“Minority Report” Advertising Is Here

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Contrary to what this guy thinks, I don't believe the world is ready for Minority Report style advertising just yet. Do you?

Remember that scene from the 2002 sci-fi movie “Minority Report,” when a camera takes a retina scan of Tom Cruise’s character and a billboard calls out to him, “John Anderton! You could use a Guinness right about now”? An advertiser’s dream come true! We’re actually not that far from the kind of immersive direct targeting that will follow users outside of the Web browser and employ all kinds of measurement to divine what their itch is, and how advertising can help scratch it.
I can see some lawmakers and politicians walking in front of some of these "smart" billboards and it's saying, "Do you need a good criminal lawyer today? I mean, a REALLY good criminal lawyer!". :D
I can tell you that I would absolutely hate that. I despise having things shoved in my face. I tolerate commercials on Hulu only so much before I have to take a break from it. The more they push, the more they will drive me away.
I can tell you that I would absolutely hate that. I despise having things shoved in my face. I tolerate commercials on Hulu only so much before I have to take a break from it. The more they push, the more they will drive me away.
Agreed. If I walked by a window and it started trying to sell me something I would never shop there. They have to realize that traditional advertising methods are loosing their effect, and trying to shove it in our faces isn't going to make us ignore it any less: it would do the exact opposite.

I wonder what this guy would say about the Futurama way of injecting ads into our dreams. At that point I think I would eat a bullet than have to deal with that bull.
Targeted advertising is good for you!

The plebs should have government mandated anal probes feeding the good and caring corps with all the valuable info they need which would help them decide what you need to buy in order to be a good and happy citizen.
Thanks to Google Glass, Android phones, Ad Sense, Gmail, Youtube, G+, and in conjunction with Adobe Flash, we're getting pretty close to having personalized ads. At least, those of us that use Google services anyway. :D
"Are the old male enhancement drugs not working quite as well as you hoped? Well there is a new product out and ... would your buddy here like to try as well?"
Thanks to Google Glass, Android phones, Ad Sense, Gmail, Youtube, G+, and in conjunction with Adobe Flash, we're getting pretty close to having personalized ads. At least, those of us that use Google services anyway. :D

Yeah, because Google is the only company period that has targeted advertising :rolleyes:
I can see lots of broken billboards in the future as well if they're going to be yelling at people all day. I'd hate to be the sucker who had to work in the mall at one of those cart things right next to these audio billboards. Talk about annoying....
Yeah, because Google is the only company period that has targeted advertising :rolleyes:

It's the only one that hides in your pants all day long sending out GPS location and cell tower triangulation thingies, plus reads your e-mail and knows every Youtube video you watch, every text message you send, every website you visit (well if you use Chrome and if not, just everything with Ad Sense), everything you search for, and has photos to associate with your face. No other company gets to combine that much delicious stuff into a single, unified profile about you. :D
"Are the old male enhancement drugs not working quite as well as you hoped? Well there is a new product out and ... would your buddy here like to try as well?"

More Like it asks that above question and yells out your name along with it. :D

"Are the old male enhancement drugs not working quite as well as you hoped John Anderton? Well there is a new product out and ... would your buddy here like to try as well?"
I can see lots of broken billboards in the future as well if they're going to be yelling at people all day. I'd hate to be the sucker who had to work in the mall at one of those cart things right next to these audio billboards. Talk about annoying....

I will gleefully destroy any devices like this I see.

Rifle, baseball bat, 2x4 with a rusty nail, I don't care. One way or another I will crusade against this kind of shit.
How are people still failing to see that unbridled consumerism will be the doom of society as we know it?
It's the only one that hides in your pants all day long sending out GPS location and cell tower triangulation thingies, plus reads your e-mail and knows every Youtube video you watch, every text message you send, every website you visit (well if you use Chrome and if not, just everything with Ad Sense), everything you search for, and has photos to associate with your face. No other company gets to combine that much delicious stuff into a single, unified profile about you. :D

Being that your User name is CreeoyUncleGoogle, I assume you are very biased. Of course they know everything, because they own all those services. It's basically like saying, "Facebook is bad because it knows everything you do ON Facebook", HardForum is bad because the admins know everything, including your PMs, ON HardForum.