2600k,asus p8z68 offset & LLC


Limp Gawd
Feb 4, 2005
So this may have been asked before but I've googled like a madman and can't seem to find anything definitive. I just bought my 2600k+mobo. I'm working on oc'ing it. So some folks seem to use a fair amount of LLC and a bit of offset, while others nearly shut off LLC and use offset. I have two questions...which way is better? Secondly, right now, I'm trying LLC=Regular and offset=+0.080. When I'm in windows using prime95, the vcore gets to about 1.344-1.352 (once I saw 1.36, but never again). I'm pretty stable 4.6Ghz at this setting. My temps using primve for about 10 minutes hit around 70C. Can someone help me analyze these settings? I'd like to try to hit 4.7 totally stable if possible or more as long as the voltage isn't too crazy. I'm using a Corsair H60 mounted at the back of my case with the fan pulling...
<==airflow | case wall | fan | radiator | inside of case
I think the normal recommendation is to use a lower setting for LLC (like regular) - the reason is that at higher settings LLC actually adds voltage (instead of just countering Vdroop) so you end up running a lower offset (because LLC is putting in additional voltage) which can lead to crashes when the system is only lightly loaded (like with a single threaded task).

1.35 is a decent voltage for 4.6, so you can up the offset a little if you want to try for 4.7. If you have Internal PLL Overvoltage turned off, you can also try turning that on, as it normally gives you a couple of extra multipliers.
Thanks for reassuring me on this. Since this is my first sandy bridge I wanted to make sure there wasn't some way I was accidentally doing like 1.7V or something, lol.