Your most epic gaming experience/memories

Fighting my shadow in Zelda II: The Adventures of Link.

N64 Goldeneye Deathmatches with friends.

Riding my bike up to the local bowling alley just to play Street Fighter II Championship Edition

Waiting in line to play Mortal Kombat when it first came out. (Remember to put your quarters on the edge of the screen when your up next to play) ;)

Feeling Heartbroken and Angry at the same time when Sephiroth killed Aries. I've never had a video game give such a wide range of emotions like FF7 did.

Doing all-nighters playing Final Fantasy Tactics with my Dad.

Good times. I will never forget them.
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When planetside first came out and everyone was playing it.

133v133v133 battles on a continent is AMAZING.

your lucky if you pop lock a continent now a-days.
My most epic experience would have to back in the earlier EQ days, during the SoV expansion. There was one specific NPC called the Avatar of War that took 70+ people to drop. I remember the first time my guild joined a few others, mainly Legacy of Steel, and dropped that guy. That was an epic moment, no doubt.
Elite - not so sure it was PC I played it on, but the game was huge and tricked you into believing it was even bigger than that!

Oh man, wasted countless hours playing elite. I ended up losing my saves at Deadly. I heard there was a way to get a mining laser and cheat your way to Elite but I did it the old fashioned way, warping out to a lawless system and just killing for hours.

There was some rumors running around that Elite4 was being made but I haven't heard much on that lately.
jsut beat Mass Effect the 3rd time through ( I made some..err.. fatal mistakes in the first two )

I always cheer on Captain Anderson, when he punchs the jerk of an Ambassador, to re-enable the Normandy.. it was epic!

I am so excited about MA2!!!!!

Oh and regarding Elite 4 from an earlier post, from all outward appearances, I think it is has the same fate as Duke Nukem Forever.... :(
Metal Gear Solid:

Liquid: Fo....FOX...?

Snake: Die...

Liquid: X_X

Metal Gear Solid 4:

Rex vs. Ray

Needless to say I'm somewhat of a Metal Gear fanatic and when it came down to that fight and after 2 games full of Liquid's bullshit I was absolutely into it like no game before

When I pulled off this little gem of an attack I was up off my couch yelling at my TV.

I won't even get into my hysterics at the final fight....
Portals: The ending fight and subsequent song. Also, my friend being utterly confounded at how I intuitively passed the challenges with just about one try after glancing around momentarily at each puzzle without much thought. ^_^

Beating Legendary Wings with my brother, both of us alive at the end.

Beating Super Ghouls and Ghosts to find out I needed a key from the first level to free the f-ing princess. But mostly beating one of the hardest SNES games of all time.

All the Zelda games at and before Ocarina.

Beating Star Fox on hardest difficulty while tokked up... (The key detail was that none of my friends had beaten it yet sober even.) And not losing one ship.


Tie Fighter and X-wing. Flying the Tie Defender.

Shitting myself running from chainsaw man in Zombies Ate my Neigbhors!

Duke Nukem(First time I ever heard of Oprah), Wolfenstein, Doom series.

Secret of Mana; two player RPG and "growing spells" with a musical score that was epic.

Playing FF7 demo on Banjo Kazoo at a friend's. Three years later playing FF7 and bawling at Aeris dying. Bawling again when I realized her staff with a handful of my best materia had died with her... Then feeling like shit for caring about the materia when she was dead. ^_^

Resident Evil 2 being my first Playstation game, my dad watching from the couch and hearing him screaming in terror "Shoot it, shoot it!" as a face licker jumped out at us and he wasn't playing... Also, shooting the rocket launcher as Claire at the mutant just before boarding the train and it cutscene with,"Eat this bitch!" and one shot the big guy... My twin brother witnessed it but nothing on the net backs up the event as existing.

Red Faction: Beating my three other friends in a best of 2 tourney to prove who was the greatest at Red Faction among us. Never using the x-ray Rail.

Doing it again in Halo and never using rocket launcher. Also exploding in an embarrassing fit of anger after dying just before a 10 kill streak and being so furious that I "blew" so badly in the matchthat as I was screaming and jumping around calling bullshit I realized in horror that I had trounced the match at 36 to 5.

Going to Quakecon playing Quake Arena for the first time ever and killing two other players in a 2v2 rail match solo as my pickup partner got nuked immediately and hearing across the hotel lobby two people exploding about an unclanned who had just cost them their placement in the pairs tournament finals. Most importantly though, being honorifically clanned by said pair once they located me(My companions who were a clan wouldn't let me hide) and found out I was a complete Quake newb(IE: no concept of the minutia of the game mechanics, rocket jumping, etc).

My first planned "looooong" distance disc snipe in Tribes on the CTF carrier.

Shadowrun on SNES. The only cart and package I still have just because...
-TMNT on the NES with my brother. We would jump kick around the screen and watch the little foot soldiers turn back and forth, all the while saying "Watch the birdie, watch the birdie!"

-Duke Nukem 3D. I borrowed it from my uncle and promised him I wouldn't turn on the dirty stuff...until I did, a week after I installed it. "Shake it, baby!"

-I was about 12 years old, and got XWing Collectors CD ROM with a Gravis Joystick for Christmas. I fired it up a couple days later while my parents were out. My X-Wing was destroyed and apparently KIA, because it showed a cutscene of my casket being dropped from the belly of a Rebel cruiser, and sent into space. I was devastated. I actually quit the game for the day. When my parents got home I guess I was still distraught because my mom asked me what was wrong.

-Playing Half-Life for the first time

-My first online gaming experience, F22 Lightning II over direct dial-up (We agreed no missiles, so when we went head-to-head I flipped to sparrows; when he heard the lock tone he went evasive allowing me to gain the advantage and splash him with guns. He quit after that. Hey, I didn't fire any missiles!)

-Hydro-THUNDER! on Dreamcast for the first time

-Doing the Jedi training in the Massassi temples of Yavin IV in Jedi Academy.

-My college roommate and I spending about 6 hours on a Saturday learning how to fly choppers in Desert Combat.

-My college roommate and I frakking RULING the demo map for Delta Force Black Hawk Down MP, taking the high ground on a building overlooking the main road and alternating between sniping, killing flankers on the ladder, and jumping to the adjacent rooftop to man the grenade launcher when the Black Hawk took off (watching four or five bodies go flying from the BH when we hit it with the launcher never got old!)

-Using TrackIR for the first time in my trusty A-10A in Lock On.

Certainly there are more, but these are the most memorable.
Reading through a lot of these, seems like many people's best memories either come from WoW, or some other MMo's. I think the reason primarily is due to MMo's being so open. I, at least, feel way more immersed in them than any other game. In FPS's, I feel like I am following a scripted path, where in MMO I am free to do whatever.

Anyways, I had to think about this one for awhile. I've had some really good times in WoW, but I always remember feeling a bit of a grind and it feeling like work. I think my best memories come from COD:UO with maps such as Casino, that stuff was so much fun. I actually ran a clan for the first time ever back then and we were getting pretty good. Oh, and I made us a website!! I was so proud of myself, even though it was shitty. I was like 14 I think. lol.
I was about 12 years old, and got XWing Collectors CD ROM with a Gravis Joystick for Christmas. I fired it up a couple days later while my parents were out. My X-Wing was destroyed and apparently KIA, because it showed a cutscene of my casket being dropped from the belly of a Rebel cruiser, and sent into space. I was devastated. I actually quit the game for the day. When my parents got home I guess I was still distraught because my mom asked me what was wrong.

My first "LAN party"...

Of course it was over null modem cables playing Doom2, but that's was the coolest thing ever at the time.

Watching the plasma fly down the long hallways while strafing was simply epic. That was around 1993 I think.

Much more "epic" than any of the WoW achievements I was there for IMO.
i remember an old ladder match in mohaa - objective, rifles only, ckr realism. i was the only one left against 5 other opponents and somehow managed to snipe all of them and win the match with my clan cheering me on over teamspeak. that was pretty epic i guess

plus the first time i played doom. i don't think i got that awe inspired feeling again until i played deus ex. honorable mention: chuck yeager's air combat
For me, of all the gaming i've done, one game has and always will stand out in my mind..... Zelda: Ocarina of Time.


That game have a special place in my game-heart. I still remember when you got the horse and rode around the plains of Hyrule. And i got a rumble pack so the controller rumbled when riding the horse, that was awesome.
Me and my friend called each other every progress we did in the game. Yeah.. Ocarina of Time is an awesome game.
WC3 custom games, the variability and strategy floored me, put in over 10000hrs in the last 6 years.
MW 1&2 SP
GOW series
Uncharted 2 blew my mind a few weeks ago, glued me to the TV.
BF1942, i had a joystick for flying back then.

So anyway, i take off in my dinky fighter plane and i'm flying around when i spot one of those giant planes that a ton of people can load up in and fire out the side. I'm gaining on it and eventually catch up. I LAND MY MOTHERFUCKING PLANE ON TOP OF ANOTHER FLYING PLANE, get out, throw some of those engineer bombs down and make a run for it because they would slide off moving vehicles if you didn't blow them quickly.

I leap off the plane and push the plunger and it blows up in a fiery wreck behind me as I parachute to the ground.

my life changed forever that day.
I have plenty of very early (and epic) gaming experiences since my dad was in the computer industry from early on, but one thing that stood out as I was reading this thread came to mind when I saw someone post about Blaster Master. I thought of the little bug that allowed you to pause the game when you landed a hit, and it kept damaging the boss. BUT that wasn't what I remembered being reminded me of the epic fail of having played whatever game (like Rygar or Blaster Master) for a shit ton of hours. Either playing until I fell asleep or having played when I could over the course of a day or two, and since there was no save option I would just leave the game paused and usually turn off the TV...only to have my mom, or a brown out, or something else kill the power to the NES thus eliminating all of that hard work. It's a wonder I never started a fire leaving that damn thing on for so long :D
Age of Empires: Had some epic battles in which each team of 3 players/civilizations started with 20,000 resources and went at it. Many memorable ones lasted for hours, with all the resources depleted on the map, and some pretty calculated battles. It was always fun to rush (attack extremely early to slow their development) someone and get all three opponents cornered, at which point they would barricade themselves in and make it very difficult to destroy them. It all went down on my family's 200mhz Pentium laptop.

Battlefield 2142:

1.) First time playing titan. What an amazing FPS multiplayer experience. My team was defending one of the corridors when the enemies threw in smoke grenades. I felt like I was in the beginning of Star Wars: A New Hope. The instant you could see silhouettes coming through the smoke, 15+ defenders would open fire and mow them down. This was back when organization was common, and you'd get massive battles for small objectives.

2.) My competition team was in an 8v8 conquest playoff round against an undefeated team. We had gone 5-3 during the season, and they had gone 8-0 beating the best teams in the game. The first round we beat them with 2 tickets left (out of 100) on the board with about 3 of our guys on the ground dying. Another second or two and we would have lost it. The second round, we won by 20 tickets and everything just came together. We had some extremely lucky breaks, and in both rounds came back from crushing odds. We would get a lucky suicide jeep kill against their walker or have a squad leader spawn in just before a flag was captured so the rest of us could get back into the battle. A team that casually played the game against a team that played for money and prizes. Its still somewhere on under SFR v. Rubix.

And another one where our team was bet against by everyone:
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Quake II CTF for 40 hours straight on whatever those big-name CTF servers used to be called. Can't even remember anymore.

Tried to install Quake II the other day, but wouldn't install on Windows 7, and I didn't feel like running it in a virtual machine. Got Tribes 2 up and running quickly though, good times. I could definitely go for a new Tribes game with all the eye candy of the present-day with the great gameplay mods like shifter, or whatever that other similar one was called, brought to the table.
Gothic 2:
- becoming a knight
- finding out this is one hell of a long game that practically has no end!
- finding out there are dragons and killing my first one...epic fights

Gothic 3:
entering Varant after spending an hour killing all the bandits, the change of music, characters, accents, architecture...... just amazing.

learning the mage spells in Varant, spawn demon, mana recharge, watching my spawned demon fight of hordes of enemies in the sand storms.

Entering Nordmar through the northern forest passage.. really chilling experience

Deus Ex:

Progressing through the story, watching my choices change the course of events, the amazing sound track.
Some of the shit I used to do in WoW was pretty epic. I miss those days quite a bit. Imagine a priest kiting a boss through one of the original 5 mans - and winning. I was playing on a friend's account to help some guildies get gear and they ended up dying, but it was just the one mob left with a few percent HP left. I threw up my DoTs and started hauling ass. Everyone was laughing their asses off in vent and figured I would die, but somehow I made it. I remember 3 manning some of the very difficult shit in Dire Maul with two of my friends, that was good times too. The original WoW was the best game I had ever played. Not to say that Outlands was bad, but that's when my group of friends and I started losing time to play and eventually I quit. I kind of want to rejoin just to see WotLK but I know my current computer won't be able to handle it. Anybody want to loan me a decent comp to hook up to my HDTV to play again for a couple months?