9800 pro need fix advice


Apr 12, 2004
Hello. I have a HIS 9800 Pro Platinum, r360 core, that has fried two of my motherboards. After I plug the card in and attach the extra power connector, I turn the machine on and it causes a power spike that has fried a connection at the end on the agp slot, next to the pci slot. Can something like this be fixed? Does anyone have experience with anything similar? I just got my MB back from RMA, they fixed the "short" and it works great. Thanks for any help here.
Rhentno said:
Hello. I have a HIS 9800 Pro Platinum, r360 core, that has fried two of my motherboards. After I plug the card in and attach the extra power connector, I turn the machine on and it causes a power spike that has fried a connection at the end on the agp slot, next to the pci slot. Can something like this be fixed? Does anyone have experience with anything similar? I just got my MB back from RMA, they fixed the "short" and it works great. Thanks for any help here.

If you know it is the card causing the problem, I would RMA it.
Or, you could look for some kind of short on the Card etc.. but I still think you should RMA the card.

Good Luck
Yeah send the card back. I've gotten a bad card right out of the box before. (Rad 9500) Though it did not do anything so severe, just failed to work at all.
Tell them what happened. Hopefully they will be understanding and refund you the money. Did you get their contact info like address? phone #'s? If they sent youa dead card it's possible they trolled you as well :(