New to Zen cpu's and have a question...
So I understand that currently the sweet spot for memory performance on Zen 4 is 6000mhz DDR5, with ramped up speeds beyond that not showing significant gains. I loosely understand this is related to the current infinity fabric implementation in the memory controller(?) of the cpu.
My question is: If I buy into the AM5 platform, say with a 670 based board with the intention of dropping in a new cpu in 3 or 4 or 5 years, should I buy the absolute fastest DDR5 now even though current cpus dont really take advantage but perhaps future gen cpus (zen5+) might have a higher baseline infinity fabric implementation?
hypothetical example: Buy a zen4 in the next 3-5 months with DDR5 somewhere in the realm of 8000 to 10000mhz capability. This speed wouldnt not be exploited by current gen Zen but might be with next gen?
Or is the memory performance more a byproduct of the actual motherboard/motherboard chipset?
So I understand that currently the sweet spot for memory performance on Zen 4 is 6000mhz DDR5, with ramped up speeds beyond that not showing significant gains. I loosely understand this is related to the current infinity fabric implementation in the memory controller(?) of the cpu.
My question is: If I buy into the AM5 platform, say with a 670 based board with the intention of dropping in a new cpu in 3 or 4 or 5 years, should I buy the absolute fastest DDR5 now even though current cpus dont really take advantage but perhaps future gen cpus (zen5+) might have a higher baseline infinity fabric implementation?
hypothetical example: Buy a zen4 in the next 3-5 months with DDR5 somewhere in the realm of 8000 to 10000mhz capability. This speed wouldnt not be exploited by current gen Zen but might be with next gen?
Or is the memory performance more a byproduct of the actual motherboard/motherboard chipset?