550ti sli on dx11 games?


May 28, 2012
Hello, i am new to this forum but i am fairly used to a forum environment. As this is my first post this is going to be my first question!! :D

Will my new computer (well plan to build) be able to run battlefield 3 and other recent dx11 games on high settings?

Cpu: intel i5 [email protected]
RAM:8Gb 1600mhz
Mobo: biostar z77
SSD: mushkin chronos 120gb ssd
GPU: EVGA 550ti in SLI
Psu: 530watt(this is enough, i checked)

If so, what framrates would you expect?

even though you checked I'd still be iffy about the psu, if you start getting crashes or unexpected slowdown that might be the culprit. Anyway a quick google turned up that this site actually did a review of 550 sli over here. I'd subtract up to ~5% off fps to account for your cpu (a slight overclock to something like 3.6 might help make up the difference) but otherwise it seems your setup will likely play a high end game lime bf3 at pretty high settings very well.
I'd estimate everything high settings low AA, you'd have to experiment with settings but it wouldn't be too bad I suppose. I saw a few benchmarks but not for BF3 for 550ti SLI. You'd probably be better off selling those if you can for a better graphics card, but you should be fine. In terms of the PSU - it's the brand and quality and amperage of the PSU and it's efficiency, not just the wattage rating.
Welcome to the forums.

For future reference, when asking any question that involves having enough juice to play "x," you need to specify what resolution you will be playing at.

At 1650x1080 you'll have plenty of power. At 7680x1440 your build wouldn't cut it.
According the [H] reviews 550Ti SLI is roughly equivalent to a single 560Ti, and a 560Ti is enough to get between 30-60 FPS in BF3 Ultra settings at 1920x1200.



With that said SLI cards suffer from issues like microstutter and poor performance on new releases, so I would definitely go with a single card even if it means paying a few dollars more.
Raidmax 530 watt. I used a psu calclulator and the wattage thats recommended is 432 watts .__. i might be slighty overclocking, only a little bit :) thanks for the quick replies :) just what i wanted to hear. Also, my moniter doesnt supporr such a high resolution :( its 1440x900 LOOL :(((( shouldnt be a prohlem?

Also, the link is givin me a 404 error :c
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Forget the 550 SLI, this is pure nonsense. Go with a single card instead.

On a side note to Xeth:
You make it sound like these issues are omnipresent while they are not. It's the exception, not the norm that SLI doesn't work properly in new games and microstutter depends on variety of factors. In this particular case, fps would be so low that MS would be a problem, that is true.
Raidmax 530 watt. I used a psu calclulator and the wattage thats recommended is 432 watts .__.
The problem is that it's a Raidmax PSU. So that means that PSU won't be able to provide anywhere near its rated wattage under real-world conditions due to it being a piece of crap. If you want a good PSU, I recommend this:
$64 - Antec NEO ECO 520C 520W PSU
Also, my moniter doesnt supporr such a high resolution :( its 1440x900 LOOL :(((( shouldnt be a prohlem?

Considering that you're only playing at 1440x900, which is a fairly low resolution, no reason for you to get GTX 550 TI SLI unless you're the type to waste money. You'll be fine with a single GPU. I recommend grabbing the HD 7770 video card instead since it costs about the same as the GTX 550 TI but offers significantly better performance.
The problem is that it's a Raidmax PSU. So that means that PSU won't be able to provide anywhere near its rated wattage under real-world conditions due to it being a piece of crap. If you want a good PSU, I recommend this:
$64 - Antec NEO ECO 520C 520W PSU

Considering that you're only playing at 1440x900, which is a fairly low resolution, no reason for you to get GTX 550 TI SLI unless you're the type to waste money. You'll be fine with a single GPU. I recommend grabbing the HD 7770 video card instead since it costs about the same as the GTX 550 TI but offers significantly better performance.

Im on a budget. Anyways, how much wattage do u think the psu would supply then?

And no way. I am NOT getting anything from amd. Their products are so buggy (friend works at amd). And what if im upgradin to a bigger moniter? :/
Im on a budget. Anyways, how much wattage do u think the psu would supply then?

And no way. I am NOT getting anything from amd. Their products are so buggy (friend works at amd). And what if im upgradin to a bigger moniter? :/

At 1440x900 you really don't need that much juice; however, your psu is an area that you really dont want to skimp on.

2 x 550ti ~ $270.

I would say shift about ~$50 of that to your psu and get a good name brand psu. That will last for years. Use the ~$220 left to get a good single gpu. Than if you ever upgrade your monitor, you can go sli to handle the increased resolution and you wont have to worry about killing your psu.

Buy a good psu off the back and it will last you a long time.
Im on a budget. Anyways, how much wattage do u think the psu would supply then?
Probably half its rated wattage at best. Again no reason to get the Raidmax, even if you're on a budget. If you're truly want a stable system, don't cheap out on the PSU.

Now if you stick with the HD 7770 and can ditch your plans for SLI or Crossfire, you'll be fine with this PSU:
$53 - Antec NEO ECO 400C 400W PSU

If you don't mind a drop in quality and slight drop in upgrade capability, this is also an ok choice:
$47 - Corsair 430CX V2 430W PSU
And no way. I am NOT getting anything from amd. Their products are so buggy (friend works at amd).
Uh huh. Unfortunately for you, Nvidia doesn't have good bang for the buck options at the low-end of the spectrum. Pretty much the cheapest bang for the buck Nvidia card IMO is the regular $180 to $190 GTX 560 card. However even then it's still outperformed a bit by the similarly priced $175 to $190 HD 6870 1GB.
And what if im upgradin to a bigger moniter? :/
Depends on large of a monitor you're planning on getting. With that said, GTX 550 TI SLI still wouldn't be a good solution since the cooler running GTX 560 TI costs the same as two GTX 550 TI cards and uses less power while providing similar performance. However if you do go with the GTX 560 TI, you should definitely get the Antec 520W PSU I listed earlier.
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And no way. I am NOT getting anything from amd. Their products are so buggy (friend works at amd).

And he couldnt help you with your build...
Somehow I dont believe that but whatever. The advice given to you here is good.
Get this card: http://www.amazon.com/MSI-PCI-Expre...3EEXTUSWX65VP&s=generic&qid=1338294692&sr=1-6

GTX 560 Ti $159.99 is just as fast as GTX 550 Ti SLI without the hassle of two cards. That is a waste of money, space and power.

As far as the PSU, it wouldn't die and it would power your system sufficiently, but you might want to look at something better in that price range. I would go with either of these that are both currently 10% off on sale:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817553009: COUGAR A-Series A560 $49.99

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139027: CORSAIR Builder Series CX500 V2 $59.99
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My suggestion to you is to go to the "General Hardware" section of this forum and make a new thread laying down a proposed budget and explaining what you would be using the computer for (there are some easy to follow guidline/templates in there). I think it would really help you get the absolute most for your money. There are some amazingly helpful people on this forum and even the mods get involved (as you've seen with Danny_Bui), you'll learn a lot.
Forget the 550 SLI, this is pure nonsense. Go with a single card instead.

Price for performance dual gpu ist best. Seriously, you can save money and get like 20% better performance than an equivalent single card. His fps wouldn't be low enough for microstutter issues imo.

My 460 sli beat my mate's 580 and he bought that card a year later and it cost $200 more than the 460s combine.
Price for performance dual gpu ist best. Seriously, you can save money and get like 20% better performance than an equivalent single card. His fps wouldn't be low enough for microstutter issues imo.

My 460 sli beat my mate's 580 and he bought that card a year later and it cost $200 more than the 460s combine.

I notice microstutter below 50fps. Also I doubt that lets say 70 SLI fps actually feel like 70 fps with one GPU. Depends on your perception, I guess. SLI/CF makes more sense with faster cards when you cannot get the performance you want from a single GPU.

It were a tiny bit different if he would at least pair current tech, but such outdated GPUs is a nogo. Recently I noticed a scaling issue in Diablo 3 that occurs in at least 2 levels. I was able to fix it with custom compatibility bits - would the average user be able/willing to do that?
Ok i decided to go with a single 560, THEN sli ing it in the future. Would that be better? :)
Not really. In the future you get more vram, less power consumption, more features. The best strategy for the average gamer is to buy a single card and exchange it for a single faster card when more performance is needed.
Indeedo, the best single card is always the best option, unless you need a specific feature that requires Sli (such as Surround gaming with sub-$400 spent on video cards). Sli in the future isn't always an option either, since your card will usually have gone EoL before you need to buy a second one.

I would suggest either a 460 or a 560 for your setup. 1440x900 really isn't that demanding of a resolution. At all.
560 it is then! Can anyone recommend me a card (200-245$?) :D

at that price I would spring for a 560 ti 448 (do note that a 448 edition is different and better than a regular edition.)

i.e. $225 on these forums with a warranty. (I don't know this person, just giving an example of what price point to look at.)

Also check ebay. You can deff find a gently used 560 ti 448 for under $245.

I think this will last you ~2 years at your current resolution
Agreed, go single card, at least 560 Ti and if you can swing it the 448 edition or even a 570. With your SLI capable board you will have room to grow in the future.