$10,000 Gold Apple Watch Edition Crushed By Magnets

When I was a kid my dad had some magnets he said that he got from a railroad or something. Anyways I had to wait until I was a preteen to pull them apart they were so strong. Then one day I clamped all of my dad's roofing nails, tools, radio, and whatever else I could find together in the middle of his workshop for science. I never saw my magnets again.
Magnets are interesting. Can't say the same about the gold plated turd.
Honestly, those magnets are more valuable than that worthless POS. Man, to see that magnet chip just broke my heart.
I've always wanted magnets that size, but I just know I'd be laying on the couch watching TV playing with the magnets and SLAM! I'd pin my fingers from both hands between the magnets! lol :eek: :eek:
I love video's of people destroying expensive stuff :D

Thanks for the link Steve!
I'm not sure how much Youtube pays, but if they can make enough to pay for the broken magnet(s) and the watch, then I need to figure out how to destroy things on camera.
What an idiot if he actually destroyed the real thing. But those magnets are beefy.
Yeah broke the edge of the magnet, however the most surprising thing was that it looked like the apple charging case had a microUSB port to plug it in, what no convoluted proprietary connector?
Nothing tops the .50 cal obliterating the Apple watch.

As for that video... I want that 5 minutes of my life back.
I don't get these destruction of expensive item videos? It's just destructo-pr0n. Oh wait.
I hoped they'd put the watch between two electromagnets or something and then have the magnetism itself rip it apart. Not just slam two huge magnets into it. Waste of perfectly good magnets. Also, Apple is laughing all the way to the bank with these videos.

Destruction videos are cool when the tool used to destroy it is cool or ridiculously overpowered. Like the .50 rifle or the "will it blend?" videos. Magnets are cool, but they're just using them to smash things. You could have just smashed the watch with a brick.
Yeah broke the edge of the magnet, however the most surprising thing was that it looked like the apple charging case had a microUSB port to plug it in, what no convoluted proprietary connector?

It was an Apple Lightning cable, not microUSB.