Recent content by starsfan7

  1. S

    $675K RIAA File Sharing Verdict Is ‘Unreasonable’

    I know, I was thinking the same thing as I typed it, but I couldn't come up with a better metaphor >_<.
  2. S

    $675K RIAA File Sharing Verdict Is ‘Unreasonable’

    Well then they can go after the people who distribute it from there. If someone asks to borrow a rifle to go hunting, and then goes on a murderous rampage, are you still liable for murder? How does the law work there? Sorry, only metaphor I could think of, do you get what I mean?
  3. S

    $675K RIAA File Sharing Verdict Is ‘Unreasonable’

    All points aside, I think the best argument was laid out in another one of these threads, I don't remember by who, but the gist of it was this: X (the upload speed of the users connection) times Y (the number of songs the accused made available) and Z (the length of time the songs were made...
  4. S

    Let's see your mug...

    /wave These pics are about 3 years old, I need to go steal some from my family's cameras.
  5. S

    Bono Calls for Tougher Download Controls

    I won't try and justify stealing, but what I will justify is that if I paid for a movie or music, no matter what format it is in, I should be able to do whatever I damn well please with it. What all the studio people seem to fail to realize, is all these DRM schemes and anti-piracy crap don't...
  6. S

    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    195.62, I updated in the midst of trying to figure all this out. I have an XFX 260-216.
  7. S

    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    I was getting between 8~9k on 353 pointers before I started seeing P10101, now with these lower clocks, I get a 353 pointer and it is now about 7400ppd. Anything higher than what I have now and I just get an EUE at 2% with a P10101. EDIT I run the fan at 100%.
  8. S

    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    Had to take the OC all the way back to stock to get the GPU to play nice with these new WU's. I think the moral of the story here is these new WU's rape GPU's.
  9. S

    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    Winner. Now a question. Is there a way to reset the driver without a reboot ala VPU recover? This is my first nvidia card that I bought specifically for folding in november, still noobish with green...
  10. S

    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    How can I check/examine this with precision? Have it running now.
  11. S

    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    Well, let me clarify, I just moved this week, before farm comes down, 1575ish~1604 shader no problem (before I started seeing P10101), this week, everything goes back up and this.
  12. S

    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    Well, I know there is a settings issue somewhere. I have been using these exact settings since early november without any issues though, so I have no idea. I know the WU is only at 1%, but that PPD estimate is pretty indicative of what I have been seeing on my GTX 260 for the last 48...
  13. S

    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    Is there something I'm missing? You guys are saying a couple thousand ppd drop, well my mild OC gtx 260 went from 7500~9000 ppd to 3500 with these WU's. These are the only WU's I've gotten for the last 24 hours.
  14. S

    OCZ Z Series: Z850 Power Supply Drawing @ [H]

    need moar power.