WTB: Xbox 360

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Mar 9, 2008
Looking to pick up a few Xbox 360/S. Looking for a specific model of Phat 360, Falcon or Jasper. Let me know what you got, also looking for controllers as well.
Looking to spend around $50 for a console and a controller and $10 for each additional controller that you may have. No including shipping.

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I have a 2011 360 S that maybe has 40 hours playtime on it. Pretty sure I have that stupid VR bar somewhere for it too.
Bro, I literally just gave away my Jasper to my cousin for her son. If you posted this just one week sooner...
I have a box of xbox 360 "hackable" parts. It's a full console, psu, even a DVD drive with an external usb enclosure, the one that could read and rip games. I had previously hacked this 360, but tore it apart again to fix the 3RROD. I think I've baked it once before and fixed it, but then wanted to redo the clamps and all.
If interested, send me a PM and let me know your zip code. I don't need much $$ for it, a few bucks, plus shipping. But I also hope you know how to put these together... I'm assuming you do since you're looking for an older 360 in 2022!
How can I check which model it is without relying on just the power supply brick... in case the brick is wrong or something compared to the console.
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