YouTube Is Trying to Prevent Angry Mobs from Abusing "Dislike" Button

There have been plenty of verifiable examples of both paid likes and paid dislikes. It's even obvious from the metrics, so they COULD do something about this even with automation. At least for relatively large channels - sorry, your subscriber base doesn't suddenly go from less than 1% of your viewers being in say Vietnam to suddenly 10% who all happen to hate your video. Or like it. Same thing, it is so blatantly obvious that these are paid shills.
There have been plenty of verifiable examples of both paid likes and paid dislikes. It's even obvious from the metrics, so they COULD do something about this even with automation. At least for relatively large channels - sorry, your subscriber base doesn't suddenly go from less than 1% of your viewers being in say Vietnam to suddenly 10% who all happen to hate your video. Or like it. Same thing, it is so blatantly obvious that these are paid shills.

Automation as in "if you do not like this new Gillette commercial, you are clearly a Vietnamese shill or a Russian Bot!"
There are many times where I wish the dislike button are disabled. I think there are too many aholes out there that do nothing but being negative on social media. The best thing would be to completely get rid of it. If a content sucks, there won't that many likes anyways and it will fade into oblivion. Better off that way.

As a channel owner myself I completely agree with you, the dislike button doesn't need to exist really. I do want some kind of metric so removing both dislike/like isn't a question, but you can see how well a video is doing on the amount likes it gets. Removing dislike button encourages people who would just dislike to post instead, meaning give either constructive criticism or personal attacks or doesn't share your political view a post instead at which the channel owner can identify at what is not liked as just hitting the dislike button doesn't tell the channel owner why it was disliked. Don't get me wrong, I'd gladly take constructive criticism in order to improve but it's hard when noone keeps posting what's wrong, so removing the dislike button enforces more ppl to comment instead and it also identifies the "asshats" if they keep just keep coming back to post negative stuff as they got some personal grudge against you or something. As it is right now they are anonymous when they hit the dislike button. I love to argue with people and can often make good points as to why do this and that and gladly make objective arguments but not being able to answer to people who just come to hate on something sucks. Less protection of mobs is welcomed. Not to mention there are people paying for dislike bots and on social media there is sometimes group of people collectively going to dislike stuff, example dislike every music video a certain artist releases, would be a satisfying feel to take away that possibility.

Removing dislike option (which could be made optional) is my favorite option and has more benefits than negative side effects where the most negative aspect would be that more offensive comments would be posted but pros would be more posts, more feedback, dampen the "review bombing" effect what it has to algorithms and such (posting comments is still there to ensure freedom of speech, just a more useful way of expressing feedback than hitting dislike button) and remove unfair practices like people being hit by dislike bots and what not. Besides getting a lot of dislikes often works as psychological unmotivational factor especially for channels that works without any profits (me included). I mean they already removed dislike button on comments.... imo that one was more useful than dislike button was for the video as at least we could give asshats (not those with different views but real asshats with offensive behavior, personal attacks etc) less publicity this way.
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There are many times where I wish the dislike button are disabled. I think there are too many aholes out there that do nothing but being negative on social media. The best thing would be to completely get rid of it. If a content sucks, there won't that many likes anyways and it will fade into oblivion. Better off that way.

Brilliant. Now most people will see primarily main stream media channels on the first few pages regardless of the search parameters.

If content sucks it often DOES get a lot of likes simply for being a popular media outlet. I would rather watch an alternate source with 100k likes and 1k dislikes over some mainstream fake news that managed 800k likes but over 400k dislikes.

It is unfortunate that so many snow flakes get their feelings hurt when a dislike button is used. Are their some 'dislike mobs'? Sure, but the real reason a popular video gets slammed is because it is truly seen a propaganda trash and not by these mobs. It is specific to the content and not just the channel.

The best example is of a recent Joe Rogan episode. Normally, his channel does great. When he had Jack Dorsey on and opening is jaw for him, he got DESTROYED.

I think Joe is better for it. It sounds like he used it as constructive criticism and hopefully wont be such an unprepared pussbag anymore.
That was a bad video. I see now why people wanted to review bomb it.

The problem is Youtube management, like most management, is so out of touch with its user base. They left out a majority of big Youtube moments and instead went with the low hanging politically correct fruit. Obviously that's just going to piss off a lot of people as it just feels like they decided to ignore a huge portion of its users.
Corporate shit tends to get disliked. YouTube is the new home of corporate media or so they hope. All the crap they shovel down on you in TV land, you get to thumbs down on YT. Their shit look bad and gets disliked more than dudes with a webcam. This is to end this embarrassment.
The problem is Youtube management, like most management, is so out of touch with its user base. They left out a majority of big Youtube moments and instead went with the low hanging politically correct fruit. Obviously that's just going to piss off a lot of people as it just feels like they decided to ignore a huge portion of its users.
They just wanted to do something safe. I get it, but was a waist of good collective talent. They could have done something better, but it would have been a risk. They decided to play it safe and still got the backlash.
YouTube is just angry that they can't tell us what to like. People keep exercising their free will and disliking the awful crap corporations want to shove down our throats. Bad goys!


Actually, I'm pretty sure that the recent Gillette 'Best a Man can be' video was the real cause of this.
It was massively down-voted by a margin of over 10-to-1, even as moderators were deleting comments (and votes) almost as fast as angry people could post.
That went on for days...

So yeah, crap corporations and SJW's crying when they couldn't win - even after cheating

Actually, I'm pretty sure that the recent Gillette 'Best a Man can be' video was the real cause of this.
It was massively down-voted by a margin of over 10-to-1, even as moderators were deleting comments (and votes) almost as fast as angry people could post.
That went on for days...

So yeah, crap corporations and SJW's crying when they couldn't win - even after cheating
That is only a small part of it, but it's to silence disapproval so they can tell us what is liked, what is popular, and otherwise how to think and if you dissent, you're made to feel alone.
Only dislike orange man, no dislike liberal agenda. reeeeeeeeeeeeeee!