that's what I call a MASSIVE win for EVERYONE.
I take it you forgot a bunch of / s tags?
Uh... no, I really do think that 5G services have the capabilities of completely upending the marketplace as we know it. Right now Verizon Wireless is deploying fixed 5G services in select cities with Gigabit speeds with no data caps. Wow. That deserves a massive "WOW!" here. OK, yes... fiber would be nice but I figure that it would be only for incumbent companies like cable companies and your local telco but imagine if T-Mobile came to town with fixed 5G service? Your local service companies would shit their pants and rightfully so.
How is this guy still working for the FCC? Why is anyone taking him seriously? Why hasn't anyone stripped him naked and tarred and feathered him? He needs to be made into an example.
Pai is an asshole (by that mug alone), but he's right.
It would be a shitshow of epic proportions were there to be different rules for different States.
Imagine having 50 different Pai-like assholes in 50 different States making their own rules for traffic.

EDIT: I wouldn't assume for one second that if given the power, that States would be all "let's keep thing open, equal, and fair guys!"

well then maybe he shouldnt have removed all federal oversight then huh?
imagine having NOT removed the existing NN rules and not having then on top of it removed the federal governments ability to make any rules about it thus forcing 50+ different sets of rules (you are forgetting places like DC, PR etc) all creating a nightmare. so, no. he is not right... in fact he is the sole reason we have this shitshow.

Everyone said that when Net Neutrality died the Internet as we knew it would die. Here we are almost thirty days later and has the Internet died? Nope. Can I still watch NetFlix? Yep. Amazon Prime Streaming? Crunchyroll? Yep and yep. So where's this Internet apocalypse? It never happened.

Hell... Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are talking about deploying Gigabit capable 5G fixed wireless Internet access that's going to be completely upending the entire ISP marketplace in ways that Net Neutrality couldn't even hope to do. I very much imagine we're going to have a hell of a lot more choice in the coming years because of 5G wireless. You will have not only your incumbent cable company for Internet but also AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile for fixed home wireless Internet. I don't know about you but that's what I call a MASSIVE win for EVERYONE.
you're the only one i know that is expecting this to happen overnight. not one sane person has that expectation.
you're the only one i know that is expecting this to happen overnight. not one sane person has that expectation.
I didn't say that it's going to happen overnight, stop putting words in my mouth. I do however believe that it's going to be over the next five to eight years.
Everyone said that when Net Neutrality died the Internet as we knew it would die. Here we are almost thirty days later and has the Internet died? Nope. Can I still watch NetFlix? Yep. Amazon Prime Streaming? Crunchyroll? Yep and yep. So where's this Internet apocalypse? It never happened.
Cause industries take years to establish a system where you happily pay more for less. 30 days later isn't enough to even start a lawsuit.

For example, we "happily" pay for watching a new movie in theaters despite that I'd rather watch the movie at home with my 55" HDTV. But I don't have a choice, I have to go to the theater to watch a new movie. Months later it'll be on Blu-Ray and maybe services like Netflix, but for now I have to go to the theater to watch it. That's the result of decades of people who have been conditioned to go to the theater cause owning a TV in 1950 was not cheap, and no technology was available back then to buy the movie and take it home. Nowadays a movie will fit happily in my phones memory and then some. Despite the overwhelming amount of people downloading screeners from illicit websites, we still have theaters.

Point is if companies want us to go into a direction we don't wanna go, we don't have any legal choices. The effects of Net Neutrality will be realized years later when you have tiered internet plan for your home. 30 days later ain't shit.
Hell... Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are talking about deploying Gigabit capable 5G fixed wireless Internet access that's going to be completely upending the entire ISP marketplace in ways that Net Neutrality couldn't even hope to do. I very much imagine we're going to have a hell of a lot more choice in the coming years because of 5G wireless. You will have not only your incumbent cable company for Internet but also AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile for fixed home wireless Internet. I don't know about you but that's what I call a MASSIVE win for EVERYONE.
Oh yea, cause I just love my cell phone internet service. Can't get enough praise out of AT&T , T-Mobile, and etc. :confused:

But yea no, nobody likes their cell phone internet. Just enough to look at some cat videos and that's it. The moment you go past a cap, you get throttled to nothing. There's a reason why even iPhones still have wifi on their devices, cause Apple doesn't have the "courage" to remove it. Cell phone services suck and 5G is just going to make them suck more. Does 5G bring truly unlimited data with zero throttle? No? If you think cable is incumbent, then you haven't truly used your cell phone as an ISP.

Also stop jerking Ajit Pai's weiner. The man deserves to be tarred and feathered.
Uh... last time I checked everyone loved T-Mobile. They were putting the screws to Verizon and AT&T and people were cheering. Did this T-Mobile love affair die?
But yea no, nobody likes their cell phone internet. Just enough to look at some cat videos and that's it. The moment you go past a cap, you get throttled to nothing. There's a reason why even iPhones still have wifi on their devices, cause Apple doesn't have the "courage" to remove it. Cell phone services suck and 5G is just going to make them suck more. Does 5G bring truly unlimited data with zero throttle? No? If you think cable is incumbent, then you haven't truly used your cell phone as an ISP.
That's mobile Internet silly, I'm talking about fixed wireless service where you may have a half a city block (think maybe thirty people) on one network node and another node down the street serving another thirty people. 5G will bring about a true competition renascence the likes of which we've never seen. And with John Legere at the helm of T-Mobile who has shown time and time again that he and T-Mobile are NOT AT&T and Verizon, I fully believe that T-Mobile has the potential to usher in a new golden age of Internet for everyone.
You realize he's completely irrelevant right? He's just a shitstain they offered the job to, a thousand more puppets where he came from.

It's amazing to see how easily people fall for the misdirection. And that's why he makes the big bucks.

You can say that about literally anyone currently at the top of the political food chain. They are just the faces of corruption but we all need to have someone to hate. I rather be outspoken about the bullshit than to keep quiet while it happens.
So a phone service isn't a communication service? Wtf kind of backwards land are we living in? I think they just opened themselves up to lawsuits from many companies. This would mean that satellite TV service isn't really a television service because it's from a satellite, not a cable.
Pai is an asshole (by that mug alone), but he's right.
Oh god is he. This cycle, more than any other IMHO, it seems that everybody has forgotten about maintaining appearances.

It would be a shitshow of epic proportions were there to be different rules for different States.
Imagine having 50 different Pai-like assholes in 50 different States making their own rules for traffic.

We have state specific rules for telephone, eletricity, water, and a lot of other utilities. It's not unreasonable to have it for internet, too. Although, I have no faith that our federal government understands the internet enough to regulate it, much less our 50 state governments; nor would I want to deal with the stat specific bullshit I know they would try to pull -- however, we haven't seen much in terms of state specific laws restricting content on phone lines, although phone carriers have pretty much embraced common carrier rules, and ISPs tend to think they're not common carriers.
I have no faith that our federal government understands the internet enough
That's for sure. These are the same people who couldn't find their own ass with a map, a GPS, and a hound dog. Do you really want these people passing laws for the Internet? Fuck no. Look what happened to health care and Obama Care... Oy vey.
Everyone said that when Net Neutrality died the Internet as we knew it would die. Here we are almost thirty days later and has the Internet died? Nope. Can I still watch NetFlix? Yep. Amazon Prime Streaming? Crunchyroll? Yep and yep. So where's this Internet apocalypse? It never happened.

Hell... Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are talking about deploying Gigabit capable 5G fixed wireless Internet access that's going to be completely upending the entire ISP marketplace in ways that Net Neutrality couldn't even hope to do. I very much imagine we're going to have a hell of a lot more choice in the coming years because of 5G wireless. You will have not only your incumbent cable company for Internet but also AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile for fixed home wireless Internet. I don't know about you but that's what I call a MASSIVE win for EVERYONE.


It's like those people who play MMOs only to claim the game is dying and the servers will close, and repeat it every year. "The game is going to fail this time, I know it!'

You can't reason with the crazy people waiting for the alleged pending net neutrality Armageddon; they are so far gone, they are "Waiting for Godot" and don't even realize it...

It's like those people who play MMOs only to claim the game is dying and the servers will close, and repeat it every year. "The game is going to fail this time, I know it!'

You can't reason with the crazy people waiting for the alleged pending net neutrality Armageddon; they are so far gone, they are "Waiting for Godot" and don't even realize it...

A shortsighted generalization at best.
Policy takes time to effect but sometimes it happens right away in the most unexpected situations.
This is just one resource on the event. Of coarse you are free to use any alternate facts...
Verizon throttled fire department’s “unlimited” data during Calif. wildfire.
Big Business will sneak this in slowly as to not cause an uproar. Within a few years - all of our shit will be throttled and we will be charged on a tier level per service or something similar. Dont fall for this "it didn't happen in a month so it never will" argument.
Please use that image for every headline. The comical effect somewhat helps down out the injustice.
Everyone said that when Net Neutrality died the Internet as we knew it would die. Here we are almost thirty days later and has the Internet died? Nope. Can I still watch NetFlix? Yep. Amazon Prime Streaming? Crunchyroll? Yep and yep. So where's this Internet apocalypse? It never happened.

Hell... Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are talking about deploying Gigabit capable 5G fixed wireless Internet access that's going to be completely upending the entire ISP marketplace in ways that Net Neutrality couldn't even hope to do. I very much imagine we're going to have a hell of a lot more choice in the coming years because of 5G wireless. You will have not only your incumbent cable company for Internet but also AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile for fixed home wireless Internet. I don't know about you but that's what I call a MASSIVE win for EVERYONE.

For me it was a felt impact. Netflix went from loading fast (less than 3 seconds) to possibly 16 maybe 20. And skipping through content is super slow.

Yet I can download crap in the background at 17 megabytes/second...

Ping is 9ms and ookla shows 185 down and 11 up....
A shortsighted generalization at best.
Policy takes time to effect but sometimes it happens right away in the most unexpected situations.
This is just one resource on the event. Of coarse you are free to use any alternate facts...
Verizon throttled fire department’s “unlimited” data during Calif. wildfire.
Snopes has already been discredited as biased for some time.

Keep waiting for Godot...
We should let the governmint control the internet! HAHHAHHAHAHAHHAaaaaaaaa
well then maybe he shouldnt have removed all federal oversight then huh?
imagine having NOT removed the existing NN rules and not having then on top of it removed the federal governments ability to make any rules about it thus forcing 50+ different sets of rules (you are forgetting places like DC, PR etc) all creating a nightmare. so, no. he is not right... in fact he is the sole reason we have this shitshow.

you're the only one i know that is expecting this to happen overnight. not one sane person has that expectation.
Some people have trouble looking down the road. I'm reminded of that senator that brought in a snowball as proof global warming wasn't happening.
Everyone said that when Net Neutrality died the Internet as we knew it would die. Here we are almost thirty days later and has the Internet died? Nope. Can I still watch NetFlix? Yep. Amazon Prime Streaming? Crunchyroll? Yep and yep. So where's this Internet apocalypse? It never happened.
This would be like a burglar getting the keys to someone's house they are going to rob and going the job, in the day time with a big van that says "Robbers-R-Us" on the side while the family was home. Obviously the ISPs are going to wait for things to cool down because they start crapping on us. If you think otherwise, you are both stupid and wrong. These companies have a fiduciary duty to exploit the law since most are publicly traded. There is no moral compass here, just profits and the law to guide them.

Hell... Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are talking about deploying Gigabit capable 5G fixed wireless Internet access that's going to be completely upending the entire ISP marketplace in ways that Net Neutrality couldn't even hope to do. I very much imagine we're going to have a hell of a lot more choice in the coming years because of 5G wireless. You will have not only your incumbent cable company for Internet but also AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile for fixed home wireless Internet. I don't know about you but that's what I call a MASSIVE win for EVERYONE.

5G has absolutely nothing to do with net neutrality. You also have unrealistic hopes for home internet via cellular as most of the areas that would get decent speeds via cellular also have decent speeds available via traditional internet (cable, DSL, fiber). The areas that need terrestrial internet the most are rural areas, but they will never get attention as long as the ISPs aren't required to upgrade anything in the boonies, ever. In fact, there are plenty of states who have given grants to ISPs for the purpose of expanding their network, upgrading speeds, etc. Plenty of states have also been hosed on that deal with the ISPs cutting and running with the money.

I really wish people who have no idea what the f#$% they are talking about would just shut the f#$% up. But wait, it's 2018 and it's the internet so stupidity wins. Congratulations.
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