7 wonders of Crysis 3 teaser

Just watched it. It reminded me of the issues I have with the Crysis 1 to Crysis 2 transition. Those same issues seem to be present in the Crysis 2 to Crysis 3 transition.

In Crysis 1 they established quite a bit of lore about the Cephalopods. Take for instance the freezing effects, the bubble and the fact that they, or at least their machines, absorbed energy. In Crysis 1 at the end of the game, they nuked the island and it was a big problem cause the Cephs absorbed all of that energy.

In Crysis 2 this was pretty much all abandoned. We hardly saw any of their machines, which were everywhere in Crysis 1. There were no freezing effects. There were no bubbles. And the big solution near the end of Crysis 2 was going to be blowing up New York with a nuke. The only objection being that it would be bad if New York was blown up. No mention of the previous nuclear experience. This is only the changes in the storyline, let alone gameplay/graphics etc.

Now, it seems with Crysis 3 we will at least see the same kind of story incongruencies. Take for example the fact that at the end of Crysis 2 the Cell are told to support Prophet in everything. Now here in this trailer they are fighting him again.

It's quite saddening to me that this game series cannot establish itself and iterate on that. Instead it seems to change established franchise story/gameplay every new edition (warhead aside, which was great like Crysis 1). If they would have stuck with the great things in Crysis 1 (story and gameplay wise) this franchise would no doubt be way bigger than it currently is.

Oh well, I'll wait until the game's release before I officially give up on it.

Did another developer do the sequels? Or am I thinking of the Far Cry series?

By the way, has anyone played the Alpha yet? It looks just like Crysis 2 IMO.
They were all done by Crytek. Crysis 1 and 2 by the Frankfurt studio, Crysis Warhead by the Budapest studio. Crysis 3 is done by Frankfurt again. Crysis 2 and 3 had multiplayer by Crytek UK Studio. They were also all published by EA.
Crytek boss Cevat Yerli expresses great confidence that Crysis 3 will set a new bar for PC game graphics when the first-person shooter sequel is released in February of next year...in fact he goes so far as to say that no game will be able to compete visually for the following two years

"Crysis 3 on PC is going to be a benchmark experience for at least two years...when I see what’s happening on the PC market, and even what we do. The PC market is not going to grow vastly more before a lot of games catch up...we had the same thing with the first Crysis on PC...when Crysis launched, it was the high-end benchmark for a good three years. I think Crysis 3 is going to do that again."
Crysis pre-release: People hyping it endlessly, with Cevat Yeril yapping about things that may or may not happen

Crysis post-release: Trolling galore, cries of 'unoptimized piece of shit' (Crysis 1) or 'doesn't rape my GPU' (Crysis 2).

People comparing Crysis 1 to an online deer hunting game:


Crysis 2, trolled to fuck


Don't expect a lot of rational discussion on this game. :rolleyes:

As Kyle said there, Crytek sold out like everybody would.

It be a miracle if they actually put out a good product with the third one. Happens 0.1% of the time.

After Crysis 1 there was Metro 2033.
Witcher 2 with ubersampling was also pretty neat. All three were good games besides the fact that they looked great.
It's on sale on steam for 10 bucks. Was about to get it but then I remembered I could just play COD

I bought it at $20 a few weeks ago...with the high res texture pack and DX11 patch it looks fantastic. At $10 I gifted it to a couple of buddies I'll be having an ol' fashioned LAN party with next weekend - it should make for some small-scale multiplayer fun I think, since I've never heard of a single person that takes Crysis multiplayer seriously.

Also, I can't tell if people are calling Crysis 2 "the second game" or if they're actually referring to Crysis: Warhead (the second game), which actually did look worse than the original Crysis IMO.

The Crysis 3 engine (CryEngine3) is the going to be used for Star Citizen...I don't think anything more needs to be said about how good it can/will look.
Awesome, something I can't run on my computer no matter what specs I have. I look forward to playing it at medium-high settings.

LOL...too funny...maybe in 2-3 years

Yeah I had to overclock my gpu just to watch the youtube video of it :eek:

But what exactly was supposed to be special about that video compared to regular previews of a game? It looked just like any other preview/commercial of a fps game.
I bought it at $20 a few weeks ago...with the high res texture pack and DX11 patch it looks fantastic. At $10 I gifted it to a couple of buddies I'll be having an ol' fashioned LAN party with next weekend - it should make for some small-scale multiplayer fun I think, since I've never heard of a single person that takes Crysis multiplayer seriously.

Also, I can't tell if people are calling Crysis 2 "the second game" or if they're actually referring to Crysis: Warhead (the second game), which actually did look worse than the original Crysis IMO.

The Crysis 3 engine (CryEngine3) is the going to be used for Star Citizen...I don't think anything more needs to be said about how good it can/will look.

I am referring tot he actual Crysis 2, not warhead which wasn't that bad.

I could care less if new Crysis games looked good and ran well. If it continues to be a straight corridor shooter with an increasingly diminishing storyline akin to most B List Alien sci fi shooters than it is of no interest to me.
Crysis 1 was really not some paragon of open ended experiences. Cool you could wander a half mile out into the wrong direction and get lost in some jungle with... absolutely nothing in it. No people, no animals, just some rocks and trees. Now get back to the designated mission zone and approach from a slightly different angle, because like it or not, you're not getting around slaughtering everything at the red blip.

Also the story was Sci-Fi channel original quality since day 1. Korea is a bunch of assholes and set loose ice squids because Crytek is incapable of making a game with just humans even though they're way more fun to fight in general.
Crysis 1 was really not some paragon of open ended experiences. Cool you could wander a half mile out into the wrong direction and get lost in some jungle with... absolutely nothing in it. No people, no animals, just some rocks and trees. Now get back to the designated mission zone and approach from a slightly different angle, because like it or not, you're not getting around slaughtering everything at the red blip.

Also the story was Sci-Fi channel original quality since day 1. Korea is a bunch of assholes and set loose ice squids because Crytek is incapable of making a game with just humans even though they're way more fun to fight in general.

North Korea.
I crapped on Max Payne 3 and Far Cry 3. Both turned out to be pretty good.

I will reserve judgement on Crysis 3 until it drops.