Word processor to count word instances


Jan 11, 2002
I am working on a transcript I made for my linguistic anthropology class and I am looking for a way in Word (or in any other freely available word processor) to count instances of words. Specifically, I have to mark each line with various types of analyses like "preference" or "dispreference" and "EM" (emotive) or "AS" (assessment) and I need to know how many times each of these markers is used to describe utterances spoken in the conversation.

Can anybody help me out - I'm one of the few, poor remaining saps still doing finals!
Cool, thanks for the help.

EDIT: Hmm now I'm going to get tricky. I did all the counting for this by hand last time and now that I've automated one step in the process I'd like to see if I can automate another... and I'm thinking this might require a different program from Word (or even Wurdz, as suggested by one commenter in your link). Is there a way I can count the number of times a word is used in the same row (these are all in cells) as a specific letter that denotes one of the speakers?

The table is set up like this

Column 1

Column 2
Letter denoting speaker name

Column 3

Column 4
Preference or Dispreference

Column 5
Type of utterance

So... is there a way I could count the number of times each speaker spoke a "preferred" utterance or an "emotive type" utterance... and so on. Or am I getting greedy now?