7970 O/C vs upgrade


Limp Gawd
Apr 4, 2012
So I've got the itch to do some tinkering...

My current system includes a 2600k on an H80, at 4.4ghz and a Diamond 7970 reference board which is running at factory clocks.

When I first got the 7970 I oc'ed a bit just to see what it would do, and at factory voltage it will run 1125/1500 stable under unigine heaven and furmark... with the fan set to 70%. (OMG Loud)

I've wanted to invest in the stuff needed to run a full loop for quite some time, and so I find myself looking at spending $600 for a D5/CPUblock/GPUblock/2x360mm rad setup just for fun. On the other hand, I could sell the current setup and end up with a I7 4770k and R9 290 combining the proceeds with the $600.

In a year or two when I'm yearning for extra performance from the 4770/290, I'll again be imagining a full W/C loop...

So... what say the Hard members?

1- Buy the latest stuff and forget fancy watercooling.

2- Get some type of hybrid/aftermarket GPU cooler to O/C the 7970 and save my money.

3- Go nuts with a full loop and worry about CPU/GPU/MOBOs in a year or two.
Why not:

- sell the 7970,
- buy an R9 290 with aftermarket cooler of choice (since you seem to want to OC, and don't like the noise of stock coolers at high RPM),
- Keep the 2600K... maybe try to get that to 4.5Ghz or higher if you want more performance, but I think 4.4Ghz is enough. 4770K isn't a huge upgrade over the 2600K unless you want to upgrade platforms for other reasons (motherboard features / power-consumption).

If you just want watercooling then go ahead, but I wouldn't invest in a GPU-specific block for that aging 7970.

I just picked up a used Sapphire dual-x 7950 OC (I was running AMD's budget-wonder of 2008: hd4850). I hope to be able to OC (and 1440p is demanding), but that test may have to wait until tomorrow.
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Now isn't the greatest time to sell any AMD cards, since most are dumping their mining rigs for the summer.

Unless you already have the rest of the WC loop, the initial cost of watercooling is a shitload. A high overclock won't make your gameplay experience as night and day as it would to just upgrade the card itself, especially with 290(X) prices falling due to high supply because of mining ditchers.

You should do #1 imo, and forget about OCing old stuff. OC the most current stuff if ever, as at least then your gains will be greater per $ spent.
Thanks for the input... I'm leaning toward the R290 now.

I definitely dont see a great cost/benefit on upgrading the 2600k ATM.

Any recommendations on 290s with good non-ref coolers? I've heard that chip runs rather hot.
When I first got the 7970 I oc'ed a bit just to see what it would do, and at factory voltage it will run 1125/1500 stable under unigine heaven and furmark... with the fan set to 70%. (OMG Loud)

I've got the same card, and I agree, that reference fan can definitely get loud, but I've never had to ramp it up that high. I actually use a fairly aggressive custom fan profile (much more aggressive than the one the card comes with) but I don't think I've ever seen it get to 70% fan speed, or even close. It'd sound like a harrier was landing in my room I'd imagine. Was there a reason you had the fan so high?

What resolution\refresh rate are you gaming at? I find the 7970 handles pretty much everything thrown at it @1920x1200. Would I like a 290? Yes, but would I really get that big of a difference at 60fps and 1920x1200? Probably not, though I don't really have time to play much lately so my thoughts may be skewed :p

The real questions are:

  1. What do you feel is lacking? Speed? Sound? What are you unhappy with.
  2. Is there anything that doesn't work or a specific feature you're looking for?
  3. What kind of performance and noise levels are you looking for, and are you OCing the 7970 at all? Those things love core overclocks
an R9 290 will out perform an OC'd 7970 and for less money than adding WC to the current card.