Xbox "Next" or "Infinity" reveal thread. Today is the big day!

How is a 2 account limit not killing it?

I'm being somewhat sarcastic, but at the same time since we don't know what the limit is on activations (if there is one), they can still come out and say "we're not killing it" (even though we all know 'yeah, they are').

They have not mentioned a limit on activations. They've said specifically that 2 is ok, but they have not elaborated further. I would assume, being MS and how they love the cash grab....they'd let a million people activate one physical disc, 'so long as they get their $5-$10 per activation (and honestly given their nature on nickel-and-diming up until now, I wouldn't be surprised to see a $20+ fee because that will even further sway people from renting or buying used). No one's going to pay these fees; in that regard, yeah, they're killing it.

Are they coming to your house and physically making it impossible for you to rent a game? Not exactly.

Don't get me wrong - it's utter BS, I completely disagree with it....I'm just being cynical because this is Microsoft, and they certainly will be [cynical] about it, for all the same reasons that they've given BS reasons for charging for Xbox Live the last 15+ years. Note how they mention "adding servers for Xbox One", like it's going to require even more (non)hosting on their part to keep the service up....surely this will be the new reason why playing games on Live can't be free. :rolleyes:
hardware panel is interesting.

He's making the point that these other apps and services cannot affect the availability of resources to the game. They must stay consistent even if they console is doing multiple things.

This explains the split in operating systems -- one for apps and other miscellany, another for the core games.
"That is what that middle OS is for." It dictates and ensures that the other two operating systems are always responsive.

So basically the hardware has a core OS for games and a higher level overlay OS for apps and such. It's a cool idea but it means that part of that hardware is going to be dedicated to that middle OS. it's going to suck down that RAM a bit too I'd think.
I bet a LOT of people are going to base their decision between PS4 and XBOX on this one key issue.

As much as I'd like to think that, I doubt it. People will just continue getting the box that they're used to and their friends are getting. It's not wrong of course, but it's unfortunate.
Also interesting... "And now Boyd is talking a bit more about the third operating system. Each OS, basically, is rendering what he's calling "display frames." They sound like frame buffers. Basically, each OS is always rendering its own display and the third OS allows quick swapping between them."
PS4 has a dedicated hardware chip to capture the frame buffer and record videos. Xbox One has a hypervisor with multiple VM's. We'll have to see how well they perform with multiple tasks in the OS.
I also think it's funny how it's built on Windows.....does this mean BSOD on Xbox One is out of the realm of possibility?

Given that we've seen BSOD on everything from kiosks to elevators, I wouldn't bet against it. ;)
(After all, we did have RRoD and all the other 360 hardware issues as well.)
I also think it's funny how it's built on Windows.....does this mean BSOD on Xbox One is out of the realm of possibility
Well, errors yes, but it won't be a BSOD. 360 had e74 or whatever. Windows OS blue screens can be from factors outside of the OS control. The XBOX OS is going to be very slim and much easier to keep out the bugs, which means virtually no lock ups or hangs.
the second OS is the windows Kernel so I would think you could instantly switch between games and the BSOD. Now that's cutting edge! :D
So lets see :

New Xbox One looks like the first Xbox , has a boomerang controller look to it (ala N64 but much more comfortable) and lots of sports games where shown off.

No price details , no confirmation of always online rumors being publisher only and elective.

Kinect is now a forced option. Which bothers me.

And MS trotted out 2 women so that critics couldn't say "Why aren't there more women in high positions in the gaming industry".

Oh and MS filled the audience with "clappers" and all the gaming journalists who attended where on Twitter saying "We're not clapping..".

So hardly any games shown , new COD shown (wow huge surprise there.. barf) and Skype is now more fancy.

Pretty disappointing. E3 better show something that makes this system worth buying.

Windows Phone 8 has elements of the Windows 8 kernel underneath. The whole BSOD is what happens when things get so messed up the system can't continue, and 9 times out of 10 it's caused by a hardware or driver issue. If I'm not mistaken Windows 8 doesn't even do the "typical" BSOD we've grown familiar with. You get a screen with a frowny face and a message about how the system will restart.
Oh and MS filled the audience with "clappers" and all the gaming journalists who attended where on Twitter saying "We're not clapping..".

Yeah, people were clapping for stupid things that I know long time gamers aren't excited about.
As always, my purchase decisions will come down to exclusives. They can rattle off specs and motion controlled tv channels all they want. What can I play on it.
It sounds like you need a one-time internet connection to validate the game before you can play it. That's better than always online, but still kinda sucks for something that will still primarily be played with physical media.

Have they confirmed this?

I would assume it's cheaper and easier to stick an activation key in each new game package, and if you boot the game without entering the key (which I'm sure it'll ask or say "I don't have a key"), it asks if you need to activate, x dollars is the fee (which will probably be charged in MS Points).
I'm not too experienced on anti-duplication procedures of discs but I would assume that something like a burned-in key could be hacked or at least tampered with, and would probably require special hardware to burn and read.

Knowing Microsoft's infatuation with product keys on stickers or peel-off cards, I would assume history will once again repeat itself here as well and they'll put that on a little card in the package.

This is my guess as well. Second, more expensive, possibility would be some sort of RFID label that gets slapped on. Both those sound cheaper and easier to mass produce than unique codes burned on each disc.

Microsoft's Don Mattrick has confirmed that the Xbox One is not "always on."

I think this whole flap about "always on," that started with that one employee's twitter posts, was blown out of proportion and I think completely misunderstood. People assumed "always on" meant needing to be connected to the internet 24/7. I figured "always on" to be that the system never truly shuts off (unless you unplug it), and runs in a lower powered mode, and can update the dashboard, installed games, etc., while you're not even using it (and assuming it's connected to the internet). Then, when you press power it turns on almost instantly, because it was never really off to begin with.
"Always on" vs. "no used games"....I'm more disappointed to see the "no used games" rumor get confirmed a lot more than the "always on" rumor get debunked. :eek: Again I had no issue with "always on" because I figured you could still play games locally (even if it had "always on").

The code/fee idea with used games is a total deal breaker for me personally.
Instant on would be cooler if it didn't take over a minute for my DLP TV to power on :\
"Don Mattrick confirmed to me that the television initiative is currently designed for 41 different countries." -- Sessler.

Whatever 'designed for' means. If 41 countries get a working TV-guide you can color me positively surprised.

Won't buy the console. Kinect needs to be connected all the time so the console works, dafuq? Also you need to be always online (Internet connection...). Dafuq is this shit? That's not what I buy a console for.
And who cares about TV etc. I want a console to play games, not do anything else (beside maybe playing DVDs/BluRays, ok...) :(
You don't have to be always online, and I doubt the kinect will be required to work/use the console.

What about people that are Mute? What about handicapped people that can't move their arms/legs around fully?

The console itself I would think would still be operational/navigable by using the controller.
You don't have to be always online, and I doubt the kinect will be required to work/use the console.

What about people that are Mute? What about handicapped people that can't move their arms/legs around fully?

The console itself I would think would still be operational/navigable by using the controller.

I don't like the idea of a Camera just staring at me 24/7 on top of my TV even if its not in use. Call me paranoid but forcing all Xbox One users to keep the Kinect connected at all times bothers me.

I read something else?

I don't like the idea of a Camera just staring at me 24/7 on top of my TV even if its not in use. Call me paranoid but forcing all Xbox One users to keep the Kinect connected at all times bothers me.
I'm kind of the same person as you, kinda paranoid about such stuff. But I would let the camera film the wall behind my TV or hide it somewhere. But still, why does it need to be always connected? Makes no (real) sense...
And who cares about TV etc. I want a console to play games, not do anything else (beside maybe playing DVDs/BluRays, ok...) :(

I would say you are in the minority now days.

I think most people want consoles to act as media center boxes for HTPC purposes. They want to stream and play movies and music with it.
I don't like the idea of a Camera just staring at me 24/7 on top of my TV even if its not in use. Call me paranoid but forcing all Xbox One users to keep the Kinect connected at all times bothers me.

Thats what duct tape is for.
Thats what duct tape is for.

Its dumb that I would have to resort to that because MS simply doesn't want me to disconnect it. I don't own the Kinect because I have no use for it , now I'm being forced to use it and leave it running regardless if I like it or not?

That's just wrong.

Thought this was funny....
I would say you are in the minority now days.

I think most people want consoles to act as media center boxes for HTPC purposes. They want to stream and play movies and music with it.

Given that we've now had 1 full product cycle that does that completely (and the prior generation was somewhat capable of doing those).... I think you'd be in the minority to want that.

But that's JMHO.

How long have consoles been able to play CD's? DVD's?
SegaCD and TurboCD/TurboDuo played CD's and that was 20 years ago. DVD movies goes back to the Ps2 and that was 13 years ago. Before that there were Video CD's and I'm pretty sure the Saturn and Playstation were capable of that.

Streaming movies is new, but why would someone buy a new console to stream movies when the old console they've already paid for does it just fine?
What the hell was Microsoft going for with this? The vast majority of people that tuned in and care about this broadcast are GAMERS, not the casual crowd this thing was clearly being marketed towards. Why the hell would I want to buy this over a PS4? Because of the awesome TV features and internet explorer? I guess I can be happy about having an easier choice.
So is there really a fee to install used games ?

I read that but wasn't sure if it was accurate.
What the hell was Microsoft going for with this? The vast majority of people that tuned in and care about this broadcast are GAMERS, not the casual crowd this thing was clearly being marketed towards. Why the hell would I want to buy this over a PS4? Because of the awesome TV features and internet explorer? I guess I can be happy about having an easier choice.

Its going for people who are not gamers honestly. Those features announced (besides the ones for games) are totally about attempting to become the center piece in your entertainment life.

Its sad. But reserve your final judgement for E3. If the do not announce an impressive list of titles and show off some games then start to get angry/sad.
I don't like the idea of a Camera just staring at me 24/7 on top of my TV even if its not in use. Call me paranoid but forcing all Xbox One users to keep the Kinect connected at all times bothers me.

Let me tell you about my upcoming line of kinect privacy cosies.