Worth waiting for April price cuts?


May 3, 2005
This is definitely old news but I've now seen it reported several times that there will be big price cuts for many intel procs. (and AMD CPUs) around April 22nd.


Now that the date is a few weeks away, I'm torn between buying an 2MB cpu now and overclocking or waiting for the new price cuts and getting a 4MB cpu. Ordering parts for a new rig is on hold until I can find the right cpu.

Will it be worth the wait?
Well that chart shows the price cuts to come in Q2, which starts June 1st.

I'm in the same predicament as you, the only thing that looks worthwhile on that list is the e6600 dropping from $316 to $224. Everything else drops about $50 but that's not enough to make me wait.

The other procs to keep an eye on are the 6320 and 6420. But I don't think those come out until the 2nd quarter anyhow.
there pretty big. i heard the q6600 (quad core) would come down to the price of the e6700
Its worth waiting....I'm in the market for an E6600...

I actually have a WTB thread looking for one....if I don't find it at a good price, Ill grab one in a month when the price drops hit...

Anyone looking to sell an E6600..sell it to me now, while its still worth ~200.00..:)

Well that chart shows the price cuts to come in Q2, which starts June 1st.

Fiscal years start early... AFAIK..Q2 is April :)
Price cuts are nice but latest batches of e6600 prove to be less overclockable than the older ones... I got 2, from week 30 and week 42, and week 42 requires 1.325v right off the bat, tops out around 3.2-3.3ghz, week 30, while running much hotter, defaults at 1.225v and can reach 3.6 ghz easily, couldn't go higher on stock HSF.. So I'd get one of the earlier batches, while they are still in the retail channel - better to look in b&m stores, oem chips. I'm gonna check out local fry's to see what they got to offer ;) Otherwise, if you are not into overclocking, yeah, I'd wait until price drops, it's mere 3 weeks now :D
I'm waiting. My system i've thrown together currently is at 1075$. Hopefully by late april with the new R600 and intel price cuts my system will be 950-ish.
Well that chart shows the price cuts to come in Q2, which starts June 1st.

I'm in the same predicament as you, the only thing that looks worthwhile on that list is the e6600 dropping from $316 to $224. Everything else drops about $50 but that's not enough to make me wait.

The other procs to keep an eye on are the 6320 and 6420. But I don't think those come out until the 2nd quarter anyhow.

I am waiting too. Here are the dates and price cuts for both AMD and Intel CPUs.
I am looking to go with the E4300 and a Asus P5B or P5B Deluxe for my Media Center. I
record shows, do a lot of DVD burning, watch TV on the computer while on the Internet,
so I plan on overclocking the E4300 to at least 3GHz. It seems that quite a few people get their E4300's to 3.2 -3.4 GHz. I use Nero a lot and I know that a AMD 64 X 2 3800+ is dead even in the Nero bench mark with the Core 2 Duo E6600. Go figure. Both Benchmark at 217. But the Core 2's kill in just about every other benchmark and in overclocking. Then in a few years when the Quads are in the 100 - 200 range, I will drop on of those puppies in. I am using a AMD Athlon 3000+ now, so this will be a big improvement for me. :)

Price Cuts and Dates

AMD Pricing after 4/9/07 Intel CPUs Pricing after 4/22/07
Athlon 64 X 2 6000+ $229 Core 2 Duo E6700 $316
Athlon 64 X 2 5600+ $179 Core 2 Duo E6600 $224
Athlon 64 X 2 5200+ $169 Core 2 Duo E6420 $183
Athlon 64 X 2 5000+ $159 Core 2 Duo E6320 $163
Athlon 64 X 2 4800+ $129 Core 2 Duo E4400 $133
Athlon 64 X 2 4400+ $115 Core 2 Duo E4300 $113
Athlon 64 X 2 4000+ $99
Athlon 64 X 2 3800+ $79
Athlon 64 X 2 3600+ $69
The chart is old (but prices still seem to match what current predictions are).
The other recent story I linked to, which is also carried by many other news sites (more trustworthy than the Inq) are also repeating the April 22nd date.
i say wait for the price cut. The way i see it is this way: im lookin at a 6600. So, it becomes $224 after cut, meaning what i already had budgeted for that 6600 now buys me a better chip in the 6620. Your getting better for same price. Its the way im seeing it, YMMV though.
i say wait for the price cut. The way i see it is this way: im lookin at a 6600. So, it becomes $224 after cut, meaning what i already had budgeted for that 6600 now buys me a better chip in the 6620. Your getting better for same price. Its the way im seeing it, YMMV though.

What's a 6620? Do you mean a 6420?
oops, no sorry, have fat fingers lol. Meant to show that you could bump to a 6700, possibly even a Q6600 for that same money you(anyone) had budgeted for previous pricing on e6600
oops, no sorry, have fat fingers lol. Meant to show that you could bump to a 6700, possibly even a Q6600 for that same money you(anyone) had budgeted for previous pricing on e6600

First, better cpu is a relative term. Some people prefer more overclockable ones, in that case a much older c2d is better. Newer cpus are proven to be less overclockable on average that the old ones. Who knows, you might be able to find week 30 or older cpu on April 22 but imho, it'll be very hard (unless you go for a used one) while right now, if you scout local shops for oem cpus, you might just find one (I found it in a few Fry's). In 3 weeks, those chips might be gone completely from the retail channel

Second, quads are not falling in price on April 22, they are scheduled to receive the cut in Q3 or 4, so it's still about half a year from now. So really, the only people who might want to wait until April 22 are those who want e6600 at dirt-cheap price but even then the value of this decision is kinda questionable with Q7xx chips
oops, no sorry, have fat fingers lol. Meant to show that you could bump to a 6700, possibly even a Q6600 for that same money you(anyone) had budgeted for previous pricing on e6600

If you wait till september, you can get a quadcore for what your going to pay for an E6600 on april...... if you wait till Q3 next year, you can get a better cpu than what itll cost you for a QC this september..... it never stops.....
anyway you look at it, apply the same rule as memory, buy as much as you can afford :)
I would probably wait for April price cuts at this point. Intel's are only 3 weeks away. No sense in paying an extra $80 for something that you can get cheaper in 3 weeks.
I decided to wait for the april cuts a few weeks ago...

I'm glad I decided to wait, it's given me a chance to pick up good deals on all the other parts I need for the system as they come up ($130 ddr2-800, $60 antec 900, $30 500w PSU w/ active PFC, etc.). I just hope I don't come to find out that I have a bad ram stick or something once I throw it all together. x_X
I decided to wait for the april cuts a few weeks ago...

I'm glad I decided to wait, it's given me a chance to pick up good deals on all the other parts I need for the system as they come up ($130 ddr2-800, $60 antec 900, $30 500w PSU w/ active PFC, etc.). I just hope I don't come to find out that I have a bad ram stick or something once I throw it all together. x_X

Heh, doing the exact same thing
Second, quads are not falling in price on April 22, they are scheduled to receive the cut in Q3 or 4, so it's still about half a year from now. So really, the only people who might want to wait until April 22 are those who want e6600 at dirt-cheap price but even then the value of this decision is kinda questionable with Q7xx chips

Hmm yeah the Quad core the Q6600 is dropping by around 38 percent to 550ish on Aprill 22nd. I dont have the exact number fresh in my mind.
I am waiting and it is driving me nuts :mad:

LOL. You are not alone. Belive me. I have been going nuts for about 8 months now. It's always something * price cuts, new products, rumors * Just have to learn to live wid it. :p Believe me, your pc will be infront of you sooner than you think. Days will fly by. The trick is to not think about it ;)
The thing is, I could buy now. The E4300 is only dropping ~$50 and that's not a huge deal.

But I don't really have to have it right now either, and it's getting pretty close so I might as well just wait.
Well technology will continue to advance. Price will always tend to drop. I bought my E6300 back in November. Along with my P5BE and honestly its only been a few months and I already want to update.

Before that I owned an AMD 2200+ for 5 yrs . lol
Honestly, I dont agree in getting "top of the line products" due to the simple fact pricing will always change. Me myself personally am waiting for the E6700 to drop down to $300 ;)

But before that time, updating Mobo and PSU :)
Hmm yeah the Quad core the Q6600 is dropping by around 38 percent to 550ish on Aprill 22nd. I dont have the exact number fresh in my mind.

If this is the ballpark price range, I may end up buying one since that is an amazing price cut!

Q6600 I will wait for you <3
I decided to go ahead and get a quad core compatible mobo and an E6400 for now and just OC it, I will get a quad core cpu in a few months when they are cheaper. I am very pleased with the results already with 2 cores and 2mb cache. :D
what happens if a store sells it for higher price than the listed price cuts? I don't know if it's mandatory
what happens if a store sells it for higher price than the listed price cuts? I don't know if it's mandatory

The stores is free to sell at any price. What could happen here is they don't sell any if stores around him sell for less. This is free market for ya ;)

The E4300 almost always sold for more than MSRP at many places due to a very high demand. I was lucky to get it at MSRP in february when MicroCenter offered a special price.
god i cant wait .. i want quad core so bad .. if one of the quad cores drops to 560 or wutever .. i might jump on it
I gave in. Tigerdirect has the Intel 975xbx2 mobo / OEM e6600 combo for $449 right now. Now I have something to mess with while I'm off work for a few days before April 22nd... Price on e6600 is supposed to drop to $225 (retail box), so yeah, I could have saved maybe $40-$50 by waiting a few weeks... Oh well.

Price is kinda surprising since NewEgg currently wants $250 for the motherboard, $308 for the (retail box) CPU. But the board is $185 at TD - makes the CPU $265 in the bundle.
These are the Q3-4 price cuts, not April 22..

I know they are Q3 dude.. its worth the wait.. Im not like some people who need it now right away.. like.. electronic happy people ive noticed on here..

The wait for Q3 is welllll worth it.. Q6600 is going to be my choice..and waiting is going to be well worth it :)
I know they are Q3 dude.. its worth the wait.. Im not like some people who need it now right away.. like.. electronic happy people ive noticed on here..

The wait for Q3 is welllll worth it.. Q6600 is going to be my choice..and waiting is going to be well worth it :)

Lol, when we get to Q3, there'll be something really sweet in Q1'08 :D
Yes but for what I use my computer for. That Q6600 will satisfy my cravings..anything else will be overkill.
