Woz To The FCC: Keep The Internet Free

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
How many times do these numbskulls need to hear this before they finally decide to do the right thing?

I was also taught that space, and the moon, were free and open. Nobody owned them. No country owned them. I loved this concept of the purest things in the universe being unowned. The early Internet was so accidental, it also was free and open in this sense. The Internet has become as important as anything man has ever created. But those freedoms are being chipped away. Please, I beg you, open your senses to the will of the people to keep the Internet as free as possible.
They won't listen. These fucks probably don't even know who the man is. Demmicans and Republicrats are too busy lining up for the money gorge-fest from the tech companies once they lock this in.
I BEG YOU my American [H] friends!!!!

Please vote Woz in for a 4 year term as President of the USA, so he can fixed all that is fucked up with technology in the US.

The rest of the world would benefit from a Free and competetive US and not one that is sold to the highest bidder.
Read about Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Negotiations. Governments trying to do 1984 and make internet restricted or too high priced to afford. Seems this is being done behind or backs without public consultation any kind. Only leaks have allowed general public in on the government to keep us in the dark. This type of behavior needs to be quashed. Laws without public debate need to end.

Power to the people not the governments.
Read about Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Negotiations. Governments trying to do 1984 and make internet restricted or too high priced to afford. Seems this is being done behind or backs without public consultation any kind. Only leaks have allowed general public in on the government to keep us in the dark. This type of behavior needs to be quashed. Laws without public debate need to end.

Power to the people not the governments.

Better load up the guns. Otherwise, they ain't stopping for no one.
Wait what?? Who are you going to shoot?

Those gubmint postal workers delivering propaganda to their home, duh.

And the President doesn't legislate, so you would need to duplicate Woz 534 times and elect him 535 times.
Is TPP 1984 or Rollerball?

The Woz speaks truth.... though he is a bit weird in his process.

This is one of those moments, where the Filthy Rich (tm) would back the fuck off, if they were smart. They are not.

They will ultimately pay a price much higher than any anticipated enhanced profits.

1789 :p
But the internet will still be free for you to do what you want, you just have to pay for it.
The Woz said:
I was also taught that space, and the moon, were free and open. Nobody owned them. No country owned them.

Free to who? Netflix? Amazon Prime? Youtube? Do they get to use up all the Internet bandwidth? People own the paths of the Internet. The Internet as a whole may be free, but the actual networks used by data is definently owned by private companies. And those private companies have obligations like every one else.

I also thought this was about censorship at first but it's not. Its just about people wanting to make money off the Internet and not have to pay for it.....and here's the big hint, it's not Comcast or Time Warner.
When Woz speaks, God listens. That guy is awesome.

Uhhh, certainly not in this or last decade. He's regarded as a looney fat rich guy who is out of touch with reality yet entitled to universal pats on the head and the occasional soapbox for his contributions to Apple.
Waiting for celebrities to hold up a white sign with "leave the interwebs alone" slogan, until then I dont really care about anything.
Reading that letter is like reading a Quentin Tarantino script. To damn wordy but eventually gets to the point with a payoff.
I was also taught that space, and the moon, were free and open. Nobody owned them. No country owned them. I loved this concept of the purest things in the universe being unowned. The early Internet was so accidental, it also was free and open in this sense. The Internet has become as important as anything man has ever created. But those freedoms are being chipped away. Please, I beg you, open your senses to the will of the people to keep the Internet as free as possible.

Yeah.... no. See, the moon and space and all that aren't "owned" due to a treaty we signed back in the 60's essentially saying we wouldn't claim sovereignty.

Once spaceflight becomes more routine, I see this being challenged. It's an easy treaty to live by now, since no one goes to the moon anymore, and since apparently we decided NASA needed to be 24/7 global warmening (Why do we have NOAA for again?).

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_Space_Treaty to learn more
It would be nice if the internet remained open but the truth is, Money doesn't care about Woz or the rest of us, not in what we say, how elegant we use our words, or backgrounds, needs, wants or future. Anything basically .... money comes first.

Cash is king .....

I'm old enough, 45 to understand how the world really works and I can tell the rest of you, from my experience and perspective, the picture isn't brite for any of us.

Even if Woz and the great many other people, businesses can stall the FCC, it's only a matter of time. It's not if, but when.
Free to who? Netflix? Amazon Prime? Youtube? Do they get to use up all the Internet bandwidth? People own the paths of the Internet. The Internet as a whole may be free, but the actual networks used by data is definently owned by private companies. And those private companies have obligations like every one else.

I also thought this was about censorship at first but it's not. Its just about people wanting to make money off the Internet and not have to pay for it.....and here's the big hint, it's not Comcast or Time Warner.

So, there's this guy that has to pay a road toll to get to the movie theater. Now imagine after he has paid that toll the entity the toll was paid to then charges the movie theater an additional fee because he used the road to get there. Further imagine, that from the toll fee alone the road already operates at a 90% profit margin.

Now imagine that certain corporations with deeper pockets get access to a fast lane, while everyone else has to wait in piled up traffic. Now further imagine, that the company operating those toll roads owns its own movie theater and is no longer obligated, by law, to provide neutral access to fast lanes.

Oh, I forget to mention, there are no other roads by which consumers can gain access to movie theaters. You can't even walk there. You have to the pay the Infrastructure Service Provider or go without.
Wouldn't it be in the best interest of the population for federally developed internet tubes, with private companies assigned to provide maintenance?

I think its time to try to align utilities & puplic works with technological infrastructure that is now inherently necessary in our times.
Free to who? Netflix? Amazon Prime? Youtube? Do they get to use up all the Internet bandwidth? People own the paths of the Internet. The Internet as a whole may be free, but the actual networks used by data is definently owned by private companies. And those private companies have obligations like every one else.

I also thought this was about censorship at first but it's not. Its just about people wanting to make money off the Internet and not have to pay for it.....and here's the big hint, it's not Comcast or Time Warner.
There are two problems.

First is Double dipping. Charging me to deliver data to me and charging the sender who is going to pass the charge on to me anyway.

The other issue is arbitrary access. Netflix gets an ownerous access fee while Comcast's internet video streaming service goes free. Killing competition for their TV monopoly. Or VoIP services other than Comcast's either become unreliable or facing a huge service charge making them uncompetititve.

Or even worse, manipulating content. Amazon is unreachable but Wally World is lightning fast. Or a surcharge on your porn.
The internet isn't free unless you're in starbucks or stealing your neighbors wifi lol. Its already a network that generates trillions of dollars across the globe but these fat cats won't be satisfied till they ruin it like everything else.