YouTube Demonetizes Anti-Vax Channels

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In the 1630's Galileo postulated the earth revolved around the sun, everyone thought he was "incorrect" and the church "shut him up" by convicting him of heresy. Turns out the earth does in fact revolve around the sun. There are many examples of scientist, mathematicians and scholars being silenced throughout history, their knowledge and ideas destroyed. Since knowledge and truth are always in flux it makes sense to constantly consider all the possibilities. Seems to me we are in danger of google becoming the new church.

I put a serious line between "what I'd like to believe" and "what I can prove with available evidence at my disposal". One is rational and scientific, the other is hocus pocus. Your example is reinforcing my point - the church should be told to shut up in this case, not Galileo. He had facts, they had things they wanted to believe.

Yes, a hypothesis can be wrong. But the entire point is science is we correct those with facts, not beliefs. That's what science is - the attempt to understand reality by making a hypothesis, testing it with experiments, and evidence.

So until there's real evidence vaccines really cause serious problems (of which none is ever really presented), let's err on the side of kids not dying of things we can prevent. I like a world without polio, personally.
Anti-vax sentiments are wrong and dangerous, don't get me wrong, but that doesn't hold a candle to your kind of callous, moralising, authoritarianism. Not even close. I'll take the anti-vaxxers over people like you any day.
Repulsive. Try telling that to the Burnaby BC couple who's child is now under medical quarantine after a hospital visit due to the contamination from said hospital from one Emmanuel Bilodeau.
This Vancouver anti-vaxxer father of an 11 year son who contracted Measles after a trip to Vietnam decided to spread Measles around without a care to the world! And the worst part is that anti-vaxxers defend this father's actions without any sense of shame, for the death of other infants are fine and dandy so long as their children do not get autism.

The ilk of anti-vaxxers have blood on their hands by this point in time.
I believe the opposite is true. Shutting people up who are provably incorrect is precisely how we make progress.
I have one question, is it E. M. P. or EMP? Not very democratic are we? Being wrong isn't a democracy. What is right or wrong is hard to tell, hence why we don't want people policing it. We know the anti-vax people are wrong but what if we apply this to things like asbestos causes cancer? Corporations could use this as a way to quiet people who might be against their bottom line.

I have one question, is it E. M. P. or EMP? Not very democratic are we? Being wrong isn't a democracy. What is right or wrong is hard to tell, hence why we don't want people policing it. We know the anti-vax people are wrong but what if we apply this to things like asbestos causes cancer? Corporations could use this as a way to quiet people who might be against their bottom line.

How could they use this AGAINST facts?
Youtube is wading into a censorship swamp they may not be able to wade out of. Given the injury rate in American football, one can make a pretty strong argument that any video encouraging someone to play is dangerous and harmful. Should all videos featuring football be demonetized? What about stupid skateboard tricks? Or those how to videos on building a fully tricked out Gaming PC that consumes a vast amount of power, causing dangerous and harmful environmental damage?
Youtube is wading into a censorship swamp they may not be able to wade out of. Given the injury rate in American football, one can make a pretty strong argument that any video encouraging someone to play is dangerous and harmful. Should all videos featuring football be demonetized? What about stupid skateboard tricks? Or those how to videos on building a fully tricked out Gaming PC that consumes a vast amount of power, causing dangerous and harmful environmental damage?

Another anti-vax supporter added to my ignore...
Ok guys, channel deletion is censorship, video deletion without just cause is censorship. Demonetizing videos is not censorship. While I'm not usually on board with it, the fact is anti vax channels are actually pushing information that is in fact causing actual harm to children. While I still wouldn't be supportive of them censoring the videos, I'm absolutely in support of them denying them monetary compensation. Stop using the word censorship incorrectly.
I'm against the flat-Earther ban and support this. Flat-Earthers are almost universally laughed at, but anti-vaccers spout enough plausible-sounding pseudoscience to fool a disturbing amount of left-hand-of-the-Bell-Curve people.
Ok guys, channel deletion is censorship, video deletion without just cause is censorship. Demonetizing videos is not censorship. While I'm not usually on board with it, the fact is anti vax channels are actually pushing information that is in fact causing actual harm to children. While I still wouldn't be supportive of them censoring the videos, I'm absolutely in support of them denying them monetary compensation. Stop using the word censorship incorrectly.

It not censorship when a private entity removes unwanted content from their platform either.
Censorship is something done by a state/goverment.
Anti-vax sentiments are wrong and dangerous, don't get me wrong, but that doesn't hold a candle to your kind of callous, moralising, authoritarianism. Not even close. I'll take the anti-vaxxers over people like you any day.

So you would rather people create public health risks like they did in Washington recently? That's insane.
I have yet to encounter a sane anti-vaxxer.

When I was doing my pediatrics rotation during my 3rd year in med school I had one of those crazy anti-vaxx parents come in and try to "teach" me why vaccines were bad. It was pretty hard having to hold my tongue and composure and tell her why she was wrong and how she was putting her kid in danger--the worst part is she was an educated liberal w/a masters from Rice. If there were peer reviewed studies that definitively showed vaccines cause harm, these people might have a leg to stand on but most of the shit they spew is just hearsay and conjecture.
I have one question, is it E. M. P. or EMP? Not very democratic are we? Being wrong isn't a democracy. What is right or wrong is hard to tell, hence why we don't want people policing it. We know the anti-vax people are wrong but what if we apply this to things like asbestos causes cancer? Corporations could use this as a way to quiet people who might be against their bottom line.

My statements have nothing to do with a governmental strategy or corporate malfeasance. I am simply following evidence and what has been shown to (dramatically) cause more good than harm. We should strive to promote what is real, and dismiss what is bullshit - regardless of origin. I don't care if the origin is New Age Mama or Weyland-Yutani. I think we're agreeing - all this BS is bad, and I'm saying we need to work harder to reject all sources of it.

Beliefs, especially ones which can be proven incorrect or at least not supported by any evidence (in spite of a multitude of studies) cannot get equal footing with facts / things which are amply supported by active studies, and evidence.

If there's evidence to disprove something, we all want to see it. That's what science is. Science is not based upon hypothetical fears.
When I was doing my pediatrics rotation during my 3rd year in med school I had one of those crazy anti-vaxx parents come in and try to "teach" me why vaccines were bad. It was pretty hard having to hold my tongue and composure and tell her why she was wrong and how she was putting her kid in danger--the worst part is she was an educated liberal w/a masters from Rice.

I have found that most people that believe in quack science are educated people, generally having some form of college or graduate degree. Those with educational levels below that generally do not have the time/money to invest themselves into quack science.
Except even if your kid gets the vaccine, there is still a small chance it didn't take.
Then your kid ends up sick, with permanent health issues or even dies because someone didn't want to vaccinate their kids due to this fake information.

Vaccinations are about protecting everyone, not just yourself.
Especially the young who haven't been vaccinated yet, or others with health problems that can't be vaccinated.

My own kid had an allergy when she was young that meant she couldn't get some vaccines.
Lucky she eventually out grew the allergy, and she got the vaccines several years later that normal.


Herd immunity is essential!

Vaccination cannot be a choice!
I have yet to encounter a sane anti-vaxxer.

and they usually look like this

im still on the fence about this. kids now have 2-3 times as many vax as when I grew up and im fine. but then, like mentioned above, shit happens like the Vancouver case.
I'm being compelled to drive slow when I want to drive fast.

No, you're being restricted to a range of speeds. Or you could not drive at all. You aren't being compelled to perform an action. But more than that compulsion and restriction are much more than simple corollaries.

For example, restricting speech that criticises the state is bad enough, but compelling speech to praise the state is far worse... A difference between limiting how you can express your beliefs and being forced to express beliefs you don't necessarily agree with. Equating the former to "they're compelling me to only be able to say everything that isn't restricted" is absurd on its face.

Linguistically, "Restriction of X" can be transformed to "Compulsion of !X" by exploiting a slight misapplication of compulsion that actually means "am allowed to" instead of the proper "am forced to," which is what you've done in your example. But being forced to do a thing is not comparable to being restricted to its inverse. For example "I'm being forced to speak in support of the state" is not equal to "I'm being restricted to not speaking against the state," since the later isn't being forced to perform any action (and can chose not to speak in support of the state) while the former is (and can't).

And I believe my fast driving to be safe, yet I can still be put in jail for driving fast.

Sure, but you're arguing against a straw man.

The ilk of anti-vaxxers have blood on their hands by this point in time.

Sure. A lot of groups have "blood on their hands." Practically every government policy or lack of policy will kill people directly or indirectly. Authoritarians always argue for more authority and less freedom for "the greater good." Screw privacy if it means we catch a few more terrorists and all that. The question is how much of our fundamental freedoms that blood is worth, as well as how close we can veer towards a fascistic society before the unintended consequences of that society create more human misery than we set out to cure.

And obligatory:

im still on the fence about this. kids now have 2-3 times as many vax as when I grew up and im fine. but then, like mentioned above, shit happens like the Vancouver case.

While having more vaccines increases the chance of running into one a child might have an allergy towards it also means there are more things they are protected against. As such, those illnesses will have less people to infect and become less of an issue.
I despise any form of censorship, no matter the target. Censoring someone, just because you disagree with what he says, is wrong. There will be no progress if we shut up everyone who thinks differently from us.
I can't wait for the world to come under full communist rule by 2076.
Then people will know what full control and censorship will mean, and what it was like in the 20th century for people living under Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union.

Only, this will be worse, as it will be that plus that 1984 social credit score system that China has implemented.
People just can't enslave themselves fast enough - but those damn anti-vaxers, they're the real threat... right. :meh:
While having more vaccines increases the chance of running into one a child might have an allergy towards it also means there are more things they are protected against. As such, those illnesses will have less people to infect and become less of an issue.
on the other hand we are removing natural resistance and becoming reliant on everybody having been vaxxed.
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