WTB: [NYC] ~35W CPU and eSATA mobo for NAS build - no ATOM boards pls

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Limp Gawd
Jun 5, 2006
Looking for (ideally) a motherboard and CPU combo, possibly with some RAM.

Want to get an idea of what I would pay used as opposed to shelling out for new stuff.
Have to replace a Synology NAS (with non-Synology hardware) and want to keep the outlay as low as possible.

- Form factor could be uATX, ATX, or possibly ITX
- only needs two RAM slots
- would like to keep power consumption as low as reasonably possible.
- one or more eSATA connector preferred (to connect existing Synology expansion bay)
- would prefer an NVMe slot, but could make do with a SATA connection for an old SSD I have somewhere around
- needs to have at least five internal SATA ports for the drives from the DS1515+

Thanks in advance for any offers

Found a new, open box mini PC which should do the trick. Thanks for looking
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