[WTB / US] Black WC Fittings


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2008
Just throwing this out there and I know it may be a long shot but we'll see.

payment via amazon/google/mo/cash (no pp sorry)
shipping to 72034
Plz pm me what you have and your price on them
would be good to supply pics of actual items (verification purposes, condition and clarification on what you have (so I don't have to Google them lol)

Anyone got any extra back fittings or some they're not using? I thought I had them all but either I can't find them or missing them.

Parts looking for (All fitting sizes are in 1/2"id x 3/4"od (13mmx19mm)):

- Need angled compression's (need 2) will do adapters with compression's

- Gonna need 90* compression (looking for 2) will do adapter plus fitting.

*Found*- M / F fitting extenders (need about 2) something around 20mm long.

- Looking for a cylinder res. Something along the lines of a Bitspower 150/250 z-multi decent shape with all the hardware and mounts.
- Tank res top for a Lain d5 / 655 pump.

- Bitspower temp sensor stop fitting and digital readout that acepts 2pin sensor.
- Phobya temp sensor fitting with digital display

- Possibly a flow meter

- Black stop fittings (need 1)

- Barb stop fitting w/ cap or something similar (gonna need 1).

- Y fitting adapter (need 1)

Any brand black ones will do as they are not really that noticeable where they'll be.

Thanks guys/gals

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added looking for a digital thermal sensor.

Someone out there has to have something they can let go.

Moneys to tight to go retail and I try to help others out first.
Mainly just looking for 2 comp fittings or the 45* adpaters with reg comps. A res would be nice but not definite unless I get a good deal.

Anyone got a couple extra fittings around they're not using? I'm ready to go water as thats all I need.
up I go. Looking to finally go water for first time. Just need a few parts still. Anyone can help me out?
I wish I could help you pops. All I have to spare are some 3/8" silver barbs.
A sort of bump in return, not sure if you have found everything you need or not. Let me know about those fittings I pm'd you about; they're just sitting here all alone . :)
I'm keeping them in mind. I'll hit you up when I have the extra $$ for them. gotta do my brakes today which is stretching it $$ wise.

No worries, I feel your pain; I need I put tires on this week! Let me know in a few days or so. If you're not interested, I'll go ahead and list them, but I'll hold off for a while ;)
up I go.

looking for 45* adapters and a 90*. On the 45*'s though, I'm looking for the straight ones and not the curved so possibly just adapters if no one has them.