$600 computer vs PS4 for VR


Mar 7, 2015
I'm debating the Oculus rift vs Sony Morpheus for VR. Can anyone comment on which would be the better option? If I go with the oculus rift I'll need to buy a desktop, because right now I have a low-end business laptop with integrated video.
I'm wary of getting any of this generation of VR. It seems everyone is going to throw their hat in and I don't have the cash to end up getting two or three different setups just to be able to enjoy everything I may want to. That being said, I'd lean more towards the Oculus and a decent gaming PC. I think that most of what will be available on the Morpheus/PS4 will be available on PC at some point and the Oculus will have a larger overall library.
Wait until this Fall when all of the big names launch their technology. AMD has a new video card coming that they ran the Oculus demo at the GDC event. Nvidia was running the Valve / HTC headset, but the word on the street is that there was an AMD powered version that wasn't quite right to show off just yet.

Basically you're going to need to toss a ton of GPU at it to maintain a high frame rate. Not sure how much that costs. :)