WTB: Broken/old/cheap mITX motherboard

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Dec 1, 2004
As the very strange title suggests, I need a mITX motherboard. It does not have to be working, I'm custom building an ITX chassis and I want something to act as a stand-in for the motherboard I'll be eventually mounting in it, without having to disassemble that system to borrow the real board until it is ready for the final transfer.

Anything will work - functional or not - as long as it is seemingly physically intact with regards to screwhole placement and things. Bent pins on the CPU socket won't bother me, nor any other electrical/functionality problems.

Needless to say, as cheap as possible please! Shipping to 77573.

Bump for you, I have 3 rather old Mini/itx boards, might take me a minute to get back to you but I likely can supply, I believe all 3 are functional (One is a i3 3rd gen Intel, other bobcat a6-5200, can't rememebr what the last board is, may be non-functioning). This might have to wait till the weekend. Outside of covering shipping to you, won't be asking for much
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