Affordable card to replace my 6800?


Dec 28, 2000
Hello all. I've got a Radon 6800 with 1 gig memory, 775 core clock. I have a I7 2600K @ 4.5 Ghz with 8 gig of ram. Running a MSI P67A-C45 motherboard.

Obviously the vid card is my bottleneck.

I don't want to break the bank, looking to spend somewhere's around $200 Cad. Living in Calgary so Memory Expresses are everywhere.

Thanks for any recommendations!
Thanks for all the help guys! That GTX 960 seems appealing. I did some quick goggling and most people are guessing first quarter 2015. Might be a bit to long of a wait, plus cards are sometimes hard to get a hold of when first released. I could probably wait till January, but if that fell back to march I'd be a little pissed.

Calgary Represent!

The company I work for also has a price plan at mem express. Cost plus a bit. I think I save about 6 bucks on that 280 haha. The sale price on the 760 was less then my discount would get me.
Bought the 280. Tried to install. Fucking thing was about 1/2" to long. My case seems to be a 'normal' size. Had to take it back, got a 285 a bit more money, and based on reviews seems to be a bit slower. Oh well, it fits.
How much did you pay for the r9 285? The only two on MEs website are for $285 or $310 both of which are way overpriced for what you get. I'd return it to be honest. Also 2GB of VRAM is going to be very limiting going forward, you're basically paying nearly $300 for a GPU to run at low texture settings at 1080p from this point on.

What's the maximum length your case can fit?

Also at this point you should consider waiting the week and half for black friday/cyber monday unless you are buying the newly released 970/980s. Or even consider waiting to boxing day.
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I think $255 or something. My rebate was a lot larger on it then the 760 and 280 for whatever reason.

I'm not really sure what the max length my case could fit would be. The 280 was 11.2" I think and it was about 1/2" to long, so I'd say I'd fit a 10" card no problem, 10.5" Perhaps. The 285 fit easy.

Honestly, I think the 285 might be my only option with this case. I was willing to spend a little more, so we looked at the lengths of several cards. The 290's were longer then the 280 so that'd be a no go. I think the 270X's were about the same length.

I only have a mediocre 600 watt PSU in here as well--can't really power anything great.

I think I'll hold on to the 285 as it might be to hard to find anything that'll fit/work with this psu. I was planning on building something new in about a year, so this card should tide me over till then, I'll start getting the random shit now that doesn't 'age'. (Case, Powersupply.. Can't think of anything else really hah)
You would be suprised what you can power with 600w. My signature system is powered by a 450w SFX w/ my 4770k OCed to 4.3 and the 680 OCed +150 core and +300 on the memory.