World of Warcraft Movie announced!


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2004

Anyone of you guys excited to see this? IF it actually goes through.
Apparently a $100 million budget. Sounds very intriguing to me.

I hope they make this a trilogy or else it will fail hard because the game is massive and needs to have a very good story to be successful.

The CG with that kind of budget will be amazing!

"With two critically acclaimed, small-to-medium budget sci-fi movies under his belt, Duncan Jones (Source Code, Moon) is seemingly headed to the big-time with the announcement that he will be directing Legendary Pictures’ big-budget live-action adaptation of the popular MMO game World of Warcraft.

Confirming a Hollywood Reporter story from earlier that day, Jones took to Twitter Wednesday evening to write “So the gauntlet was thrown down ages ago: Can you make a proper MOVIE of a video game. I’ve always said it’s possible. Got to DO it now! ;)” (Blizzard Entertainment also confirmed the news via its official World of Warcraft Twitter account.)

Jones’ tweet points to a hurdle that the WoW movie will have to overcome: The fact that movies based on videogames tend to be somewhat… well, lousy.

From 1993′s Super Mario Bros through last year’s Resident Evil: Retribution, the genre consistently struggles with poor reviews and a box office appeal that seems cult at best, perhaps because it’s difficult to convince fans of the games that the passive experience of watching the stories unfold is more fun than actively participating in them.

Because of the sprawling, massively de-centralized nature of MMOs as a genre, any World of Warcraft movie faces an additional problem: There’s no central narrative for the movie to adapt. A script for the movie already exists, written by Charles Leavitt, best-known for his 2006 Blood Diamond script and 2001 adaptation of Gene Brewer’s novel K-Pax, but Legendary has so far kept plot details under wraps.

Jones’s involvement kickstarts the project, which has been in various stages of development since 2006. (At one point, Sam Raimi was heading up the adaptation, although he left to direct the soon-to-be-released Oz: The Great and Powerful.) Now that Jones is onboard, Legendary reportedly wants production on the movie to begin in the fall of this year for a 2015 release, which would put it right at the center of an already-crowded year for genre movies; in addition to J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars debut, 2015 is also the scheduled year of release for Avengers 2 and Warner Bros’ mooted Justice League movie, based upon the DC Comics heroes.

The WoW movie is expected to have a budget upwards of $100 million — for some context, the budget for the first Lord of the Rings movie, The Fellowship of the Ring, was $93 million – by far the biggest project that Jones has tackled to date. His last movie, 2011′s Source Code, had a budget of $32 million according to Box Office Mojo, while his debut, Moon, cost just around $1 million. Given what he has been able to do with less money before — and his apparent awareness of the problems inherent with the videogame movie genre — the prospect of Jones having over $100 million to play with and spend wisely is an exciting one indeed, even for those who have never been tempted to play the online fantasy game."

Also heard Johnny Depp will star in this.

yeah Duncan Jones confirmed it. he's a great director too, moon was fucking genious

I have no clue what he's gonna do with WoW though...

Posted from App for Android
Is this more official than the last hundred times it was announced?

The World of Warcraft movie is being done on Blizzard time. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to do the CG themselves as they are control freaks.
yeah Duncan Jones confirmed it. he's a great director too, moon was fucking genious

I have no clue what he's gonna do with WoW though...

Posted from App for Android

WoW has great storylines. They could do a movie on Vanilla WoW and it could be as long as the Lord of the Rings. I hope they break it up into multiple movies that attack different lore as a 2 hour skimming of the possible content available would be a travesty.
It'll be shit, and by the time it comes out anyways WOW will be forgotten about by everyone, but the true basement dwellers.
Has it actually been confirmed to be a CG movie or is that just speculation (possibly wishful thinking :p)?
No longer do I play wow, But I'd go see this easily. And for the wow will be forgotten? I think a game with so many accomplishments as WoW has; wont be forgotten for many, MANY years. I think Azeroth's story could be a amazing and successful in the box office not only for gamers, but to any fantasy or story enthusiast. I have a friend who's never played the game, but has read all the books just for the lore. I hope it will be awesome.
$100 million budget? meh, its gonna be far cry + bloodrayne + a dungeon siege tale and silent hill revelation all in one movie, i can hardly wait for that.
This is going to be an awful ..AWFUL movie. I'm a 5+ year WoW player and I can't possibly imagine how this movie will be anything but tripe.
It was already done... series was called "World of Whorecraft". Kinda cheap porn, but funny in a sense :)
It'll be shit, and by the time it comes out anyways WOW will be forgotten about by everyone, but the true basement dwellers.

Warcraft was released in 1994. It is now 2013. I don't think what you said is mildly close to the truth.
At least it's not JJ Abrams or some other Hollywood moron. Independent guys typically do it right.
It was already done... series was called "World of Whorecraft". Kinda cheap porn, but funny in a sense :)

That Night Elf was convincing enough. Then she got on her strap on
that she called Nightingale, and ram rodded that little gnome.

I came.:D
WC3 was basically the cinematic for the MMO, whats the point.
Abrams is too busy destroying the Star Trek and Star Wars franchises.

I enjoyed the new Star Trek personally , compared to the Next Generations last two movies (Insurrection and Nemesis) it was far and away MUCH better.

George Lucas proved that no one can fuck up like he can. The prequels were fucking AWFUL , some of the worst movies (minus the CG) that I've ever seen.

There is no way Abrams can do worse than Lucas did with the prequels (and Ewok's in the Return of the Jedi). NO fucking way.
I hope this actually goes somewhere this time. I've been waiting for this for a while now!
LOL, they should just hire more ppl for the CG section and do the entire film CG.

If theres one thing Blizz is good is at their CG´s.
Ha, one of the comments on the story cracked me up...

"What if it's a 2 hour movie of nothing but fetch quests and people screaming "Looking for group!!" I'd watch it. :D
I thought they already had this in a tv series. It's called "The Guild" or something like that...
I thought they already had this in a tv series. It's called "The Guild" or something like that...

That's a series based on people who are playing "the game". You never get to see what they are playing, just them yelling or talking at the screen. It's on Netflix Instant. Pretty funny series.
It will probably be crappy. I want this to not be true but I have a hard time seeing them picking a compelling storyline that fans and non fans will be able to enjoy.

The fantasy genre without a strong franchise is really difficult to pull off well. I think the film(s) could be financially successful, but only because there are enough WoW nerds out there (myself included) that will spend the $14 to go see this.
It will probably be crappy. I want this to not be true but I have a hard time seeing them picking a compelling storyline that fans and non fans will be able to enjoy.

The fantasy genre without a strong franchise is really difficult to pull off well. I think the film(s) could be financially successful, but only because there are enough WoW nerds out there (myself included) that will spend the $14 to go see this.

Thats what they thought about Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (then again, I went to see it at the theatre haha)
The budget is actually smaller than Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (and even more significantly if you factor in inflation and production cost changes) which at the time was very high for a movie with its characteristics (It was among the most expensive films that year). It would be more comparable to a $200m+ budget film released next year (possibly $250m+) in terms of spending compared to the films of its time.

$100m is not a very huge budget for a movie these days and if you look at all the major "blockbuster" films they dwarf this. So the approach here is much more cautious. The comparison with LOTR is a bit misleading due to how long ago (comparatively) it was filmed.
I think if they keep all the hot movie stars out of this movie, Johnny Depp, Pitt etc.. the ones that cost 20 mill a piece and they get a solid b cast. This would be good.

I would not mind them making a change to the story line.
Perhaps a Narnia type deal, with wars constantly happening.

The CG should be kept to just the back grounds and magical effects, but the make up artist MUST be top notch, I really want to see how they make the orcs and taurens. Personally the taurens from Narnia are the ones I would like to see. They were great.
Well they have to make sure the movie will play on 20 year old computers so people can watch it while playing the game...
You just know that "Leroy Jenkins" will have a cameo ; ) - but if they did show a segment of that virus that broke out and kept killing people lol - that would be kinda classic...
I would love a starcraft movie while they are at it! im not a big RTS fan, but really enjoyed playing through starcraft 2 just for the story.