Your most epic gaming experience/memories

1. Playing Wolf3d for the first time. Having only played stupid CGA and monochrome sidescrollers up until that point, Wolf 3d absolutly blew me away. Everything from the music to sound and especially the graphics were jaw dropping at that time. That is what got me hooked on PC gaming.

2. Alone in the Dark. Not much needs to be said. It started a completely new genre

3. Doom 3. I've never played a game that terrified me before this. Call me a baby, but I often had to take a break from it to get my wits about me lol :D I've never had a game do that to me before. Besides the mood and atmosphere, the visuals were extremely impressive
in order of epicness:

1) first multiplayer FPS experience, which was with the RTCW demo. long live mp_beach.
2) playing DOOM on my 386
3) playing Need For Speed on the in-store 3DO display

i've had a lot of other epic moments, but those are the standouts.
One of my greatest memories of gaming comes from Secret of Mana. It was back when I was a kid and couldn't really afford to just pick up games i wanted, had to wait around for birthdays and such. I purchased the strategy guide (which was more like a storybook) and read it over and over until I was able to get the actual game. I enjoyed that game so much.

Xenogears was another epic game memory. I should play through that again so i can actually relate to the story now.

Another was when three of my friends and I were playing Final Fantasy XI. One of our buddies died, and in FFXI you lost ten percent of your level...he bit it and then picked up his keyboard and slammed it against the table over and over again. it was hilarious, keys were flying everywhere. This was when we were in college too.
My first would have to be FFIII for the SNES. That was a pretty amazing game for the time.

Some others:
-Seeing Myst for the first time
-A hundred different moments in Super Metroid
-Goofing around in Chuck Yeager's Air Combat way back in the day
-Rainbow 6 (oohhh...NAVY seals..../clerks)
-Call of Duty (the first "modern" cinematic shooter I'd played, amazing stuff)
-Successful beach ambushes of mercenaries in Far Cry
-The haunted house in Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines
-Ravenholm and Father Grigori in HL2 (one of the coolest sequences in gaming history IMO)
-Assassin's Creed - First hidden blade kill and the top of the cathedral in Acre (the second is far better as a game, but the mechanics really hooked me at the time and the views were pretty amazing)
-Mass Effect, particularly from Virmire onward, was insanely epic
-Have to echo All Ghillied Up from of the best missions in any FPS I've played, going from the ground in one level to supporting "yourself" in the AC-130 was a close second
-The giddy feeling that you are actually Batman when you get the hang of stealth and combat in Arkham Asylum
Sadly Its a WoW moment well I rate it equally but its getting server first on gruul's lair and server first Illidan kills and going around Ironforge with the Bow of the Betrayer and a fellow guildy with the main hand Warglaive. Then seeing the 2nd guild on the server failing and coming to trash talk us in Ironforge.

Other than that next one would be playing Cod:Uo for the first time and spending almost a full day playing Foy TDM.
Although I've been a gamer for over 25 years I'd say nothing compares to taking down ragnaros for the first time as main tank for my guild back in the vanilla wow 40 man raids. Hearing the cheers on team speak from 39 of my guildies from different parts of the country and world even is a gaming experience that I'll never forget.
I've always been a long as I can remember there were always video games at my house growing up .


pong didn't come out until I was about 10-12 years old.
Many of my epic experiences are similar to some of yours.

- Getting an NES when I was 8, and playing Mario Bros 1/2/3 & Zelda among other greats. Sooo many hours spent!
- Discovering PC gaming on my friend's 386 when he showed me Wolf3D, Leisure Suit Larry, Doom, etc.
- Playing Doom deathmatch for the first time over dialup
- Secret of Mana
- Voodoo II and then SLI (first time experiencing hardware acceleration)
- Selling my SNES and games to be able to afford a 3DO bundle. My first 32-bit console. The graphics and sound capabilities were a huge leap forward; it was a revolutionary experience. I thought it was incredible to have FMV and CD quality audio incorporated in games. Need for Speed, Road Rash, Myst, PO'ed, etc. were pure awesomeness. I eventually sold it for a PSX which was also incredible, but mostly because there were more good games available...I was already used to disc based games by then.
- Metal Gear Solid (the original). What an epic game!
- Buying Half Life and knowing nothing about it other than the fact that it was getting good reviews. My goodness. An incredible experience.
- I never had a Jaguar but I have a feeling that Alien vs. Predator would be up there with some of these moments. The PSX version (well, Alien Trilogy) was cool but the Jaguar version of AvP was insanely cool and much-loved.

There are more but I'm getting all nostalgic when I really need to be configuring a new server. :D
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of course, beating zelda on nes for the first time was incredible, and beating it again with the changed world is even cooler.

but carmageddon 2 will always be in my memory. i never had more fun with any game ever, all i had was the demo for like 2 years too, i didnt care :p
Living through epic environment, dialogue, and story:
-Vampire the Maquerade Bloodlines

Being an epic character:
-Knights of the Old Republic

Epic adrenalin rush:
-Decent 2

Epic buddy vs. buddy time:
-007 Goldeneye

First kiss:
-Monkey Island

Honorary mention:
-Warcraft 2

2nd place buddy vs. buddy goes for:
Warlords on the old Atari system
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Playing through half life 1 single player was pretty epic.

Also the whole xenogears rpg was epic in itself.

Annddd I would have to say Lineage 2 clan battles were awesome. I remember randomly running with 3 full parties to hunt some mobs when we encountered our rival clan and duked it out for 45min straight.
UO being noobs and all when it first came out, accidentally got my buddy ganked by some random mob. I thought it was funny as hell myself.
i played a lot of games, but most epic were probally raiding vox, first time in kunark and plane of fear in EQ

of course old school EQ is the most epic game ever, because the investment was so high and the price of failure was so great. I don't think we will ever see a game it again. it would simply be tooo hardcore, which is a shame.
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Playing RE2 at midnight with my cousin when we were 12. It was like watching a bad horror movie.

getting my mount at level 40 in WoW. Badass wolf. Then getting my epic at 60 when like 50 people had them on the server. PVP in arathi. Killing Vael the first time was like unbelievable. Now WoW has lost all flavor.

Last level on Protoss campaign in original Starcraft was pretty epic.

Ending of Fallout.

beating Sunset Riders for the first time (When i was 22) last year after playing that game since i was 9
Daoc. Ton of epic moments but some of the most epic were definatly when i was just starting to get out into the frontiers (OF), and didn't fully know how everything worked. Being in a relic raid of 60+ hibs, we had the relic and were leaving crauchon (sp? been awhile), and saw some red names in the trees. Zerg ran over to kill em quick, and about 50+ of us just insta-died to team wizzies ae. Relic got out though and made it to the keep. Epic.

Of course there were a ton more 8v8s and 8vzergs that left me shaking with adrenaline over the next few years. Goooooood times. Hope I'll feel it again some day.

Oh, and on a side note. If anyone has a collection of old daoc videos, I'd love you forever if you somehow hooked me up with them. Free Rps/TNO/Hoser/Lagged Again or any of the classics :p
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Pokemon Red on gameboy back in the day was really epic for me, since I was really into the whole pokemon cartoons at the time, that game was unbelivable.

Some others are Chrono Trigger, FFVII.

Diablo 2 was also kinda epic but those rpgs were the best.
Lol. Dont worry all I play nowadays are L4D2 and TF2. Lotta N64 games were epic for me also like Donkey Kong 64, Zelda, Mario.
The first moment that popped into my head involved Rainbow Six: Raven Shield. At the time I played the game pretty heavily online with a friend. And we had gotten pretty good, once briefly I cracked 125 in the world. I remember one instance pretty well, the map was Airport_Day and we were playing Team Adversarial. I was in the courtyard, heading towards the airport and I was going to go between the buildings. One of the opposite team shot me from the side. I managed to Crouch, wheel about 90 degrees and one shot him from what was probably 70 yards in game, before he managed to land a second shot.

As far as games that were just epic in general...
-Hiding in the grass in Delta Force 2, waiting to knife a target
-Trying to outrun a B-61 thermonuclear explosion in F22 Raptor
-Using the quad laser turret in the Millenium Falcon in XWing Alliance
-Discovering new dungeons in Morrowind/Oblivion
-All of KOTOR
-Throwing people in Crysis, and the visuals
-All of the main story of Mass Effect
I had one of the first 99 barbarians on Diablo 2 ladder once. Played through the entire Zelda: A Link to the Past without saving once.

Sounds like a good idea with the impending snow storm on the East Coast :D
I started gaming back on the Sega Master System and NES, then I moved onto my first computer, an mac Quadro 605. But I didn't have an epic gaming experience until a friend of mine suggested I buy Marathon. I was completely stunned by not just how great the gameplay was, but also by the depth of the story. Friends were playing Doom on their PCs, but they just didn't know what they were missing: a compelling story to go along with great gameplay. The Marathon series (especially Marathon 2) are still the high water mark for Bungie IMO.

The next epic gaming experience I had was with Xenogears, which is sadly too overlooked by the RPG community at large. The story is incredibly expansive and covers an array of complex religious and social issues and binds it all together with solid gameplay, amazing sound and music, and well-written characters with depth.

Thankfully, after that Half Life came along and brought an amazing story and and gameplay and changed the whole FPS game (something Marathon probably would have done had it been a PC and not Mac game). Finally we'd start to see real story driven FPS games.

*EDIT: I totally forgot GL Quake for the first time. I sat watching the intro demo again and again, amazed at how smooth it was. that beats ME easily.

Most recently I'd have to say Mass Effect was pretty epic. The story is a little more vanilla than the previous two games, but I loved it just the same.

In order I'd rank them in sheer epicness as follows:
1) Xenogears
2) Marathon series
3) Half Life
4) GL Quake
5) Mass Effect
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Playing Tomb Raider 1 for the first time with 3D Acceleration (Orchid Righteous 3D Card)

THAT was epic!
Metal Gear Solid on the PS had so many epic moments, how to pick just one...

...Meryl in the bathroom
Everquest was a truly epic game for me. The first time I logged into Kelethin I was just amazed by everything going on. However what really cinched it from an epic viewpoint was the first time I was on a raid and we killed Nagafen. It was just incredible to down such a huge mob. The gameworld was just massive and you really felt like you were accomplishing something while playing. No other MMORPG that I have played to this date has ever had that feel. WOW didn't even come close.
Smoking Maat like a cheap cigar during my FFXI days. First try with a Level 69 RDM. Finished in 1minute 58 seconds.
Three moments come to mind that gave me that 'OH YEAH!!' feeling like you got at 1am Christmas morning:

  • My first few laps with Burnout 3 on the Xbox - powersliding left and right through the streets and taking down the competition with cinematic ease.
  • Sitting a a friends house playing Dynasty Warriors 2 slicing through hordes of Yellow Turbans. One of my friends asks, "can you ride the horse?" I walk up to the horse, press a button, and instantly start galloping around the screen mowing down Turbans and cutting them up with huge weapons. I squealed like a little girl.
  • Playing sniper on 2Fort in TFC in the college computer lab. I got my first 'enemy jumps off battlements' snipe, instantly followed by my secnod on the opposite side. I roared with exhultation and the computer lab suddenly stopped and stared. I told them finals were cancelled.
One side memory:
In the computer lab back at school someone installed Wolf3d on all the computers. We couldn't keep computer instructors around long due to the Boomers not having any computer experience. One uninstalled it from all the computers claiming it would rot our souls. When my 7 year old self calmly asked her how to run it (since the exe was gone and I didn't know they uninstalled it) she shouted, "WOLF3D! THERE IS NO MORE WOLF3D!" To which my regular teacher interrupted and said, "We can remove him if he's being a problem..." Who knew trying to stop Hitler was such a big offense?

This is really tough because I cant remember the individual moments as much as the games. I would say that I remember the first real game that I got into on the PC was C&C Tiberean Sun (sp).

Console favorites:
LOZ: Ocarina of Time
Majoras Mask
007 GoldenEye
Halo 1/2 the third one was just a nice way to wrap up the story

Far Cry
Half-life 2 (The ending when there was one)
Mass Effect
Individual Moment:

Original Devil May Cry. I played through the whole game with a friend through a series of drunken nights in a garage apartment. The game was never particularly easy, and then when you get loaded, its even harder. Let me assure you that the entire game was a struggle. Anyway, we get to the last boss after about 2 weeks and it was a death fest for a few hours because we were simply doing it wrong. Finally we figured out the boss, beat the game, and get into the ending sequence. As part of the sequence, one of the lead characters holds up two guns to the screen, says "Jackpot!" and then BANG!!!

A power line transformer blew out about 10 feet outside of where we were sitting and the whole town lost power at the exact moment the character pulled the trigger. Ok it was more like 50 feet away and across the street, we were both fairly well blinded by the brightness of it quickly sizzling itself to death. Epic.
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First day of UO, some super powerfull mage (probabley wasnt but he sure scared the hell out of me back then) asked me if i wanted to go kill stuff in a dungeon with him. Having never left the graveyard I was all over that shit. Before we got there he gave me a bottle, and said drink it, it will make you stronger. So i downed it. Lookin back I really should have realized that a green bottle was poison not a strength potion. Anyways he dry looted me, and the next day I found him and started talking mad shit. Eventually we were at the moongate about to go to fel to duel it out. when he summoned a fire elemental. This was the first time I ever saw one, well his fire elemental followed him into the moongate. I said fuck that shit, and turned around and ran to brit as fast as I could. No way in hell was I going to go in there lol.

Eventually I met him again and he found out that I had lost my young status only hours before he griefed me. He felt pretty shitty about it and we started hanging out. We ended up playing together everyday for a solid 4+ months. He taught me alot about UO, and I am really glad I met him in the end.

Getting a massive erection the first time I spotted a tiger + 2 other tanks side by side on WWIIOL, Putting the sachels down only took me like 30 seconds total but it felt like forever.

My only other good one was probabley either the day I won a 2v1 in a top 20 ranked ra2 game. Or when yuris revenge came out and I invented (I didnt pick up the strat from anyone else so as far as I know I was the first to use it) mag juggling, I literally won 50 games in a row before anyone figured out how to fight it correctly.
So much shit talking went down in Ra2, it was part of the game, and I loved it lol.

"man that load was pretty tough for you eh?? What kind of computer do you have? Is that a playskool, or a fisher price?"

Watching my buddy go 25-0 on halo no shots fired. He picked up the sword and it was like everything fell into place perfectly. He would kill one guy and fly through him, the next victim would be right infront of him. He literally repeated this 25 times, I swear to jebus he probabley could have done it one handed because he practically never moved the left stick.
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Getting Gran Turismo 3 on the PS2, and telling my self and those around me that gaming graphics can never get any better. This was the real deal.

Also on an epic win in dow2, when all odds are against you, but your team mates come in just at the right time meal storm the enemy :D
Descent. Full three dimensional movement, multiplayer online and LAN.

Also - playing my first FPShooter...
"wow - it feels like I'm walking around with a gun!"

That completely changed gaming for me.
CS,CS,CS. Clan matches/tournaments. Winning money. Getting all 5 kills in the first round of clan matches, going entire match without dying, destroying clans/people who are supposed to be "cal-i or cal-m" stuff like that. haha :cool:

Those days are SO over. I lost probably a good 4 years of my life, but I don't regret it completely. :eek:
Pretty much every single moment of Battlefield 1942.

Sniping people from miles away as they speed across on jeeps
Sniping people out of the cockpit when they do a barrel roll in a plane
Trying to snipe people while laying prone on the wing of a plane while my friend flies and plummeting to my death when he makes too sharp of a turn
Spending 20 mins swimming across the map to get to the enemy airfield, filling the backseat of the planes with C4 and detonating them when they take off
Infiltrating the enemy base with a couple engineer friends and booby-trapping the entire area
Dying repeatedly trying to pull off jeep stunts
Kamikaze-ing planes into people that annoy you
Trying to nail planes out of the sky with tank turrets cause it's too easy with AA guns
The inevitable backstabbing and clusterfuck at the start of every map as everyone rushes for the planes
Glad to see that BF1942 has made a mention - a truly amazing game in scale and tremendously well thought out so as not to make it dull! Dont forget Desert Combat -the mod for BF1942.

My top 3 would be:

1. The end of (in fact most of) HL2. First time I ever felt that games were written for people like me - intuitive and emotional - I remember feeling scared of the height when corssing that bridge...

2. Strike Force - a not-very-popular mod for Unreal Tournament. There was a tremendous clan scene and community attached to this game and it still exists albeit as a mod for UT2004. I played this for hours and hours and hours...

3. COD4 MW - tremendous in every aspect. Only the sequels spoil it!
Wow, so many good memories...
Star Wars X-Wing floating out in space hoping the rebellion would be the ones picking me up.
Boobie tassels and OJ car chase in Duke Nukem 3D
Kings Quest VI WTF hard puzzles.
Day of the Tentacle lol!
Loading up MS Flight sim with 3 1/2 inch floppies and starting out in Chicago Meigs

My very first FPS experience with Rainbow Six... WOW that was so awesome. I got heavily involved in the community... It led to Rogue spear and hours of clan ladders. A LAN party in Dallas where i got to meet Kyle.

Half Life... simply amazing!
Team Fortress! YESHHH
Counter Strike was so much fun.
Quake 3 rocket jump.

Star Wars Galaxies... This one is probably the best. It seems like such a long time ago that I played it. For being such a buggy game I truly had fun. This game had so much potential to hold off WOW but SOE ruined it. Hunting Krayt dragons and nightsister elders to raiding rebel cities with all of my friends. Leveling my jedi and ganking bounty hunters once I got master light saber. The crafting was good... the mining and inventory management was cool. Pre-CU yesh! F*&K YOU SOE!

Then I hit rock bottom... WOW
Lots of fun in WoW but honestly nothing that could touch SWG. 40 man raid AV was killer fun. Pulling MC with my hunter, BC, leveling my paladin, and raiding the sunwell. There were many good times in WoW but very few GREAT ones.

Since I gave up my wow addiction almost a year ago I nolonger have a computer capable of playing the latest and greatest. I do enjoy playing Borderlands with my wife though!
Wolfenstien 3d -at my friends house taking turns at the controls.

7th Guest - at my friends house taking turns at the controls.

Tomb Raider at my friends house taking turns at the controls.

Doom2 - Modem connected play - co-op and verses.

Warcraft 2 LAN parties.

Diablo LAN parties

Hereoes of Might and Magic Hot Seat games

Rune co-op.

Far Cry's graphics in single player! Sunset and sunrise made me just look around and enjoy the scenary.

Kameo on Xbox 360 - Georgeous graphics - made me stop and just look around on multiple occassions.
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