Hi its me again
If your an apple/windows kinda person i can use your help.
I'm having trouble getting from the g5 (10.3.3) to the windows machines. I have no problem going from windows xp and 2000 to the g5 but no luck the other. way keep getting server did not
respond ???
Work groups are the same and the g5 appears in the list of machines in the work group on the xp machine
And in computers near me on the w2k machines
Im un sure on the format for the go/ connect to server /address window.
I'v tried
"connection failed no response from server. please try again"
smb://ip address/machinename
"connection failed no response from server please try again"
"connection Failed no response from server please try again"
connection failed No response from server. Please try again"
If your an apple/windows kinda person i can use your help.
I'm having trouble getting from the g5 (10.3.3) to the windows machines. I have no problem going from windows xp and 2000 to the g5 but no luck the other. way keep getting server did not
respond ???
Work groups are the same and the g5 appears in the list of machines in the work group on the xp machine
And in computers near me on the w2k machines
Im un sure on the format for the go/ connect to server /address window.
I'v tried
"connection failed no response from server. please try again"
smb://ip address/machinename
"connection failed no response from server please try again"
"connection Failed no response from server please try again"
connection failed No response from server. Please try again"