Worst PC game purchase this year?


[H]F Junkie
Mar 19, 2003
So what do you guys think was your worst PC game purchase this year? For me the worst purchase was undoubtly Modern Warfare 3. To think that I paid 56$ for it on Amazon (with $10 instore credit) is almost criminal. I have spent way less money on much better games throughout the year but this one was just a throw away of my money.

Reason is pretty clear. A 6 hour campaign (exactly what I expected) that I mildly enjoyed with a really bad ass ending. A half assed co-op mode, works well but still nowhere as engaging as MW2 spec ops mode and a completely throwaway multiplayer. When I learnt that there is no FOV slider (a la Black Ops, that I really loved and enjoyed playing through), and really constrained and downright unoriginal maps I was just totally disappointed. I can't believe this game even got an 8 or 8.5 at review sites. It is just downright abysmal and such a step backwards.

Anyways, just wanted to rant since I want my money back with this piece of garbage. Game should've been like $15 for its 6 hour campaign. As I said, only redeeming quality was the bad ass ending but that's about it.

So, which one is your worst game purchase all year?
Dungeon Defenders. I got this hoping it'd satisfy my craving for a game similar to Orcs Must Die!, but with MP. Well other than the genre, it's really nothing like OMD!. Snail-paced slow at first, have to sit through a long and boring tutorial to figure out what's going on. It's not nearly as instantly accessible/intuitive and non-stop action as OMD!.

Before last night, I might have put Bastion here too, as all style and no substance, but I finally got around to playing past the Wharf level, and after things open up and you can customize your gear and skills, I'm finding it vastly more enjoyable and engaging.
No bad purchases this year! I think it's probably because I bought nothing new, everything was based on a sale. I bought Dungeon Siege 3 as well, but only for 10 bucks, was worth it!
RAGE & Singularity

Both consolized to hell & no rectification thus far from id & Raven to correct their mistakes.
Duke Nukem Forever was easily my worst purchase thus far. Dead Island ranks next. Not for being a bad game, but for being a buggy piece of shit I'm tired of starting over because the developer couldn't get their heads out of their collective asses. I've only got about 14 hours in it which is more than I'd get out of the single player of any Call of Duty game, no where near what I'd get out of multiplayer, but it still doesn't make for a good buy given what I should get out of it and how frustrated I've been with it's technical issues.

On the other hand the best game purchase I've made this year has easily been Mass Effect 2. I bought it for $19.99 on a Steam sale and I've got 328 hours in it so far. :eek: I purchased and played the first one as well as it was also $20 on Steam. I played that one for 55 hours I think. So again well worth the investment. Though the second game is far superior in just about every way.
On the other hand the best game purchase I've made this year has easily been Mass Effect 2. I bought it for $19.99 on a Steam sale and I've got 328 hours in it so far. :eek: I purchased and played the first one as well as it was also $20 on Steam. I played that one for 55 hours I think. So again well worth the investment. Though the second game is far superior in just about every way.

Holy shit, how many playthroughs have you done?
Dungeon Defenders. I got this hoping it'd satisfy my craving for a game similar to Orcs Must Die!, but with MP. Well other than the genre, it's really nothing like OMD!. Snail-paced slow at first, have to sit through a long and boring tutorial to figure out what's going on. It's not nearly as instantly accessible/intuitive and non-stop action as OMD!.

Before last night, I might have put Bastion here too, as all style and no substance, but I finally got around to playing past the Wharf level, and after things open up and you can customize your gear and skills, I'm finding it vastly more enjoyable and engaging.

ah thats sad... i already put 40 hours in DD. Maybe you could try to find a good online group to play?
Yeah, WOW! I put in about 60 hours into ME2 and I thought that was good enough. Oh and the first game is totally better. :p

My "worst" purchase would probably be Metro 2033. I only got about 2-3 hours into the game before getting sick of it. But considering I only paid $5, I can't really say it was that bad. I just don't buy PC games full price too often anymore. The only one this year was Portal 2.
Holy shit, how many playthroughs have you done?

I'm on my 7th I think? I'm about a third of the way through it I think. I can basically go through ME2 and all it's DLC's in 47-50 hours completing 100% of the game. I've gone through it making tons of different choices, both with Renegade and Paragon options, as well as mixes of both. Also the Genesis DLC is well worth it if you really want to explore the game as you can make all the key decisions from Mass Effect 1 instead of importing a Mass Effect 1 save. I've only got one of those as it wasn't something I wanted to really repeat time and time again. The second one's combat makes it far more enjoyable than the first game. And on the Hardcore and or Insanity difficulty settings the game can be quite challenging at times.

Yeah, WOW! I put in about 60 hours into ME2 and I thought that was good enough. Oh and the first game is totally better. :p

My "worst" purchase would probably be Metro 2033. I only got about 2-3 hours into the game before getting sick of it. But considering I only paid $5, I can't really say it was that bad. I just don't buy PC games full price too often anymore. The only one this year was Portal 2.

No, the first game is not better. Not even close. Everything feels generic and recycled. Pretty much anything on the non-major worlds is the same type of bunker. Driving around on the planets gets damned old too. The story is great and the character interactions are good, but elevator rides, sloppy combat, and all the micromanagement of inventory etc. make it a much less enjoyable experience compared to the second one. The combat is less about skill and strategy and more about having the best gear available to survive it. Everything is about what "powers" you choose and surviving until they cool down. Your skill has little to do with it. This makes no sense as a soldier class especially. You can't really hit shit unless you use the accuracy power. In the second game Shepard shoots as good as I can. What weapons I choose, and who I take with me make all the difference. Where I place everyone in cover, etc. ME2 is both an RPG and a shooter. The first game tries to do that, but doesn't blend the two aspects of it's design nearly as well.
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No, the first game is not better. Not even close. Everything feels generic and recycled. Pretty much anything on the non-major worlds is the same type of bunker. Driving around on the planets gets damned old too. The story is great and the character interactions are good, but elevator rides, sloppy combat, and all the micromanagement of inventory etc. make it a much less enjoyable experience compared to the second one.
I'm a story first person, and ME had the better story and character interaction like you said. The combat was better in the second (though why they got rid of health I'll never know). And the inventory was poorly handled in ME, but getting rid of it altogether was a bad solution. Also, I'll take Mako driving over planet scanning any day of the week. The music was also much better in ME.

Anyway, YMMV and all. Glad you enjoyed the second one so much! They're both great games.
Dragon Age 2. Bought it day one and played through the whole game. When it finished, I was so disappointed that I vowed to never by another Bioware game on launch day.
Heros of Might and Magic 6. It's actually not a bad HoMM title, but fuck Ubisoft and their anti PC crusade.

Also, I don't like Terraria.
Hands down Brink. Granted, I was wiser as the year went on and didn't waste my money on Rage, DNF, or MW3, so those games didn't get to compete for "worst game" as far as I'm concerned. Brink just came along during a gaming lul that had me hoping for the best, and approximately two play sessions later, realizing that I'd actually bought the worst.
Dragon Age 2. Bought it day one and played through the whole game. When it finished, I was so disappointed that I vowed to never by another Bioware game on launch day.

FFS, and this. DA2 made me sad for RPG's
Not that it came out this year... But...

Left for Dead/Left for Dead 2... I bought them individually when they were like $19 or $29 on Steam to play with a friend of mine. He wanted to coop with me and I didn't have them. I showed him Rift first, he bought that and we played Rift instead of L4D... I tried it out on my own later and didn't like L4D at all. Very generic games. Waste of $40-$60.

Other than that, I've been happy with my purchases. Rift, Sanctum, Defense Grid, BF3, Skyrim, Plants vs. Zombies.

I believe those are the only games I've bought this year.
HAWX 2... hawx2, hawx 2 :)
Much, much worse then the first part - can't choose plane for the mission, storyline just sucks even more then in rest of Clancy's signed games.
I'm a story first person, and ME had the better story and character interaction like you said. The combat was better in the second (though why they got rid of health I'll never know). And the inventory was poorly handled in ME, but getting rid of it altogether was a bad solution. Also, I'll take Mako driving over planet scanning any day of the week. The music was also much better in ME.

Anyway, YMMV and all. Glad you enjoyed the second one so much! They're both great games.

I think the story in ME1 was more clear cut. In 2, there are too many unanswered questions. Mainly concerning Cerberus and what they are up to. The third game should wrap that up. The Mako driving was just poorly done. I hated having to rock crawl in the thing everywhere and it was just tedium which didn't add anything to the game. The planet scanning and mining in ME2 sucks, but fortunately you don't need to do that much of it. I can basically get all the resources I need for the entire game in about an hour. (You only really need about 200,000 of the three main resources and 20,000 of Element Zero.) After that I'm done. Mako driving and planet scanning takes up about half the first game. The character interaction in ME2 isn't that far behind with most characters. The difference is you can basically run through all the conversation in ME1 in one shot with almost any character. In ME2 its blocked into three to five sections for most characters. Some may have more or less, but essentially you get slightly less dialog for each character, but there are double the characters. There are really too many, which is why they are going for less squad members in ME3, but with richer character interactions.

As for the music, the main theme in ME2 is better, but some of the planet music in ME1 was just catchy as hell. It is present in some of the missions in ME2 though. Such as Tali's recruitment mission or any time you meet up with an ME1 character really. As for the health thing, I don't miss it. I don't mind the regenerative health. I know it's damned near taboo to say that, but I hate searching for health. Medigel is also so freely available in the first game that I can't really say that's any harder or whatever. In ME2, the regenerating health can screw you on the higher difficulty levels as a charging Krogan or soemone with both armor and shields with a shotgun will rush you. If a couple harder targets do that and you didn't plan right or you made a mistake, it's all over.

ME1's cover system was bad. Accuracy for all the weapons is pretty bad outside of the latter parts of the game where you've modified the weapons. Apparently ME3 will take a middle ground approach between 2 and 3. Inventory won't be the micromanagement hell of the first game, but weapon mods will be back at least. I just don't know how it will be handled for the rest of the squad. What I don't like are inventories like STALKER and Oblivion have where you are always hording more shit than you could reasonably carry and you spend a lot of time arranging things and swapping stuff out. I also hate how you had to manage individual upgrades for your squad. With 6 characters plus yourself, managing upgrades and inventory sucked. With ME2 it wasn't feasable. You have 12 regular squadmates and two temporary squad mates, plus yourself. Granted Wilson isn't with you long enough to matter, but Liara is with you long enough to have to deal with it. Especially on higher difficulties. (Assuming you got the Shadow Broker DLC.) Hopefully they'll basically make the inventory work like ME2, but with the ability to modify weapons. Hopefully they'll have certain mods like the research for weapon damage apply to all squad mates, while invididual weapon modification is for Shepard only.

I know grenades are coming back, but I don't know how I feel about it. I hated them in the first game. You carried so few that they really didn't help you much in the first game. I preferred the heavy weapons in ME2 to the grenades. Rarely did a situation call for grenades in ME2. There were a few situations I'd like to have had them but not many.

Not that it came out this year... But...

Left for Dead/Left for Dead 2... I bought them individually when they were like $19 or $29 on Steam to play with a friend of mine. He wanted to coop with me and I didn't have them. I showed him Rift first, he bought that and we played Rift instead of L4D... I tried it out on my own later and didn't like L4D at all. Very generic games. Waste of $40-$60.

Other than that, I've been happy with my purchases. Rift, Sanctum, Defense Grid, BF3, Skyrim, Plants vs. Zombies.

I believe those are the only games I've bought this year.

I couldn't agree more. I purchased Left 4 Dead 1 when it was $20 on Steam a couple of years back. Generic crap. Gore was generic, enemies were generic, no environmental interactivity or destructability, etc. BORING.
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A combination of Dead Island and Dragon Age 2.
Dragon Age 2 was a buggy letdown of a game, but I wonder if I would've hated it as much if the first one hadn't been so good. Still, it took 'em almost 3 months to fix all of the issues. It made me so mad I never did buy any of the DLC packs that were (supposedly) pretty good. Those dungeons were absolutely 100% inexcusable, though.

Dead Island is just a bad game and the company that made it is incompetent. I hate that the "analog" controls are so much more flexible...yet so bad and unusable on a mouse. I don't like the lousy repetitious quests and items that wear out in 2 minutes. I don't care for the sun flares that ruin the graphics. Most of all, I hate that whenever they release a patch it seems to break everything.
A combination of Dead Island and Dragon Age 2.
Dragon Age 2 was a buggy letdown of a game, but I wonder if I would've hated it as much if the first one hadn't been so good. Still, it took 'em almost 3 months to fix all of the issues. It made me so mad I never did buy any of the DLC packs that were (supposedly) pretty good.

Dead Island is just a bad game and the company that made it is incompetent. I hate that the "analog" controls are so much more flexible...yet so bad and unusable on a mouse. I don't like the lousy repetitious quests and items that wear out in 2 minutes. I don't care for the sun flares that ruin the graphics. Most of all, I hate that whenever they release a patch it seems to break everything.

Yeah, well said about Dead Island. It's a piece of crap technically speaking.
I picked up Battlefield 2 around March or so. I wanted to play around with it while waiting for BF3, and I couldn't find my old discs. I played it once for an hour, and never went back. Now that BF3 is out, I never will. Wasted my $20.
2 copies of Rift collector's edition. Ended up cancelling when we were in the midst of a move, and never picked it back up.
I think the story in ME1 was more clear cut. In 2, there are too many unanswered questions. Mainly concerning Cerberus and what they are up to. The third game should wrap that up.


I couldn't agree more. I purchased Left 4 Dead 1 when it was $20 on Steam a couple of years back. Generic crap. Gore was generic, enemies were generic, no environmental interactivity or destructability, etc. BORING.

Agree with you 100% on ME1 vs ME2. Even more so because I played ME2 first, having gotten it for free with purchase of DA2. That being said, the full ME1 > ME2 playthrough I did was the best gaming experience I've ever had.

And L4D may be generic, but it's so much fun. Surprised people don't like it, it's a quick game to jump in with friends and have a good time. Before it came out, I can't really recall any similar co-op games that were similar.

Also, I bought Dead Island for $60 during the break between BF3 beta and BF3 retail...played 2 hours, never touched again. What a waste buying it full price.
dragon age 2. what a load of shit that game was. brb using the same dungeon over and over

never buying another bioware game agian

also borderlands. Played a few hours and the game feels bland and weak. good thing it was only $7
i have two:

1) Brink - great concept, shitty execution. i paid $42 for it and i got about $4 worth of entertainment out of it.
2) MW3 - i just have no interest in playing it since i'm too preoccupied with BF3 and Skyrim. if i don't sink some time into it by next November this will be the last of the COD series i buy.
I couldn't agree more. I purchased Left 4 Dead 1 when it was $20 on Steam a couple of years back. Generic crap. Gore was generic, enemies were generic, no environmental interactivity or destructability, etc. BORING.

L4D series is really only fun with friends. Same way with games like Magicka.

Worst purchase for me this year was Dead Island. Followed by DNF.

The main issue I have with Dead Island is that I actually expected it to be good. The game had so much potential to be awesome and it was shit.
I honestly do not have a bad purchase this year. I avoided all the titles mentioned in this thread. However one that was a bit of a letdown was BF3. I was really hoping it would be very much like BF2, but it is not. I think the lack of VOIP and maps are killing it for me. Commander I do not think is that big of deal.
Def Rage. This game was the last straw that made me quit buying into PC gaming altogether and buy an XBOX 360 for my gaming needs.
I never buy things I'm going to regret buying in the future.......

Oh wait Hellgate London teehee:p
Without a doubt, RAGE. I was surprised Carmack would ship something that wouldn't even pass for a beta build in most circles. Guess it's proof postive he has gone to the console dark side. My favorite game this year has got to be Deus EX: HR. Wow, what a great surprise!
Rage. I'm still waiting for the texture patch to continue playing. I doubt it will do much, but I can just clear it off my log. id needs to go back to making simple twitch shooters.
I think the story in ME1 was more clear cut. In 2, there are too many unanswered questions...
I can't argue with any of your points, and yet I still enjoyed ME1 more. All a matter of taste I suppose. One thing I hated about the music in ME2 was that they removed the planet ambient themes. The music that played while you were in the Citadel or Feros or Novaria was some of my favorite in ME1. Similarly, the music that played in planet hubs in KOTOR was some of my favorite from that game as well (Kashykk... Korriban...). Having silence in ME2 was disappointing. At least in Omega you could hear the Afterlife music if you were in the right spots. I have my concerns for the 3rd one... primarily the unnecessary addition of MP, the shorter development cycle, and the loss of Jack Wall.

And I'm with you guys on L4D. My friend gifted me the second game and I found it really dull.
Dragon Age II, preordered Signature Edition none the less. I had that much fate in it. It is not terrible game, but a huge dissapointment none the less. It had potential to be fantastic game, I loved the setting and background story, but as a game it was obviously rushed out to be a cash cow, and final product turned out terribly mediocre, way below Bioware standards.

After playing it through the first time I felt sooo empty. This year was supposed to the year of RPGs I thought but DAII, which came first, gave me lingering doubts and fears... Luckily Witcher 2, Deus Ex Human Revolution and Skyrim more than made up for it. Three GOTY's to choose from! This year was still the year of RPGs, though its unfortunate that ME3 got pushed to next year. Though after the mess DAII turned out to be perhaps it was for the best. Bioware wanting to make sure it wont happen again, I hope.

It was only lately I replayed DAII through again, a second playthrough that is. And its still terribly mediocre. Not as bad as the first time but still way below what I would expect. Havent bought a single DLC for it and the disc can rot in my closet for all eternity...