WOLFHOUND - An amazing looking military Metroidvania [Release TBD]

I think we need a new term for games like this since it's deviated too far from the Metroidvania formula. I would describe this more as a character action game like The Messenger. The biggest issue I have with this and other more recent games claiming the Metroidvania title is that you're improving your character through buying upgrades by finding game currency out in the world instead of finding the upgrades themselves.

I'm sure it's easier to create a game with that philosophy in mind, but the player experience isn't as much curated to encourage free exploration. The free upgrade path makes exploration locked off more with how many of these tougher enemies can I plow through before dying rather than finding a new upgrade that allows you to traverse the terrain better. Infernax, while closer to a Metroidvania than some other games, dearly suffers from this type of design philosophy. The ones I've played look and play well enough, and this game certainly has the looks, but I often get bored with that experience and drop the game before finishing it.