-5V rail?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 30, 2001
What is the -5V rail used for.. And don't say the MB because I know that.

The reason I ask is that my trusty old IC7-Max2 died last night, and in the testing process I noticed that the -5V rail on my 425 W PCI-E ready PSU is "bad" (according to a tester with LED's that light up for each good rail) I swapped in a older 465 W PSU that I have that tested "good" (both are Enermax PSUs) and verified that the MB was still acts the same as with the "bad" psu. (won't get past post, cpu reports as overheating, doesn't always detect IDE drives etc.)

I would like to use my "newer" 425 W psu because it is PCI-E ready and I intend to (finally) upgrade to PCI-E. However did the "bad" -5V rail kill my IC7, and if that is just off by a little too much for the tester would it still work on whatever board I replace my IC7 with?

Or should I just buy a new PSU and be done with it?

BTW, what kind of warranty does Enermax have?
The -5v rail is largely a legacy item with very few boards requiring it or even using. Your 425w PCI-E ready PSU may very well not have a -5v rail at all as it was eliminated from the ATX12v spec a while ago. What model is it exactly?
I will check when I get home.. I thought it was a Whisper, but I can't find that on Enermax's website, so I could be remembering it wrong.
It is a Noisetaker, and it ATX 1.3.. It doesn't seem to actually have a -5v rail.. and appears to be fine.

My MB on the other hand is flaky.. poor old IC7 can be coaxed into booting sometimes, but not if I have an IDE cdrom connected.. SATA seems to work sometimes. lol
