Wolfram|Alpha Open to Public

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
Wolfram|Alpha, the “computational knowledge engine” you’ve been reading about here, is now open to the public for testing. Go check it out and let your fellow [H] readers know what you think.

As of now, Wolfram|Alpha contains 10+ trillion of pieces of data, 50,000+ types of algorithms and models, and linguistic capabilities for 1000+ domains. Built withMathematica—which is itself the result of more than 20 years of development at Wolfram Research—Wolfram|Alpha's core code base now exceeds 5 million lines of symbolicMathematica code.
i like using real-world numbers to flesh out my research papers, and this service is just awesome for that.
this crap just killed my browser twice in a row. :mad:
Works fine in IE8, no browser crashes. :D I was playing with that site late last night. It has very narrow subject references, but when you hit something it covers, it has a lot of useful information.
Computation timeout error upon entering "galaxy". I'm unimpressed.
"Women" returned "unknown origin" LOL :D
The rest of the searches were pretty cool, including searching for my B-Day. I was born on WED. :D
I think i just tilted it ..

hehe, i was trying to ask how i could emigrate to california and it replied it did not understand what to do.
so i tried various approaches to this question with no luck. Then, i asked it: What are the immigration rules for the United States. The wolf had a brain seizure and caused my IE 8 to stop responding for awhile. Eventually, IE8 did recover enough to ask me if i could close the script that was now crippling it.

I sure hope the wolf will be alright after such a taxing experience. :)
Just asked it: how big is my dong? It answered "Wolfram|Alpha isn't sure what to do with your input"

So what is it, a glorified calculator?

A calculator that does freaking inverse Laplace transforms without breaking a sweat, and gives you answers in more forms than you'll ever need. Almost gives MATLAB a run for it's money (not quite)
A calculator that does freaking inverse Laplace transforms without breaking a sweat, and gives you answers in more forms than you'll ever need. Almost gives MATLAB a run for it's money (not quite)

I have no idea what you just said, but I'm sure it has something to do with numbers and the symbols and letters used to combine them in some meaningful way. :)

"How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? / height of world's tallest midget"

Wolfram|Alpha isn't sure what to do with your input.

Works fine in Opera 10 btw.
I heard this was supposed to be a Google killer...

Was it gonna start by killing itself first, then move up the ladder?

If so, mission accomplished. At least now I don't have to worry about anyone ever telling me to go "WolframAlpha" something.
well i just asked it how many kilometers is rome from lake ontario, canada, and i got an answer without breaking a sweat (map included).

i tried the same query in google and i had to jump through hoops with google maps and shit to get an answer.

this is hardly useless. i think given some speed improvements (typing in a query is painful) and a bit of polish, this could be amazing. can't wait to see "wolfram|beta"
geo database still needs work, I just plugged in a dead volcano where I live (Mt Roskill) and it doesn't have anything where as wikipedia does.
meaning of life returned 42

appears to be working :p

using firefox 3.0.10

Just asked it: how big is my dong? It answered "Wolfram|Alpha isn't sure what to do with your input"



Don't think it can handle that information...

It worked pretty good on my FF 3.0.10; it started to hang, but FF just asked me if I wanted the script to continue or die.

It's good, but it took me a few tries to make it understand what I wanted to ask; I can't get any of the calorie/exercise crap working, unfortunately, lol, like in their video.

Spiffy stuff. :)
