YouTube Killing 30-Second Unskippable Ads


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
Those of you who actually watch YouTube’s forced ads will be spending a lot less time doing so, as the site is moving to shorter varieties. While the company’s official reasoning seems to regard improving the viewing experience, the article points out the possibility that YouTube is being threatened by Facebook’s video offerings.

Google explained that its aim is to provide a better advertising experience for online users. "As part of that, we’ve decided to stop supporting 30-second unskippable ads as of 2018 and focus instead on formats that work well for both users and advertisers," said a Google spokesman. Ads shorter than 30-seconds, including the 20-second spots, can be made unskippable. In April last year, YouTube introduced the six-second unskippable bumper ad format. It’s understood that the platform intends to promote this format more heavily in the year ahead. This includes all formats, including TrueView.
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So they burned the bridges and now they're trying to build a raft to go back.
Facebook's videos competing with youtube? LOL, disorganized videos, shitty search, want to whack someone for even suggesting such.
Thank God, those 30 second ads were getting old pretty damn quick.
Soon to be announced, 29.99 second un-skippable ads. From the article "Ads shorter than 30-seconds, including the 20-second spots, can be made unskippable."
I wouldn't use youtube at all if it had ads, let alone 30 second ones.

On a bunch of third party devices, like my Kindle tablet and my TV's YouTube app, there are ads when you start a video. They run for about 30 seconds and then give you the option to opt-out and start your video.
Youtube's increase in ads actually drove me to use an ad-blocker. Suprisingly, I was a holdout for the longest time, but shit got out of hand.

I guess with all the PewDiePie money theyre saving they can cut their ad revenue :)
On a bunch of third party devices, like my Kindle tablet and my TV's YouTube app, there are ads when you start a video. They run for about 30 seconds and then give you the option to opt-out and start your video.

I watch documentaries at times on YouTube and I'm noticing interruptions in the middle of the video. 30 second advertising is popping up about 4 times during the span of a 45 min docco.
I made up my mind not to buy anything from a 30 ad that I was forced to watch, ever.

I do this with advertising in general.

You advertise to me, it means you are annoying me, and if you annoy me I am less likely to ever buy your products.

All marketing is an annoyance. The best thing a company that wants to sell me their products can do is to leave me the fuck alone, and never reach out to me under any circumstances, unless I contact them first. I'll do my research, and I will reach out if I need anything.

I wish there were a "Do Not Market To" list covering all media, including mail. Granted seeing how effective the "Do Not Call" list has been it's moot either way.

All that being said, err... Please white-list HardOCP guys? :D
I do this with advertising in general.

You advertise to me, it means you are annoying me, and if you annoy me I am less likely to ever buy your products.

All marketing is an annoyance. The best thing a company that wants to sell me their products can do is to leave me the fuck alone, and never reach out to me under any circumstances, unless I contact them first. I'll do my research, and I will reach out if I need anything.

I wish there were a "Do Not Market To" list covering all media, including mail. Granted seeing how effective the "Do Not Call" list has been it's moot either way.

All that being said, err... Please white-list HardOCP guys? :D

I kind of agree. An ad should be nothing more than "here is my product. It does this. Buy it." It should not be "here is my product that is vaguely described while you see a person living their day and they give you this extensive poem that is suppose to make you feel good and my product is jeans."
Now if we can get the 30 minute (out of each hour) drug companies ads removed from TV then AMERICA WOULD BE GREAT AGAIN. I see another executive order from Trump?
I have zero interest in the vast majority of ads I see. They claim to be trying to better target their ads based on your browsing, but it doesn't really seem to work. I did one site's click through deal and ended up with a couple search terms related to Linux software... the next thing I knew I was getting ads for Windows 10. I never went back. This is a problem everywhere, not just Youtube. I think the only thing that can be done for company and consumer is to keep ads short and unobtrusive. An ad that is loud, long, or too fast paced makes me mark that brand to never buy, but... I guess they got to make a few bucks in order to provide the service...