YouTube Bans Dangerous Challenges and Pranks Videos


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
YouTube has rolled out new Community Guidelines that will ban videos that depict dangerous challenges and pranks. Examples of dangerous challenges and pranks include, setting yourself on fire, eating Tide Pods, driving blindfolded, shooting a loved one for views, home invasion pranks, drive-by shooting pranks, and pranks that cause children severe emotional distress. Content creators have 2 months to remove content that violates Community Guidelines without incurring a strike against the channel.

The examples we've given are not exhaustive and we evaluate all content against our Community Guidelines when making decisions for enforcement.
According to Cagey, it does say "depict."
I paraphrase things so that I'm not just "copying." Depict was my term for what I believed the article was saying. Please glance over the article!

The last section that is in italics is what I actually quote from articles. If I interpret something wrong or use the wrong wording feel free to call me out on it. I don't mind being wrong. I'd rather fix it than look dumb. :)

This is a quote direct from the article.

We’ve updated our external guidelines to make it clear that challenges like the Tide pod challenge or the Fire challenge, that can cause death and/or have caused death in some instances, have no place on YouTube.
I paraphrase things so that I'm not just "copying." Depict was my term for what I believed the article was saying. Please glance over the article!

The last section that is in italics is what I actually quote from articles. If I interpret something wrong or use the wrong wording feel free to call me out on it. I don't mind being wrong. I'd rather fix it than look dumb. :)

This is a quote direct from the article.

We’ve updated our external guidelines to make it clear that challenges like the Tide pod challenge or the Fire challenge, that can cause death and/or have caused death in some instances, have no place on YouTube.

Dang. And we nearly got to the finale where someone shoots a gun using tidepods as bullets into a primed explosive fire.
This should be an interesting roller coaster ride... I'm really just wondering how far they will go. For example:

"pranks that cause children severe emotional distress" I'm all for not giving a platform to people that would truly abuse kids, but what constitutes severe emotional distress? Do the Jimmy Kimmel christmas pranks count?
I paraphrase things so that I'm not just "copying." Depict was my term for what I believed the article was saying. Please glance over the article!

The last section that is in italics is what I actually quote from articles. If I interpret something wrong or use the wrong wording feel free to call me out on it. I don't mind being wrong. I'd rather fix it than look dumb. :)

This is a quote direct from the article.

We’ve updated our external guidelines to make it clear that challenges like the Tide pod challenge or the Fire challenge, that can cause death and/or have caused death in some instances, have no place on YouTube.

I see where youtube is coming from.. and they are doing it as a CYA action.

But the premise that those videos caused deaths is just stupid. It is the idiots who decided to follow those stupid "challenges" that caused their own death.

The people who followed those vids must have had ZERO common sense. I bet if a friend of their's jumped off a bridge they would have also followed suit. Would the blame then be put on their friend?
I guess Electroboom will have to pretty much shut down his entire channel now.

I can only dream that some day there will be a company that stands up against this removal of personal responsibility instead of just caving, but clearly anything Google-related will not be it.
I guess Electroboom will have to pretty much shut down his entire channel now.

I can only dream that some day there will be a company that stands up against this removal of personal responsibility instead of just caving, but clearly anything Google-related will not be it.

Why would he have to shut down his channel? I've watched a few of his videos and doesn't he say to NOT do what he is doing?
YouTube is becoming more and more censored because of its nature but the allure originally was that anyone could post a video about anything and also exercise freedom of speech. No longer @ YouTube as they also censor what you say as well.

Google is EVIL!
WIth the 'bird box challenge' where you either walk around or drive around with a blind fold on and the one where you pull a gun on someone to see their reaction i dunno what is going on. I can see why youtube is just taking the stance of "we want no part of this".
The problem I have with this is that any competitor to Youtube is crushed on copyright and despite the complaints about it, YT is the main thing because people get away with copyright murder for the most part. Unless you're political.
I hate the idea of censorship, but anyone trying to profit off of "pranks that cause children severe emotional distress" can go straight to hell.
I get why they're doing it, because the world is turning into a sue-happy cesspool where people see the challenge of trying to blame others and get some kind of tangible compensation is somehow worth the misguided effort, instead of simply just owning up to dumbfuckery and accepting responsibility for one's self.

Here's an idea for a new YT logo:

I don't like censorship, but I'm behind this. Far too many impressionable kids/teenagers (and weak-minded adults) have access to and watch YouTube videos. Idiotic challenges such as the Tide Pod challenge and the latest Bird Box challenges have resulted in injuries and deaths. Some will argue "Darwinism" but if someone pulls out into a busy intersection blindfolded (due to the Bird Box challenge) and causes you to wreck your car then it no longer just affects the individual performing the challenge.
I don't like censorship, but I'm behind this. Far too many impressionable kids/teenagers (and weak-minded adults) have access to and watch YouTube videos. Idiotic challenges such as the Tide Pod challenge and the latest Bird Box challenges have resulted in injuries and deaths. Some will argue "Darwinism" but if someone pulls out into a busy intersection blindfolded (due to the Bird Box challenge) and causes you to wreck your car then it no longer just affects the individual performing the challenge.

Where are the F'ing Parents?
I guess Electroboom will have to pretty much shut down his entire channel now.

I can only dream that some day there will be a company that stands up against this removal of personal responsibility instead of just caving, but clearly anything Google-related will not be it.
He'll probably have to play it more straight in his videos and drop the jokes where he harms himself. Especially the more clever gags involving him electrocuting himself which seem quite real to people new to his channel.

It sucks. I do wonder what he'll do, because I don't doubt he'll be affected by this.
Youtube is basically TV, it reaches millions of people.
This may generate a lot of false positives. Doubt youtube will do this manually
I'm all for idiots removing themselves from the gene pool. That being said, if any of you have kids you know exactly just have influential stupid shit on YouTube can be. Hell just go talk to some 4th graders and ask em to show you a Fortnite dance. All of them will. Then ask how many actually play the game and only a small handful will say yes.

This has been a dad moment, thanks for listening :D
This, and more will be coming forth. The day Youtube monetized videos was the day the train went off the rails because greed will supplant common sense, moraility, and ethics in order to make a buck.

The videos they want to block would have never been made had it not been a way for some chump to make a buck.
This, and more will be coming forth. The day Youtube monetized videos was the day the train went off the rails because greed will supplant common sense, moraility, and ethics in order to make a buck.

The videos they want to block would have never been made had it not been a way for some chump to make a buck.
A pretty good summary. In other words, the problem doesn't start with childish, impulsive, questionable, or even dangerous videos, but instead starts with the platform which lacks curation, peer promotion (or harbouring), and which indirectly incentivizes controversial, click-baity media. What gets promoted on the front page of Youtube is mostly asinine garbage -- and that's after some filtration (and if you dive in a little deeper it gets so much worse). Youtube begrudgingly leaves some cash cows on the front page based on click counts, and doesn't trust its user base to build communities hedged against the algorithms. (Likely because most creators completely fail to promote other good media in their respective topic.)

We complain about "censorship", but they're free to do what they want with their system -- it isn't a public service or right. And with a system that isn't properly curated in any way, with too few features for creators to affect the outcome of the auto-promoted media, Youtube has forced themselves to step in and reactively "correct" the outcome rather than improve the system. It's not abusive, it's just lazy.
Challenges and pranks is pure dumba$$ fodder. But there is (or was) some very dangerous health advise on youtube. There was a case of a video about a body detox procedure that stared with drink a gallon of soy sauce. Soy sauce is mostly saltwater. A woman tried this; put her in the hospital, nearly killed her.
Challenges and pranks is pure dumba$$ fodder. But there is (or was) some very dangerous health advise on youtube. There was a case of a video about a body detox procedure that stared with drink a gallon of soy sauce. Soy sauce is mostly saltwater. A woman tried this; put her in the hospital, nearly killed her.

When you just want all that MSG ;)
I paraphrase things so that I'm not just "copying." Depict was my term for what I believed the article was saying. Please glance over the article!

The last section that is in italics is what I actually quote from articles. If I interpret something wrong or use the wrong wording feel free to call me out on it. I don't mind being wrong. I'd rather fix it than look dumb. :)

This is a quote direct from the article.

We’ve updated our external guidelines to make it clear that challenges like the Tide pod challenge or the Fire challenge, that can cause death and/or have caused death in some instances, have no place on YouTube.

RTFA. Gotcha.
Drama makes the world go round, we already have broadcast tv, youtube is killing itself. At some point another service will come along and usurp it.
Where are the F'ing Parents?
Banned from YouTube. Some of the examples they gave for "pranks that cause children severe emotional distress" were the fake death of a parent or shaming children for mistakes. I've seen some of the videos of moms telling kids their dad was dead just to get the reaction. That's messed up.
Youtube bans challenges and dangerous pranks, yet continues to allow murders, violence and a ton of other heinous videos out there... fucking hypocrites.
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