World of Warcraft Patch 3.3.0 Released


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
This is the latest MAJOR WoW patch, they have been working on this for 6+ months. It is the LAST patch for WoW until 4.0 which will be the next (3rd) expansion due in the Spring.

Some of the big changes are; New map quest feature added to the game, no more mods needed. And Cross server dungeon finder, this is an amazing feature. Also 3 brand new end game dungeons for Level 80, this makes a grand total of approx ? Level 80 Dungeons to run, and some of these are freaking giant.

- User Interface

* Many of the default Interface Options settings have been changed for greater ease of use by new players. Existing players who create new characters may want to review the Interface Options in the event that the default settings feel different.
* Quest Tracking Feature
o Players can now track quest objectives on the map (‘M' key).
o Quest Log
+ A Show Map button has been added to the Quest Log. Selecting a quest and pressing this button will open the map for the zone in which the quest objective is located displaying the associated area of interest. Any other active quests in a player's Quest Log for that zone will also be displayed.

- Cross-Server Dungeon Finder

The Dungeon Finder is now available, providing players with quick and easy access to five-player parties. This feature connects all realms within a battlegroup using an advanced matchmaking system, making it easier for players of all levels to find a dungeon group. In addition, players can reap additional rewards through the Dungeon Finder by choosing the Random option, which is available to both pick-up and pre-formed groups. Check out the User Interface section for more details. Getting Started and Quest Tracking
Goodbye, heroic dailies. Hello, daily random dungeon cross-server PUG.

Cross-server dungeons is a pretty big deal. Looks like they thought of a lot of potential issues, with the gear checks, vote kicking, loot issues and disenchanting. I wonder if now you could level a healer or tank just by instancing. Even if a bit slower it would be a change of pace from doing the world quests for the hundreth time.

The real question on a big patch day is, when will the servers be back up? Hopefully already...I'm stuck at work :)
I'll bite and try it again, been away for a few years. But come spring semester it's quitting time :)
I can't wait to try out the Cross server dungeon finder. I stopped playing WoW because I could never find parties to run instances!
I like how when ever there's a major patch there's a wow thread that doesn't include "WoW's gay, LOL WoW, etc" but after the patch and until the next one all the wow players go into hiding.
servers are down extended downtime........more news in an hour. quoted from a dev.
I can't wait to try out the Cross server dungeon finder. I stopped playing WoW because I could never find parties to run instances!

Yes I am very curious to try the new dungeon finder. So it will search across how many servers ? And is it for Outlands dungeons too ?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
i just got back into it recently. i quit about a year or so ago. some of the same problems but tolerable so far. game still keeps you poor sigh.
The real question on a big patch day is, when will the servers be back up? Hopefully already...I'm stuck at work :)

Like 10pm tonight. ;)

Sell enchant mats tonight, people will be getting new loots and want it enchanted.
Yes I am very curious to try the new dungeon finder. So it will search across how many servers ? And is it for Outlands dungeons too ?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

sounds like it'll do any dungeon, and it's all the servers that comprise your "Battlegroup"
Yes I am very curious to try the new dungeon finder. So it will search across how many servers ? And is it for Outlands dungeons too ?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Think it will search all the servers in your battle group. It should work for all dungeons.
The only thing I don't like about the random instance selection is that some of the level 80 instances just plain suck, or are too hard for your average WoW tard. For example, Oculus. Gear can't save you in that instance if you're stupid... and your chances of getting some stupid people LFG just went up exponentially.
For the Occulus haters/dislikers, they nerfed it a bit in the hopes that it gets a higher success rate.
I'm excited. Finding tanks and healers has always been a bit of a problem. Some nights when I only have 30 mins or so and want to get in my htoc I can't because of forming the group, this should make that a bit easier.

On a side note, no buffs or nerfs for warriors so i'm happy. actually expected blizzard to release on time? Thats funny...

Since release, I don't think there has ever been a smooth patch day. They try but never can get it to roll out as smoothly as they hope.
I'm hoping the Cross-server LFG will really help with the lack of tanks on my server. I pug pretty much 100% of the time, and they are by far the most difficult to get a hold of. Hopefully, I'll win a roll on a Battered Hilt in the Icecrown 5-man heroics soon :).
Have not played since 2005, but oddly enough I am tempted to do so with the cross server instancing.
I am really excited about this patch. My guild and I are in full toc/tier 9 gear and ready to dominate some new instances. The cross realm stuff is really exciting as well. Hopefully that will combat the problem of not being able to find other players to run with.

Those servers can't come back up fast enough :D
i havent done most of the instances yet. ive only done a handful. im eager to try some more out. i just dont think i have the gear for most of them.
i havent done most of the instances yet. ive only done a handful. im eager to try some more out. i just dont think i have the gear for most of them.

I've played off and on since beta and I've only run a few instances. I've yet to run any in the Outlands let alone the stuff in the wotlk expansion. I guess I should try joining a guild :D
i havent done most of the instances yet. ive only done a handful. im eager to try some more out. i just dont think i have the gear for most of them.

Gearing up is pretty easy. I geared up via PVP, some crafted, and badge gear. The crafted and PVP gear is good enough for Heroics and most normal 10 man raids.
I started back last week after being gone for over 3 months. I am posting here only because I can't get into the game at the moment. Typical Patch day, never starting up on time without problems. Can't get upset, I don't think any of use have a clue how complex the WoW servers are.
I was actually looking forward to doing some new daily Quests but from reading the patch note I am not sure if there will be any new ones for the "Ashen Verdict". I got to get my rep up with them to get some of those 96dps arrows for my hunter.
I'm glad I stopped playing back in June. This patch will just be another extension to the vicious cycle that is kill shit on a schedule for a chance at loot only to never be satisfied.
This patch will just be another extension to the vicious cycle that is kill shit on a schedule for a chance at loot only to never be satisfied.
It's actually a lot of fun to me. Sorry that you don't find wow enjoyable. To each his own.
I'm glad I stopped playing back in June. This patch will just be another extension to the vicious cycle that is kill shit on a schedule for a chance at loot only to never be satisfied.
I enjoy it, my wife enjoys it, 3 of my kids enjoy it (the other 2 think they should play too, but they're too young). I've quit 4 different times since launch just to take a break, but I find the game fun, interesting, and well worth the $15/mth.
That is bad ass...I want to get that sword, is it in the game ?

That is, THE ASHBRINGER, one of the greatest holy relics in the game lore. Unfortunately, or fortunately as the case may be, no player can wield it. Back in Vanilla, Classic WoW, Naxx used to have the Four Horsemen boss. One of them was Darion Mogrine. If you slayed him, you had a chance to pick up the Corrupted Ashbringer. It was a great weapon, but what's more it used to talk to you in whispers, and if you took it to the Scarlet Cathedral, all the scarlets would be friendly to you! After WotLK's events (played out if you play a Death Knight in their starting area) Mograine was cut from the Lich King's control and the corruption burned off the Ashbringer by the light of Tirion Fordring. He is the Paladin that heads the Argent Crusade, and apparently has new amazingly baddass armor in that video.

Ashbringer isn't made for player hands, just like Frostmorne. It is simply too powerful and critical to the story. Shadowmorn is the name of a legendary axe found in 3.3 somehow (likely through Hard Modes in Icecrown) and it is sort of the "consolation" prize for those hoping for a legendary. Sadly, it is not a sword. However, there is an epic quest weapon from Elven heritage, called Quel'Delar that is a sword.
I am defnitely interested in cross server instancing. It is hard enough to find pickup groups as it is. And I will never join a guild. Too much drama.
Cross-server grouping is awesome. Of course, there's still kinks to work out since it's launch day (crashes and whatnot). But it's like BGs and relatively fast at the moment. It also does some gear checking so you won't get group with mega undergeared players. Got my two emblems of frost for the day. Once finals are over, I'll farm out the emblem of triumph gear and slow the pace down a bit.
I enjoy it, my wife enjoys it, 3 of my kids enjoy it (the other 2 think they should play too, but they're too young). I've quit 4 different times since launch just to take a break, but I find the game fun, interesting, and well worth the $15/mth.

Yeah, I agree it's well worth the money. I actually even want to play the Icecrown content. I too have stopped playing a number of times in the past, back in June would be the third. I love WoW in my heart but after a while I get to a point where I realize I have beaten the game at that given point and just need to stop. I was on a PVE server in an Alliance raid progression guild and once we got to Yogg I soon stopped thereafter. I never even got to see the kill although I knew the whole fight. A big factor for me was that it was killing my sleep despite my already pre-existing trouble with being restless while sleeping. So yeah, one-day realized that I had accomplished nearly everything I had wanted to at that present time and decided to bid farewell. I'll probably be back come Cataclysm even though I enjoy the free time that I have without WoW. So many other games to catch up on.
What's the cross server dungeon finder? Can someone explain it?