Workstation Time on Domain


Sep 5, 2001
My users do not have admin rights on their pc's (for obvious reasons) but this also means they cannot set their clocks. The clocks on the computers (including mine where I have admin rights) is an hour off.

Is there a simple way to make them all sync with the server. I tried "net time /set" but they do not have admin rights to set the clock.
Well I guess it was since they changed when DST started/ended. Well all are set to 'EST" which is right.

I checked the 'Windows Time" on one of the machines to make sure it is running and it is. On my computer when I go to change my clock I do not have the third tab for Windows Time
There is a 3rd party app that runs as a system service that will check and update the clock. We run it on all our pc's that people don't have admin rights.
I think it's "timesrv" or something like that.
No mention of OS, but let's assume 2k or later at least. Also, it's unclear whether you have patched the systems for DST yet, but for giggles let's assume you have. Now, what you are going to need to do is one of two things:

1) Push out ntp settings via a script or other domain policy method. Then force a resync
2) Push out xntp, with it's config files already set. Force a resync

This assumes you have a time source on the network, or one that your users can reach.
2003 Domain

I have put net time /domain: /set /yes

into a logon script and it is still behind
Even in the group policy I set the local security policy on "Change System Time/Clock" to "Everyone and they still do not have rights.

Where in the policy editor do I need to set it so they have rights? If that happens then it works fine.