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  1. S

    $675K RIAA File Sharing Verdict Is ‘Unreasonable’

    I know, I was thinking the same thing as I typed it, but I couldn't come up with a better metaphor >_<.
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    $675K RIAA File Sharing Verdict Is ‘Unreasonable’

    Well then they can go after the people who distribute it from there. If someone asks to borrow a rifle to go hunting, and then goes on a murderous rampage, are you still liable for murder? How does the law work there? Sorry, only metaphor I could think of, do you get what I mean?
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    $675K RIAA File Sharing Verdict Is ‘Unreasonable’

    All points aside, I think the best argument was laid out in another one of these threads, I don't remember by who, but the gist of it was this: X (the upload speed of the users connection) times Y (the number of songs the accused made available) and Z (the length of time the songs were made...
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    Let's see your mug...

    /wave These pics are about 3 years old, I need to go steal some from my family's cameras.
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    Bono Calls for Tougher Download Controls

    I won't try and justify stealing, but what I will justify is that if I paid for a movie or music, no matter what format it is in, I should be able to do whatever I damn well please with it. What all the studio people seem to fail to realize, is all these DRM schemes and anti-piracy crap don't...
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    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    195.62, I updated in the midst of trying to figure all this out. I have an XFX 260-216.
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    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    I was getting between 8~9k on 353 pointers before I started seeing P10101, now with these lower clocks, I get a 353 pointer and it is now about 7400ppd. Anything higher than what I have now and I just get an EUE at 2% with a P10101. EDIT I run the fan at 100%.
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    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    Had to take the OC all the way back to stock to get the GPU to play nice with these new WU's. I think the moral of the story here is these new WU's rape GPU's.
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    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    Winner. Now a question. Is there a way to reset the driver without a reboot ala VPU recover? This is my first nvidia card that I bought specifically for folding in november, still noobish with green...
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    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    How can I check/examine this with precision? Have it running now.
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    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    Well, let me clarify, I just moved this week, before farm comes down, 1575ish~1604 shader no problem (before I started seeing P10101), this week, everything goes back up and this.
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    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    Well, I know there is a settings issue somewhere. I have been using these exact settings since early november without any issues though, so I have no idea. I know the WU is only at 1%, but that PPD estimate is pretty indicative of what I have been seeing on my GTX 260 for the last 48...
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    Warning: New NVIDIA GPU WU's -- P10101

    Is there something I'm missing? You guys are saying a couple thousand ppd drop, well my mild OC gtx 260 went from 7500~9000 ppd to 3500 with these WU's. These are the only WU's I've gotten for the last 24 hours.
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    OCZ Z Series: Z850 Power Supply Drawing @ [H]

    need moar power.
  15. S

    Need to help another folder....

    Since I just set a couple of these up a few days ago... The IP that the notfred lists in the VM window is the IP address that you enter in your browser to configure the client. So it will give you some host name like fold-XXXX. After the VM is up and runing, and you see that login prompt, the...
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    VM's and SMP

    Ok, now I can ask the questions I wanted to in the first place x|. I have the VM set to idle priority, and it is pushing all 4 cores on one instance. Now I have been lead to believe from what I have researched about using a VM is that it will play nicely with an NV gpu if the priority is set...
  17. S

    VM's and SMP

    So I just started over completely when I got back to the machine, fresh config of everything... And now it works. *shrug* --- Opening Log file [November 21 22:39:45] # SMP Client ##################################################################...
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    VM's and SMP

    The system is literally being used for nothing else, with the vm running my usage is only around 80% total, so I think it should be ok, but like I said, I am really more curious and just messing around with it. I followed the install guide in the sticky, except I gave the vm.exe idle across all...
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    VM's and SMP

    So I decided to switch over an SMP client to a VM and I seem to have fouled something up, although what I am not sure. I have just been playing around with a VM to see if I would get a tangible ppd boost from a VM over a winSMP client. The machine this is on is a Q9550 @3.31ghz with 2GB of...
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    Well, it took me almost 2 years...

    Hey, we all have to start somewhere, for me it was a lonely P4 and one client. Once I found the GPU client tho... :D
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    Well, it took me almost 2 years...

    Is there any major difference? Both machines have thermaltake toughpower 1200w psu's, so I hope power will not be an issue. One machine does have a 4870X2, and the other has a 260. If I am not mistaken, the 295 is 10.5 inches long, but I think I am going to wait until I have the card before I...
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    Well, it took me almost 2 years...

    But I finally did what I set out to do. I made it to page 1. And now I'm about to buy a GTX 295. I used to only have ati cards and one computer. Do you see what this place has done to me!? But no really. I'm not an nvidia guy and the gtx 260 I bought last week was my first nvidia card...
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    Always been a skeptic, but after reading I decided to join the Horde

    As someone that started with the old core on my p4 just a couple of years ago, I can tell you that it only gets worse :D
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    Those are some awesome numbers from an SMP client. Gratz.
  25. S

    Nvidia GTX 260

    Awright, my first 10k+ day in 5 months and I've only had the thing in for 5-6 hours. MOAR. Mr. Pedantic: I feel your pain. It makes me really sadpanda that this gtx260 literally out ppd's my 4890 and my 4870x2 combined. Is any info on a new ati gpu friendly core just conjecture at this...
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    Nvidia GTX 260

    I don't run the heater in the winter. I let my folding heat my house. I am so not kidding either.
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    Nvidia GTX 260

    Yeah, but I <3 xfx, and that cost me extra. 184.99 at the egg. At least I get a lifetime warranty. Are BFG's cheaper? I didn't really look. *EDIT* I'm really not a tard, just been really impressed with XFX, so much so that they are really the only maker I buy from now...
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    Nvidia GTX 260

    Wow, jacked up the monitor sharpness and now it looks a lot better, would have never thought that card to card you'd need to adjust monitor settings. Learn something new everyday, oh well. Also, I want moar D, but, *sigh*, college. Maybe there will be more GTX 260's in my future if they get...
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    Nvidia GTX 260

    Is it bad that I bought the GPU solely for folding then? rofl
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    Nvidia GTX 260

    I mostly see it on the taskbar. I use ultramon for a smart bar that spans my monitors in XP, and the royale noir theme on both desktops, the color and sharpness just looks noticeably better to me on an ati card. Like the text and shading on my bar is fuzzy. I know these descriptions suck but...
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    Nvidia GTX 260

    Yep. I'll be honest, the difference isn't major, but it's enough to irritate me. Almost like sharpness, like the ati card(s) are sharper?
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    Nvidia GTX 260

    I'm using DVI on all my monitors. Tried adjusting every setting I can find in the nvidia CP, although I'll admit my last nvidia card was a 5200fx, or somesuch years ago, so I am not versed on tweaking nvidia cards with the CP. I never jack with the display settings with my ati cards tho...
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    Nvidia GTX 260

    Welp, I swallowed all of my red-team pride and bought an xfx gtx 260 core 216 today. Currently reading about 7100 ppd in fahmon. Also brought my 4890 back on for folding, woohoo cold weather! 2 things: 1. I hate my life for the fact that this 260 rapes my 4870x2/4890 in ppd 2. Why is nvidia...
  34. S

    Texting Behind The Wheel Should Be Same As DUI

    "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson (1743 &#8211; 1826) I rest my case. GTFO of all aspects of my life .gov, kthxbai.
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    Texting Behind The Wheel Should Be Same As DUI

    Still my life, my car, and I still pay for insurance that "doesn't run out", I don't know where you got that one, but no. I don't see a point if your trying to make it. If I am driving and get hit by someone who is texting, I still have insurance for that too, so no. I'm not advocating for...
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    Texting Behind The Wheel Should Be Same As DUI

    I still say seatbelt laws cross a line into none of the governments business territory. I don't want you or anyone else telling me what is safe to do with a car that I paid for, a seatbelt that I paid for, and a life that belongs to me. If I ram my car into you, then it's the governments...
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    Texting Behind The Wheel Should Be Same As DUI

    You are extremely naive to think that your vote has anything to do with the constitutionality of a law. Our government doesn't work that way. You elect people to represent you to make laws for you, YOU have little to no direct power over federal lawmaking. Don't penalize me because people...
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    Texting Behind The Wheel Should Be Same As DUI

    Essentially. The idea being that we don't need a law against stabbing someone with a butter knife cause that would be covered under assault or murder if you die. Same thing as texting/talking while driving, punish the individual for their irresponsibility with the device (be it car or phone...
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    Texting Behind The Wheel Should Be Same As DUI

    Not to be a ball-buster but you kind of just made his point for him. I could butter knife you, there's no guarantee you'll die, so it's okay. EXACTLY. Punish the individual for the act of butter knifing or shooting, not for shooting a target or spreading some butter.